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Posts posted by khwaibah

  1. It takes me around 10 - 15 minutes to get there on my motorbike.

    I can understand your frustration at the rules and the inconvenience they cause for very little point. Perhaps you could leave the country every 90 days. I believe that there is no need to report if you don't remain in the country for 90 days. You would have to shell out for a multi re-entry permit and stlll do the annual renewal of course.

    For OP that would not work. Office is just a little bit closer than border.

    Not very practical for most people .

    True Chong Chom Border crossing is about 12 km past KCI.

  2. It takes me around 10 - 15 minutes to get there on my motorbike.

    I can understand your frustration at the rules and the inconvenience they cause for very little point. Perhaps you could leave the country every 90 days. I believe that there is no need to report if you don't remain in the country for 90 days. You would have to shell out for a multi re-entry permit and stlll do the annual renewal of course.

    I'm only 600 meters from KCI.biggrin.png

  3. If the OP can show that Korat immigration is closer than Kap Choeng then Korat Immigration will let you do your report there but you will have to do your yearly at KCI. Most people in the extreme western districts of Buriram are allowed to report to Korat. By Google earth your about 185 km from Korat and 125 from Kap Choeng Immigration. BTW they stooped the roving immigration service in January 2012.

  4. If you are based here in Thailand, working with Work Permit, and such, I think she'll have a pretty good chance of getting the visa. The presumption of the interviewing ConOff is often that her stay in the U.S. is tied to your stay, and since you're coming back, she will, too.

    When she goes for the interview, BE SURE that she has your original passport and Work Permit in hand and right on top of anything else she might present to the interviewer. Put one of those highlight tabs on your passport's page with your visa extension and Re-Entry Permit so it shows up easily to the interviewer.

    If you do a TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN cover letter, keep it short, just say:

    -- she's your girlfriend of x years

    -- You're working here with Work Permit and Thai Immigration visa extensions for x years.

    -- Taking a short visit to US as you usually do, but this time with her. Coming back xx January.

    What ever else she takes with her might not even get looked at.


    Remember SHE, NOT you must show why she will return to Thailand. Money and assists in themselves are not a guaranty. Does she have parents, siblings or children, if so show it. How strong is your relationship. If she can does this she is in.

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  5. Airport Taxis on Three Day Strike – not happy about new fees imposed on them Sep 6, 2013


    CityNews – Around 100 Chiang Mai Airport metered taxis are presently on strike in protest against the new fees they have been asked to pay.


    The taxi company is Nakorn Lanna Deon Rod Cooperative, but it is the concessionaire, Jed Yod Brothers Company, that has increased the fees from 7,500 baht per month to 9,500 baht, as well as another 20,000 baht a year. The drivers have said this is just not acceptable.

    The strike started on 4th September at 5.15 p.m. when drivers and their cars gathered at Baan Pak Tadsanojorn on Mahidol Road. They will stay there for 3 days.

    Mods move if needed.

  6. Sila Art Station during Sept 16-Oct 31 to Solve Train Derail problem.
    13784592716518-640x390x2.jpg Major overhaul of 300km of rail ltrack from Uttaradit's Sila Art station to Chiang Mai during Sept 16-Oct 31 to solve train derail problem.
    By English News | 6 Sep 2,556th four twenty-one p.m. | 21 views |. View Comment.
    Major overhaul of 300km of rail ltrack from Uttaradit's Sila Art station to Chiang Mai during Sept 16-Oct 31 to solve train derail problem.

    Mods move if warranted.

  7. Thank you for the information.

    I see few houses and no phone lines in the area that I am interested in.

    My wife spoke to a few people and no one had a TOT phone or internet in the area.

    I don't suppose it is possible that the phone lines on a country road could be underground? (joking)

    We're also in Doi Saket area, close to ring road. only a few houses around & no phone lines etc. Tried 3BB for internet and they weren't interested, even though we were current customers elsewhere. Then went into the local TOT office on the 118 road & they were amazingly helpful. Got a landline number on the spot - even had a choice of numbers to select from & signed up for an ADSL connection as well. The nearest TOT junction box is about 500 metres from our house & just a few days after signing up, there was a TOT pickup truck on our soi & a couple of guys with bamboo poles stringing up my phone cable all the way from the junction box to our house & we were connected up! Surprisingly & amazingly simple. Phone & internet come on a combined bill for easy payment.

