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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. There are lots and LOTS of good Italian restaurants in Chiang Mai run by real Italians and their Thai wives.

    IMHO Da Stephanos near the main branch of Gecko Books and Thapae Gate is best and they have the best Italian style pizza in Chiang Mai also.

    I like Buonisimo too, but not very centrally located. :o

    I agree that Stephanos Thapae is the best (and maybe the cheapest?) Italian food in Chiang Mai :D

  2. What, are you mad because I'd didn't parrot what you said?? :o

    No, of course I'm not mad. I just think that any real detective or journalist worth their salt would find a shocking story here. I know there are all kinds of folks in the world, but who would try to exploit the old or the ill or the vulnerable?

    Underlying this for me is also an enduring frustration with the KJ case. I just checked the internet. It will be seven years this August.

    Come on Jomama, why respond to the 'safe' question?? Why not respond to my question regarding your accusation of me "trotting out the Thai Bashing term " ?? You said that you've noted it "for years". Please prove it with even just one example. I think it is bullsh&t.

  3. When I first came to CM 3 years ago we looked at buying the old place, but he could never come up with the information regarding his "Claimed" turnover...so I binned it.

    I know the guy that brought it was very upset that Ron opened another place of the same name by the river forcing him to re-market the joint as a Pizza Place.

    I know this because a simlar thread about this ran a few years ago and the new buyer pm'd me to say he got caught for a couple of mill as the Pizza Place did not work out.

    The guy who bought his old place had the worst pizza I have ever had. That was why he failed.

    Maybee the quality of his pzas was poor, but he did not buy a Pizza Place,,he brought a Steak place called the Filmore East, and then found that all the regular customers were frequenting the "New" Filmore East, so all is regaular biz disappeared in a flash as far as I was told.

    Maybe, but as I recall, the new Fillmore East was planned before he sold it. Why would anyone buy a restaurant that had been closed for a couple of months under those circumstances?? The new owner of that place was a guy with no experince in Thailand, nor did he have any restaurant experience. He never opened as 'Fillmore East', but as some silly pizza joint...

  4. Yes, I remember your story. Nnumber one, you haven't met him. Number two, I doubt the guys story because he is a new farang here, unable to communicate in Thai, and likely unable to completely understand his situation, or another Thai persons involvement...

    Just my opinion, of course. I'd like to know the truth here, but I fear that is impossible...

    Number one: My original post was about an older retired guy who has lived in Chiang Mai for at least five years, speaks Thai about as well as I do (which isn't great, but not too bad).

    Number two: Chanchao's account is good enough for me. For those who don't know, Chanchao is a former moderator on this forum, is a volunteer with assisting tourists, has long been active on various forums and has lived in Chiang Mai for "donkey's years." How many credentials does a guy need?

    Number three: I met Tony once when he was attempting to predate.

    Number four: There are now a couple of other first-hand accounts in this thread.

    Number five: A well-known magazine editor has commented on this elsewhere and was quoted by me.

    Number six: Ajarn, what's with you? Unless people say wonderful things about Thailand, you seem to disagree. This is a pattern I've noted for years, then you trot out the old "Thai bashing" term.

    This Tony guy has been at this for a long time and if this thread alerts one possible victim, then it's worthwhile. Not everyone needs a video or sworn affidavit to consider that such a fellow does exist.

    Number six: Ajarn, what's with you? Unless people say wonderful things about Thailand, you seem to disagree. This is a pattern I've noted for years, then you trot out the old "Thai bashing" term.

    What, are you mad because I'd didn't parrot what you said?? :o

    It's simply because this guy is an important person to be aware of here, but I never see anything but unsubstantiated material about him, so I ask about him in an open forum. Sorry if you need something else from me, but what can I say??

    What do you mean by, "then you trot out the old "Thai bashing" term" I have never accused anyone of 'Thai bashing'. But, simply by my living here for more than 22 years, I know how actions by some Thais can be easily mistaken, because newbies have only their own culture and home to judge something or someone new (to them)... So, I ask questions, as I have done here. Have you heard anything from me suggesting 'Tony' is safe or dangerous? No, just some questions..

