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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Ask Xi if you can have them first or just have a séance and ask Bob Hope ????
  2. Bent is an outrageous slur infinitely flexible in the trouser pocket area is more fitting????
  3. They want to give give us all a gift again and the generals can't wait to receive it ????????
  4. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year stay safe especially on the roads and help someone less fortunate if possible as the disaster of 2022 comes to to an end and the hopes of a better next year begins ???????????? ????
  5. Not looking forward to getting roasted alive whilst shopping 21% more than I'm already ????
  6. Next up the blower sucked into a concrete filled barrel at the bottom of the river in a mysterious suicide ????
  7. Looks like plod have run out of real criminals to chase until 10,000 Russians have gone missing from arrivals ????
  8. Will they have to have to get to the hospital for 6am for a queue number wait 3 hours and be told its the doctors day off come back tomorrow ????
  9. Were there any wine merchants among them to discuss the massive price gouging taxes ????
  10. Rename it the Phoenix after it rises from the ashes ????
  11. Election results are already in it cost a fortune at 300bt a pop but which general will it be is the only unanswered question ????
  12. Looks like they may have visited a hair bow shop yesterday also????
  13. Looks like the perps at the end of the video were wearing full body condoms for ultimate protection ????
  14. Wonder what the Jokers plan is when he finds out there are no senior immigration men left to fire????
  15. I read on news the gold shop owner had a massive gun collection and was a champion marksman with a picture of the gun used it looked like an automatic assault rife rob me no more ????
  16. Don't bother voting the the result is in already Big Tu no stew Big Pom time bomb ????
  17. It's amazing they found him with no vinyl board and pointing stick he must have thought he could just blend in being an embezzler ????
  18. It looks like stupid has been fixed permanently and unfortunately fixed the innocent passenger's also ????
  19. That's the mother of all holy grail question that no mortal will ever get the answer to ????
  20. I bet there will be 1000's of Russians in hiding after figuring out the option is far better to be caught here ????
  21. Looks like the unlucky cat only had one life then ????
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