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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Will he be saying its all a stormy in a teacup covfefe mulud ????
  2. Alternatively you can poke yourself in the eye and cut your own ear off for a similar immersive experience????
  3. The folding of arms and a surly look are strictly enforced though very difficult with a chopper in your hands ????
  4. Please note pianists and accordion players are perfectly safe but Wurlitzer tinkers are on doggy ground ????
  5. Send him to see the phony health minister whilst he's there ????
  6. Looks like the todger police arrived mob handed to toss him off the beach well done ????
  7. Gary Glitter was recalled to prison very recently after a couple of weeks of freedom wonder if he was customer ????
  8. Halfway up soi 88 HH last night a popup road block stop appeared in the middle of nowhere checking DD it was the first ever positive stop for me looking for drinking. when we explained we only had a water at Sizzler that seemed to satisfice the officer there was no money to be made and was waved on our way so drivers beware don't drink and drive ????
  9. More weed less sugar render them incapable of eating I'm waiting for the health minister to say ????
  10. As predicted this will end badly for the greedy Thai's with no moral compass who heralded the hordes arrival very funny times ahead trying to eject them ????
  11. Learn something new everyday I thought only cheats got in ????
  12. Keep up the good work bud and weed out the masquerading health minister leave no stone unturned ????
  13. For your comparison I bought a Honda scopey in 2010 due to production issues with the great flood it was only the Liverpool version available for cash and that cost 52,000bt so 52k 13 years later sounds amazing ????
  14. He fainted at the fine and exit fees he is about to receive ????
  15. I guess the Chinese and Russian miscreants will be happier with a red card ????
  16. I guess the Chinese and Russian miscreants will be happier with a red card ????
  17. Probably hanging up fermenting in a Wuhan market like most of the worlds wildlife ????
  18. Any final farang rinsing of your corpse is unsurprising its their last chance is my guess ????
  19. Easier to stay home stay alive and go for a shower unless that's banned also ????
  20. Who has the dirtiest money to launder? looking at those houses pictured my money is still on the Thais especially police generals ????
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