You can msg me if u want to know; don't want any fallout by publicizing the name.
But I do need to clarify my earlier statement.
My insurance policy states that pre-existing conditions are not covered during the first year of the policy unless the covered person has declared the pre-existing condition at the time of application AND the insurance company agrees to cover said pre-existing condition. Or, all pre-existing conditions not known at the time of the application are/willbe covered if having had continual policy coverage by the company for 3 successive years, and has had no symptoms or sought medical advice for a period of 5 years for a suspect condition before the inception of the first policy year.
Apologize for my brevity of my first response; it was not totally correct.
But still, never has my insurance company taken a position that something that they had covered was now a pre-condition at the time of the policy renewal.