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Posts posted by howerde

  1. 18 minutes ago, phetchy said:

    Most of the categories permitted entry to Thailand include a prerequisite that you have $100,000 worth of health insurance "for the whole of the period of your stay in Thailand".  I assume that a fair number of farangs taking up the offer will be married to a Thai and consider Thailand as home.  In which case are they required to pay for the insurance for the rest of their days in the country?

    The $100 000 insurance is specific to covid-19 which at the moment non thais need  to enter for you stay, those entering on non o by marriage or thai children, get 90 days on entry so they only need 90 days of this insurance, at this time there is no need to keep that insurance when you extend your stay. People on a non imm O-A  stamped in for a year so they need this insurance for a year, as well as needing health insurance that covers 40 000baht outpatient care and 400 000 inpatient for as long as they stay in Thailand

    • Like 1
  2. 45 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    The 14-day SQ/ASQ is still required by ALL incoming passengers regardless of their nationality.


    Also add Thai Airways to that list. According to the RTE London website, Thai nationals using TG flights qualify for free SQ that is assigned after arrival and the initial PCR test. ie. they don't get to chose where they quarantine. Thai nationals using any other airlines will need to book and pay in advance for ASQ, just like non-Thai passengers have to.


    Travelers can now book their own flights direct with the airlines but they still need to get the CoE from the RTE London who will need the flight details, PCR test, fit-to-fly, ASQ booking confirmation, etc..


    With the Thai repatriation effort pretty much done and dusted as far as RTE London is concerned, not sure if foreigners can avail themselves of the TG/free SQ deal that applied for Thai-only during the full-on repatriation effort.



    Not so sure about that my December flight with Thai was cancelled on Sunday, i phoned i was told that any flights in december would be repatriation flights, and i know there are plenty of Thais waiting to go 

  3. 46 minutes ago, mlkik said:

    I have had little success in searching so have posted here. 


    Thai Embassy in London have suggested if I want to return to Thailand to apply for this visa.

    this place does them. it.s listed




    How much does it cost?

    Our Thai visa medical costs just £90. Please note, any further tests such as ECG or blood tests would be at additional cost. If a chest x-ray is required, we will refer you to one of our partner clinics with prices starting from £75.

  4. 5 hours ago, theoldgit said:

    From October 2020, Thai nationals in the United Kingdom and Ireland wishing to return to Thailand can purchase tickets directly from the airlines that are permitted to fly to Bangkok, so providing the flight is operating it shouldn't be a problem.


    A friend of mine is returning on an Eva flight, which he booked himself, later this month, he already has his CoE.


    My only caveat is that things could change at any time.



    I'm interested in this as i am about to return to Thailand, the Eva AIR website shows no flights avaiable this year, i phoned their headquarters on Monday and they said they were not flying passengers from heathrow to bangkok at the moment, i did find flights from heathrow direct to Tapei, i know the Thai london embassy states that more airlines can fly, put can only see emirates and Qatar have flights you can book is it possible this is a flight booked a while ago?   

  5. 1 minute ago, Guderian said:

    Even if you applied for a Non-OA you'd still have little prospect of getting back unless you have Thai family here. An article earlier on said that so far, only 50 people in total with the expensive Thai Elite visa have been allowed in, so what hope for a cheapo Non-OA?

    O-A 0-x are allowed back at least from london,  

    Requirements for Certificate of Entry during travel restriction


    9 Jul 2020

    For diplomats and officials of international organisations

    For work permit holders 

    For non-Thai who are going to work in Thailand

    For family members of Thai nationals (spouse/children)

    For medical treatment in Thailand

    For students in formal education at school or university levels

    For holders of Certificate of Residence

    For long-stay visa holder (Non-Immigrant O-A/O-X)

    For Elite Card holders

    • Thanks 1
  6. 42 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    Had to read your post twice. Yes there is zero chance of mass visitors from world wide for long time. Current news regarding UK moving to tighter controls etc. Also many other countries far worse. India France, the list goes on.

    The STV is a scam.

    Will allow minimal folk from China and few token countries. 

    It's a red herring.

    The subject is non-o and those with valid non-o re entry permits people getting back, not mass visitors

    • Like 2
  7. 13 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:


    what is this "OR"?   you can apply using either type of policy?

    and then the 40/400 thai policy will be required for extension, but not the covid cover?


    what is the 100k (for 1 year validity)?  does the policy need to be valid for 1 year?  or are they referring to a 1-year validity of the visa?

    that 'or' has to be a mistake it implies all you would need for an O-A is a covid-19 policy and no need for the 40 000 outpatient care 400 000 for inpatient

  8. The long stay insurance 40000 out patient inpatient 400 000, does not have to be bought from a thai company, when renewed after a year then it does have to come from the list. it is not that obvious from the London embassy website but if you follow the link to the tgia site at the top of the page where all the companies are there is a link to download the form (foreign policy) fill that in with your non Thai policy.

    Remember that most if not all thai policies have a cut off age of 75 for new policies(well the ones on tgia list), if you have taken one out before 75 then they will likely renew it, just something to consider if you plan renewing in a year

  9. 54 minutes ago, PaulJ said:

    Thanks very much but for example Emirates show flights back to Thailand from UK but they keep cancelling.

    I’m happy to try and get a COE but was just concerned commercial flights will actually go back and then I will allowed in with the COE 

    I am also not sure how this update fits with the Chinese charter flights into Phuket with a special visa.

    My apologies if I’m missing something basic it just doesn’t seem that clear to me.


    You won't get a COE unless you have a confirmed ticket, plenty of reports of no issues with Emirates, flights from china are a separate issue and are not related to flying from uk

    • Thanks 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Sheryl said:


    They are administering it (in Russia), without benefit of Phase III trials.


    Most countries prefer to wait until a vaccine is proven safe and effective.

    Doesn't that mean years for proof?  other vaccines have taken 8 years of trials before being distributed


  11. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    It states this on the London embassy website.

    "3. Copy of health insurance policy which covers COVID-19 related medical expenses in Thailand no less than 100,000 USD for the whole period of your stay in Thailand"

    If entering on a non-o visa that would be 90 days. If with re-entry permit for a extension of stay it would be to the date it expires.

    Ubonjoe does this mean someone entering on an O-A / O-X would need cover for a year or 90 days as they still need to report

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