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Everything posted by Emdog

  1. In my experience the pot/kettle usually applies when both parties are engaging in wrong doing... to me a more appropriate statement might be "Do as I say, not as I do" Cheers
  2. I agree China should have one government. The one in Taiwan. What they have done on that island in the last 75 outshines any growth the PRC may have had. And after much struggle, they are a democracy.
  3. Is the "positive cash flow" due to revenues from transporting people and freight or does the flow come from selling off assets? Did they mention "profits"? That would be important to me in deciding if Thai was recovering
  4. I assume aimed at US/Western Europe audiences. We're way ahead of that here in Thailand in the wet and warm categories
  5. If they want to get into the US to claim political asylum as a basis, it begs the question why can't they apply for asylum in Mexico? I'm a liberal, but this is messed up & that most are coming for economic reasons. If that wasn't so, they would have stopped & applied for asylum as soon as they left the dangerous country they are citizens of....
  6. I thought we got a new chief just a few months ago.... better check my medication....
  7. Bit of "folk wisdom" in the USA: "Don't pick a fight with an old man. He'll just get a gun and shoot you." and so it goes
  8. As my marketing prof back at uni said "ALL tastes are acquired".... I like cheese, yes it is rotten milk. Some western folks go yuck at termite egg soup, and the Thais fire back about beef... and if you go several months without eating, it does have a peculiar taste til you acclimatize. I've never had those French cuisine mainstays of snail and frog legs and have no plan to. I have eaten insects here (grubs) and somewhat like puff cheetos IMO
  9. What is to become of the child brides? And if they have had children? Just going to live on the street? And yes, it was Hindu AND Muslim clerics that enabled this...
  10. Cite your legit sources that "it has been corrected that it was a lie".... according to who? Defense Department? OAN "news"
  11. Suggestion for TAT: "Pattaya: it will take your breath away"
  12. Do wonder why he waited this long. Seems a simple enough case: drop laptop off to be fixed, shop steals the contents and unload them to others of similar political bent who must know this is stolen. If I hire someone to come fix my plumbing, that should be all they fix. Robbing me because they have access is a no no.
  13. Could be tempting to cheap Charlies looking for perhaps a free meal while ship is sinking. A "dine and splash" caper
  14. Should have been "less disliked" (rather than absurd "better liked") if you want some accuracy in headlines
  15. Human rights? Must have forgotten about shipping 100 or so Uyghurs off to China although they had been granted refugee status by the UN.
  16. '...meteorological factors are the controlling factors for PM2.5 concentrations." I suppose governments doing nothing to limit pollution, lax or non existent enforcement of burning laws etc have no impact on PM2.5 concentrations....
  17. This assumes some sort of cause-effect relationship between holes and dementia. Time to go back to school here and learn some basic logic and reasoning skills.
  18. "One of the issues TAT will focus on will be increasing airline seat capacity." If Thailand could increase demand, the airlines would increase supply of seats. And at the same time TAT wants to increase charter flights, which I assume would eat into regular scheduled commercial flights. Right and left hands don't know what they're doing? Someone suggested audit of where funds go, but I'd bet decision makers already know exactly where the money goes
  19. Are there plenty of signs at airports and other points of entry in various languages (including Chinese) that E cigarettes are illegal? Anything on immigration form(s). I don't smoke, so don't know.... But considering how third world Thailand is considering pollutants that go into lungs, most tourists might assume vaping is okay.
  20. Stupid. Why offer this only to Chinese? Plenty of rich dudes with no compunction to be treated equally to some back packer. Job and income opportunities abound. "..as well as vicarious thrills that are provided by VIP experiences..." definition of vicarious: "experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person." are they talking "live show"? Heck, could go imagination route without leaving home. Myself, I prefer an "all hands on Dek" approach in those sorts of opportunities
  21. Usually the lifeguards are sitting at a table down by soi 7, staring at their phones, back to the sea or around Sea Breeze, doing about the same. Heaven forbid they should glance at the water: might see someone in need. I've watched their morning assemblies and exercises... hmmm how about going for a swim? They wear more clothes than you would see at a Taliban beach barbecue
  22. I look at AQi for entertainment... yesterday Pattaya air was far worse than Bangkok. Go figure
  23. Could some of that LPG been stored under passenger seats? I know they have done that with normal fuel, wonder if possible to do the same with LPG. Fireball waiting to happen
  24. Of course it doesn't add up to 10 million. The list is what was recovered from the condo.... where the rest went will be the fun part of investigation
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