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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Simple answer is no one can explain the Baht no matter what the economic outlook is good or bad ridiculous actions and statements from unelected generals makes no difference ????
  2. Pretty unsurprising judging by most of the sanitation here good luck and take your own bog roll to hospital ????
  3. In this mysterious land any adverse fiscal news only serves to strengthen the Baht as my pound evaporates ????
  4. No need for election predictions the result is already in the only question is how much did it cost ????
  5. You can guarantee things will never change as long as cretinous dinosaurs roam this land ????
  6. So some squirming from Uncle Tu before the inevitable payments to make all these nasty allegations go away after all this misunderstanding is where this will go next
  7. Sounds like you ended up in Patpong unfortunately ????
  8. Easy one for me as my Dad got me a ticket for the wrong Arsenal end and I in a Swindon shirt ended with a fat lip ???? 1969 Football League Cup Final - Wikipedia
  9. If ever there is a more stupid insane looking story to broadcast to the world these idiots will find it ????
  10. Sounds like a rely nice sensible down to earth guy that just deserves a good beating ????
  11. Its not dishonest not to want to divulge your information to institutions that want to use it against you but each to their own it works for me ????
  12. Looks like he doesn't want to get infected by the poor with size of that nosebag ????
  13. A few golden rules for an expat is never tell a bank the government your whereabouts maintain a Doctor, address and UK phone number at all costs and never use your bank cards here transfer to wise and use that and this problem wont arise ????
  14. On the bright side the cleaning has now been done ahead of schedule ????
  15. The 15min guarantee of erection has unfortunately expired ????
  16. Were there any rich ones unable/unwilling to inflate a bag my guess is that made up the majority of the other missing violations ????
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