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Everything posted by Emdog

  1. "... agreement has been reached with major online platforms such as Lazada, Shopee, and TikTok Shop," Just for laughs, bust them like you do with mom and pop shops selling knock off Gucci bags and such. Essentially the same crime "Sell 5 fake Vutton bags, you're a crook. Sell a thousand and you're retailer of the year"
  2. I wonder if Lord Buddha had a monk certificate? As everything is Maya/illusion, perhaps could argue that all monks, all people, everything is not real...
  3. "...accidentally drove his motorbike into a communication wire that was dangling across the road..." "accidentally implies he made some sort of error (moving to Thailand?). Gives impression communication wires across the road are to be expected.... hmmm okay... it was his fault: should always leave abode with the attitude "They're all trying to kill me!"
  4. I really do question editorial decisions.... keep mentioning he once was a sailor... SO WHAT? Has 100% absolutely NOTHING to do with the story. Nothing. Thanks, I needed that....
  5. Glad the rotten old bastard is finally dead, but still wish he'd stood trial for the many crimes against humanity he engineered
  6. “They said that these people are living illegally in Thailand regardless of their having the U.N. card [recognizing refugee status] or not and that Thailand did not accommodate people coming illegally." Reminds me of when all those Uygurs that had refugee status, were rounded up and sent back to China... to face death? we don't know what became of them What we do know is that shortly after the roundup we had the bombing of Erawan Shrine
  7. In my best valley girl speak "Well, yeah, duh, for sure..." On first glance at headline, I thought it read "Meth designed platforms to get children addicted" I would rather be in a "shooting gallery" full of heroin addicts than a roomful of teens swiping about on social media... more chance of having real social contact. Easier to kick that junky habit too
  8. Probably turned in by the Chinese begging gangs... can't really picture Thai cops looking into this from their own sense of law enforcement, duty
  9. Hardly qualifies as a "rampage" in my book.... but then again, I am an American
  10. Need an easy to access eyeroll response emoji.... how about a job well done (aka "law enforcement") would be thanks enough for coming to visit for most tourists I would imagine. These stunts (like that mass of cops the other day) seem to underscore how woefully clueless and inept the BIB here in sin city truly are
  11. it does mean something if you are on the receiving end of a violent assault
  12. Clean tap water? Slippery slope alert! Next thing ya know might promise pesticide free food... is there no end to this maddness?
  13. 15-20 years ago the women looked like 1957 tinsel Las Vegas bad taste hookers... a bit better now I live off of 2nd road... there are large stretches without other people around or decent lighting. I don't go to those areas after 8 pm She went to 7/11... maybe it was 'that time of month'. Unlike the "women" some of her detractors date here, real women have what it is known as a "period" monthly. Need supplies
  14. Given Thailand's record of being on the losing side(s), I would expect any mercenaries to join up with Hamas
  15. Interesting (?) choice of stock photo for this story: crashed motorbike and driver on ground with a full helmet with mask. I'd say masked helmets will never catch on here: too hard to see the text you're working on while driving down the road here
  16. What a dastardly thing to do: stockpile a commodity to wait for a price rise Meanwhile, the gov passes a bill to spend millions (billions?) to.... stockpile rice to wait for a price rise gotta love this place
  17. Thanks for the info... interesting I suppose here in Thailand they might have unicorn crosswalks: they don't exist... nyuk nyuk
  18. I've been here about 20 years, and this is the mega whopper, the leviathan of are-you-kidding-ville, off the charts you-can't-make-this-up absurdity award. But all makes sense: look who gave this out: "The ITA Awards, organized by the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC), were chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Energy, Pirapan Salirathavibhaga."
  19. Odd... wonder why The Pattaya News has to be source of story about Bangkok... My experience in Pattaya crosswalks if 50-50 at best. Puffin Crosswalks? Pelican crosswalks? I'm a geezer and have never heard of such things. Nearest thing I know of is Chuck Berry's duck walk
  20. I did a rewrite of Hotel California for this place, last bit goes like this: "Last thing I remember as she headed for the door You help family me maybe pay a little more "forget it" I said "That's all you'll receive I don't pay you to stay.... I pay you to leave"
  21. I did. I'm asking you to point out where you got the info... copy and paste or otherwise provide link in article please
  22. Maybe this sort of action should be encouraged... rid the kingdom of these pathetic types! Over talking with a man while taking clothes to wash?
  23. I saw no stats or other numbers regarding Thailand DV in the article you cite. Can you help this ignorant person out and show where it is hidden? Much of what I have heard is anecdotal or from the news, but my perception is that Thailand has more than its share of domestic violence, tho no where near as high as the middle east
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