    I expected this was going to cost me dearly, however all that happened was that I had to sign a bit of paper stating that I would reimburse TOT the line installation cost (a few thousand Baht - can't remember exactly) if I cancelled the service within 12 months of signing up! A copy of my passport was required & that was that - all done.

    The phone works perfectly & the ADSL internet has proven to be pretty reliable. Due to the length of the line from house to junction box, the speed is not super fast, but more than acceptable for everyday use. Certainly far far better than having to rely on 3G. I was just thrilled to get a connection, when I thought it'd be impossible! Oh yes, this all happened relatively recently - about 10 months ago.

    So head along to the TOT office closest to you and ask the question - you may be very pleasantly surprised!

    Good luck!

    That sounds promising as i`m not far from the 121 & 118 intersection.

    I`m not familiar with the area and don` know where the ToT office is...^ near that 121&118 intersection?

    Try this. Google Earth. GPS 18.8141360552, 99.0328987427 . On the south side of the 118 just east of the Texaco Station.

    • Like 1
  8. Not related to above CM-HK...but been reading this week that City Airways is hoping to start flying between BK ( The Don) and Chiang Mai.

    Checked their web but pretty basic.....still..

    Anyway in my book the more the merrier.

    Wife had to do a quick R/T last week and Bangkok Airways came out with best last minute fares....keep them a coming.....

    The average age of their fleet is 20 years old. whistling.gif

  9. Went to the e-visa site and found out that at both Chong Jom and Chong Sa Ngam the e-visa is only good on exits. Does this mean there is no visa-on-demand going in?

    30 day Cambodia visa is 20 USD or 1000 baht at both crossings.

    Cong Sa Ngam Thai Immigration Departure. Taken 9-01-13


    Surin Bus station to Chong Chom Border crossing 72 km. Transportation excellent.

    Surin Bus station to Chong Sa Ngam 102 km. Transportation spotty.

  10. Good luck with your search for the Saudi embassy in Bangkok. You can't just apply for a visa for Saudi, this is a quite tricky thing and your customer or employer has to be involved. You seem not really know what it is about to work there, even you say that you are already in contact with a recruiter. Don't get shanghaied.....


    Sent from my phone

    Agree with fatfather..Its totally up to your recruiter to process your details not you. BTW it is not called a work visa.

    You will be paid in Saudi Riyals then you transfer.


  11. There is a continuous flow of minibuses coming out of Surin taking gamblers to the border casino at C Chom. You can get a visa at the border but don't forget 1) photo& $20 or 1000b and 2) the implications on your Thai visa when leavng the country.

    There are buses and many Cambodian taxi men waiting at the border for trips to SR.

    All easily done in a day.

    60 baht from Surin Bus station to Chong Chom Border Crossing by van. 2000 to 2500 baht by taxi to SR in 2 hours from the crossing. Evisas are not accepted at Chong Chom or Choam Sa-Ngam. With any kind of luck you can be on Pub St in 3 hours after you leave Surin.

  12. Free health insurance is only for Thais and permanent residents. Quite frankly I can't see any beneifit of having a yellow housebook and it it is certainly not "coveted" by any expat who has been here long enough to know that it gives no avantage over those who dont have one.

    Hi gamini, I am afraid you are wrong, I have a yellow book and get free treatment,tablets,examinations,and blood work done every month,

    at my local Government hospital, and I rate it better than Lana hospital,the Nurses,Doctors are very friendly and helpful,and seem to take

    a real interest in my problems, while the Dr. at Lana,was not happy at all when you did not buy the medicines from their dispensary,at

    inflated prices.

    So I am one Expat who coverts his yellow book,

    regards Worgeordie

    Please advise ,what documentation do you need before applying for this book? Thanks in advance.

    No two amphurs in Thailand have the same requirements. The only thing in common is they all require a certificate of residence(in Thai) from immigration. Best you go visit YOUR local amphur office and verify with them their requirements.

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