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Posts posted by howerde

  1. 2 hours ago, mlkik said:

    I have just checked the London website and the O-A and O-X have been removed from the drop down menu which you access to apply for the COE.

    Maybe it is being changed to allow Non O ,I hope so. But maybe I am mistaken as it is 05.30 in the morning here and my brain is not as yet functioning well 555

    the O-A O-X, options were never there in the first place, a few people who applied used the special arrangement option, they were contacted and told they would be added in the next 5 days, i don't know if people who selected special arrangement were given COE or have to wait till it a appears

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, Thomas J said:

    3.  Does that mean that a person on an retirement visa if they left Thailand would upon return to Thailand need to obtain health insurance permanently if hey were planning on staying in Thailand indefinitely?  This seems problematic given that at some age, health insurance would not be obtainable. 

    Indeed i can see this being a big problem in the future, the Thai insurance is not that good or cheap and with age restrictions, i looked some require a medical at 61! should you have a claim or 2, you would probably not be insurable by your 70s. or earlier

  3. I'll try,   don't get confused between the Health insurance requirement  for O-A OR O-X visa,   and the $100 000 Covid-19 insurance to enter thailand


    1/ O-X was always 3 million or 1.8 made up to 3 million within a year 

     2/ O-A and O-X require insurance for you entire stay, this changed a few years ago 

        the  40 000 and 400000 have not changed, 1st year you can use a home policy but future years you need to buy a policy from tgia list


    the $100 000 is a Covid-19 requirement that you need to have for a COE to enter Thailand or indeed board an aircraft.

    If you are outside  Thailand with  an O-A visa then you must already hold health insurance, as long as it specifies the 100 000 and states Covid-19 then you are ok, if it does not state Covid-19 then you need cover for that, it can be bought from a thai company or any where, it is supposed to cover your entire stay, but most seem to just

    buy a month or few months of cover to comply with entry requirements.





    • Thanks 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:

    Yes, use of the Foreign Insurance Certificate is only possible when applying for the Non Imm O-A Visa.  But as holder of a Non Imm O-X Visa you can only make use of the specific O-X approved policies issued by TGIA-associated insurers. 

    For some reason or another there are LESS of such insurers approved to issue a Non Imm O-X Visa compliant policy, than for the Non Imm O-A Visa.  Possibly because the Non Imm O-X Visa is quite rare and to meet its financial requirements you need to have real deep pockets.

    Thanks for that, it is all clear now

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, Pib said:

    That site also provides a link titled "Download Overseas Insurance Certificate" which supposedly when completed then your foreign insurance can be used the first time.   But getting your foreign insurance company to complete the certificate may be a challenge.



    Now if the insurance you had was from a Thai insurance company but was "not" one of the policies listed/blessed for an OA visa/extension then even a Thai insurance policy would be rejected like the Thai Pacific Insurance policy you mentioned in your other post.

    Sorry i should have said my Pacific insurance was bought via the tgia website and that is what the embassy said at the time, my origianl policy was Thai, its all pointless now as i am still in UK and never got to use it and will have to buy from the tgia as it will be renewal, my visa is the O-X

  6. 4 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:

    I checked the link you provided, and indeed the Thai Embassy in London does not mention that applicants for the Non Imm O-A Visa can make use of a FIC (Foreign Insurance Certificate) when they already have health-insurance that meets the 400K/40K in/out-patient requirements.

    The Embassy website just states:

    Copy of evidence stating that applicants have insurance as per stipulated by the Office of Insurance Commission and health insurance of Thailand which has insurance money for outpatient not less than 40,000 Baht and for inpatient not less than 400,000 Baht. Please check http://longstay.tgia.org> for more information regarding the insurance requirement.

    I did take a look whether that is a UK only practice, and that seems to be the case as the website of the Thai Embassy in Brussels still mentions that FIC option.

    • The Foreign Insurance Certificate signed by Insurance Company (only the original document is accepted). Download the Certificate here
    • The Original health insurance document (in case of foreign insurance). In case of Thai insurance, the original or copy of the insurance can be accepted.****


    I hope the embassy have changed the requirement, if anyone is applying through London, then it would be worth emailng them as things can change

  7. 7 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


    You can actually use a foreign policy for the initial visa, but for extensiosn yes it has to come from that list

    Not in London, i had mine issued this year and they would not accept my Thai pacific cross insurance, and as i said when i picked up my visa they stated that they checked that my policy had been bought viaa tgia



  8. 1 hour ago, Robin said:

    Health Insurance for the duration of stay in Thailand?  Since my Retirement visa expires next June, does that mean insurance until then??

    It is difficult not to think that these rules are being made up as they go along.  Official Government Policy?

    All  O-A and O-X visa holders must have insurance bought from here

    https://longstay.tgia.org/      you need to to get the visa, you must be on a non 0 (retirement) which does not need insurance

  9. 57 minutes ago, sqwakvfr said:

    This is one of the requirements for the Helsinki Embassy


    1.4 Cover letter/email stating urgent need to enter Thailand


    If one is on an OA and is not married to a Thai or has children then what would qualify as “urgent”?   


    At this time I cannot find any other Thai Embassy that is considering an OA holder for a COE.  

    The Thai  Swiss embassy allows O-A and O-X  visal holders to get a COE

  10. 43 minutes ago, MRToMRT said:

    I see the new CCSA list is now out AND retirees are still not included from my reading of it. Even short term tourism is allowed FGS.

    The Thai embassy london shows non immigrant visa and re entry permit can apply for COE, as well as using 5 airlines



  11. 20 minutes ago, Ganesh108 said:

    Actually, as Thailand apparently doesn't want us and our money, maybe those of us who want to remain in Asia, should make a collective appeal to the Malaysian government - PLEASE TAKE US IN! Also to the Singapore government, for those who want to stay a bit more upmarket. 


    Combined, the two countries could possibly get 100 planeloads of Covid-free people, staying on for months. 


    Sounds crazy? Not crazier than what the Thai government came up with today.



    Well Malaysia  has closed its borders til at least 31 Dec  and no short term visitors allowed into Singapore, so Thailand would be ahead of them in letting tourists in, i also believe that all surrounding countries have closed their borders, so perhaps they are all working together to keep tourists out, does that sound crazy?

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