  5. Ajarn, the text quoted in post #13 (Jomama) was written by me.

    I volunteer for a tourist assistance service, and met a guy who was the victim of a robbery in Chiang Mai, then harassed in the hospital room by a tourist police officer who introduced himself as Tony.

    By all means go have a cup of tea with the guy, I won't lose sleep over it, but I heard it direct from the victim and the info is good enough for me.

    The only issue left to debate is if he's a coward praying on the easiest pray, or that he's actually high up. I personally suspect the former, which does not mean that he's therefore not a dangerous nutter. In either case he's best avoided, in the same way you avoid scammers, drunks, and other obnoxious pests.



    Yes, I remember your story. Nnumber one, you haven't met him. Number two, I doubt the guys story because he is a new farang here, unable to communicate in Thai, and likely unable to completely understand his situation, or another Thai persons involvement...

    Just my opinion, of course. I'd like to know the truth here, but I fear that is impossible...

  6. When I first came to CM 3 years ago we looked at buying the old place, but he could never come up with the information regarding his "Claimed" turnover...so I binned it.

    I know the guy that brought it was very upset that Ron opened another place of the same name by the river forcing him to re-market the joint as a Pizza Place.

    I know this because a simlar thread about this ran a few years ago and the new buyer pm'd me to say he got caught for a couple of mill as the Pizza Place did not work out.

    The guy who bought his old place had the worst pizza I have ever had. That was why he failed.

  7. Sorry, I should have added,'from someone I know'. Any other reports are from people I don't know, add no credibility to the whole story. Who knows if they are telling the truth? Or if there is only 1 police officer with the name 'Tony'...

  8. Another urban myth perpetuated by "those in the know" or think they are. Note many posters specify RUMOR.

    I lived in Chiang Mai for 15 years. Some of the others who are commenting even longer. This is not rumor. Where do you want to get your information? From the police? Or the politicians? Or maybe the Thai newspapers...

    Please read the thread more carefully.

    I want to get my information from people who have at least met him and communicated with him to some degree. Reading this whole thread, I can't find anyone who has talked to him- simply, some reports from others told here thirdhand, with no reports of being ripped off- only offers to help... No credibility in my eyes.

  9. If he was truly well connected what is he doing wasting his time in two-bit tourist girlie bars along with the tuk tuk drivers and other lo-so riff-raff. At the first hint of his victim not being a clueless newbie tourist he buggers off back under his rock.

    Have you ever met Tony? Sure sound like you have...

  10. It's my guess that the bank is asking for work permits to identfy the source of your money. If you have a work permit, you're working and your money is from thailand, and no problem for the bank.. Without a work permit, your money must be from overseas, and assuming you're not a taxpayer (no work permit), the bank is required under newish laws to charge any interest earned at 15 percent... Some banks take the same idea, but do it in strange ways, like figuring out what the percentage point would be minus the 15%, and charge this lesser amount to farangs without work permits. Now, it seems to me that some banks would rather not (generally) deal with farangs without work permits...Like, if you don't have a work permit, then you can't open an account. But, if pressed...

  11. A quick google of Thai Air reveals only one daily flight to CR, the 1.45pm arriving around 3.

    If the papers are coming on Thai then distribution to outlets would be hardly likely much before 5pm.

    One wonders why they don't put them on the Air Asia flight at 6.40am.

    Maybe they do. :o

  12. THe next part is to use throw a half dozen scoops of water to wash the human waste away and to rinse the top of the squat toilet for the next person. That part seemed to be less commonly done and it was not unusual to go into the toilet and find a pile of turd in, on, and around the squat. So before starting you had to clean the toilet yourself. There was also a filthy old toilet brush that usually had bits of shit on it that you could use as well.

    Ahh the memories - the sights and smells of Thailand

    Exactly! Hated those things! Because not only did I find sooo many toilets that needed cleaning, but I was also the cause of many! :D

    That's why I love those hoses! Even though one needs to have good aim with them... When I travel, I check if the hotel has them, or not. If not, it's another hotel for me! Love playing with them :o

  13. Starting point alot less, but similar approach. Am not eating sweets / chocolates / pizza's etc. Bowl of muesli and glass of orange juice in the morning, few cups of very light "coffee" during the day ( i.e. one third of a tea spoon), and then something light at night ( i..e chicken wrap, Japaneses raw fish ).

    Have one day a week I eat anything and everything I want...... can't live all my life without eating a chocolate / ice cream / pizza

    First week not eating lunch was not easy, but substituted fruit first, and then had early dinners ( 4 or 5pm ) , now can happily go to 7pm no problem.

    Loosing a kg a week. (starting point 106, heading down to 92 ). No swimming pool around,and difficult to access as work alot.

    Oh, one thing made my life easier. One day, while watching Opera, she talked about her losing weight. She said that she doesn't eat anything after 7 pm... That made a lot of sense to me, for when I did it, I had no more stomach pains at night from the food digesting. I immediately started sleeping well, too. Personally, I don't eat after 6 pm because I go to bed about 10:00 pm (dek dee :o ) It wasn't difficult to start, either.

  14. Thank you very much for your replys, I will try that shop on the third road, sure a lot cheeper than the price I was told, the chlorine powder I was shown was in a blue and white plastic container, I asked her twice how much and she even went to get a book with the prices in, also a Thai friend who was with me at the time asked her and he got the same price ? just seems crazy ?

    I use the trichlor tablets, about two tabs per week. Cost is 300 baht per 5 tablet tube. Enough in one tube for 2 1/2 weeks...

  15. The only place I know of that cuts there own glasses is located a couple of doors down from the UN Irish Pub. I got some glasses there a few years ago and thought they were good and fast... Sorry, can't remember the name of the place...

    Believe that may be the same place I use. About a hundred meters on the right hand side of Ratchawiti road just off Moon Muang heading east. Usually 1 or two hours service and well equipped, prices reasonable also. Been using his place for a few years now.

    Just realized you mentioned specialty lenses. If it is something like lineless bifocals, then will probably be sent to Bangkok also.

    My place is West off of Moon muang...

  16. Pool Party at Ajarn's house !

    UG will bring The Classics to peruse

    I will bring the "orange cordials"...... :D

    Our first CBR150 bike weekend - EXCELLENT suggestion


    Rule #1: no bikes in the pool!

    My pool, my rules... No problem with bikes in my pool. :o

  17. ~

    My glasses were broken when I was run over by a bus and I need to have a pair cut before I leave for two months on this coming Monday.

    I tried many places in Airport Plaza, even Tokyo where I obtained a prescription, and even called RAM Hospital but everyone seems to order them from Bangkok and I just don't have the time to wait.

    Do any of you know a major eyeglass place that actually cuts even specialty lenses here in CM?

    Help a blind man out here, willya? :o

    The only place I know of that cuts there own glasses is located a couple of doors down from the UN Irish Pub. I got some glasses there a few years ago and thought they were good and fast... Sorry, can't remember the name of the place...

  18. In my time here, I have killed two dogs with my car. I never stopped, so I never paid anything... But, if I did stop and paying was appropriate (kids pet, old lady's pet...) I would give 500 baht or so...

  19. Sounds like what you're doing is working well for you, so I will simply add my congratulations! :D

    Well, 7 kg and counting is nothing compared to your dramatic weight loss. Congrats.... I think the thing it to train your self not to eat all the yummies...... When i get the munchies...... diet coke seems to kill it in its tracks (or an apple like tonight)

    Hey, maybe that's why I live off diet coke! An apple is a favorite along with a banana. I really don't eat much shit food...

    Ajarn is not joking about the Diet Coke...he must buy it wholesale ..last time I was at his place he must have had six cases stacked up there.

    Glad to hear the good news L....well done Mate.

    I have a pool myself but whenever I use it..my back plays up something terrible..my Son says I should learn breast stroke and not crawl.....any truth in this?

    What style do you use Ajarn?

    Yeah, the diet coke hits that spot!

    As for swimming, before my second stroke, I could manage a side stroke without much difficulty. I had back pain at first, too, but the swimming helped it quite a bit. Maybe you just need to swim for a week or so to make the pain go away??

    After my second stroke, it seems that I have forgotten how to swim. Now, I manage some walking, and some leg excercises on the steps... Sometimes I take a nap in the pool... :o

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