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Posts posted by howerde

  1. Many considerations, the social status/age and many other aspects decide the 'WAI', just as the height of your hands, how firmly grasped of just loose, kind of just like a limp handshake, most non Thais are clueless they just think a 'wai' is a handshake,

    I find a nod and a wink does it.

  2. Smart girls go to Bangkok to get a well paid office job. Beautiful ones become mia noi's . Gold diggers become bargirls. The dumb & not good lookers stay in their home village and get pregnant , some of them get lucky with a 7/11 or supermarket job. The good for nothing can still work at the gasstation or carwash. The unlucky get to work in the rice fields. That about covers the future of girls living in the boonies.

    Sad but true, an education from a local government school, will be next to worthless, very few options in Thailand unless you have been to a good university or better getting a degree out Thailand .What job was/is their mother doing and what about the female members of her family?

    PS If I had kids no way could I afford a decent education, I would be bringing them back to Europe

  3. Based on other media reports of today I'm surprised that there are any immigration guys working on the Thai/Cambo border at the moment.

    A gaggle of immigration guys at Sa Kaew have been removed due to the first bombing suspect apparently paying Bt18,000 to enter Thailand with a false passport. Add this to the second suspect having just been picked up at the same border crossing I would guess that entry and exit formalities at all related border crossings will be rather more difficult for those without visas.

    Good luck to any border runners in the coming days. I think they will need it.

    Can you provide links to the "media reports" ?

    Or is this just more TV member rumour ?

    Being reported in the BP. No links allowed.

    Perhaps you should expand your news gathering sourcessmile.png

    Indeed the BBC are reporting that a second suspect has been arrested on Cambodian border, so i would believe dabhands replies are spot on. i would get a flight out, wlll be quickest solution,

  4. I would not be selling a house in the UK if i was in your shoes(not this early on). staying in Thailand for a few months is fine but at the tender age of 45, can you see yourself living the lifestyle you describe for the next 30+ years, i have stayed with friends in that area, most were around 60 and frankly they were bored, most had been there 5+ years. It also depends on your skills, can you get a job if you return to the uk, at 45?, Also if things did go wrong a few years down the line, the 30 lease on the building will be a millstone round your neck,unable to move on or sell, you will be leaving with nothing. take your time,

    Hiya Howerde

    Thanks for all of Your comments

    I understand Your point in regards to Lifestyle the thing is I have never been a Materialistic person even though I could have been.I really cannot stand the ways of the West anymore and that has been happening for Years as well.

    Every bit of time I have spent in Rural Thailand I have felt totally at Home (Climate/Pace of Day/Chores to do etc.The boredom thing however is real and I accept that even though I am very good at amusing Myself and finding things to do.

    As far as the Land Lease goes I have always said and accepted that the Land and House will always stay with My GF no matter what as far as I am concerned that is the least that She deserves and I really mean that.

    Everything that You have said were already on My list and I am still giving them all serious thought

    I am just thinking that I would rather spend some Younger years in Thailand opposed to only Experiencing it at an Older age and the renting option will probably mean staying here even longer bah.gif

    Do you think the renting option is really an option now i.e. would I have enough in total



    With reference to money, i would not be moving to Thailand unless i had 80000-100000 per month, not including health insurance, i do not like eating basic food, ie sticky rice and some veg, i like to travel holidays etc etc, i think you will find yourself trapped in village life with people you have nothing in common with, keep the house in the UK for now and see in a few years time, never under estimate the pressure your GF will be put under, by her family, remember what is yours is there to share, you are joining her family. think communal living. good luck with what ever you do

  5. I would not be selling a house in the UK if i was in your shoes(not this early on). staying in Thailand for a few months is fine but at the tender age of 45, can you see yourself living the lifestyle you describe for the next 30+ years, i have stayed with friends in that area, most were around 60 and frankly they were bored, most had been there 5+ years. It also depends on your skills, can you get a job if you return to the uk, at 45?, Also if things did go wrong a few years down the line, the 30 lease on the building will be a millstone round your neck,unable to move on or sell, you will be leaving with nothing. take your time,

  6. I thought the poster was referring to tranvestites, but as i've mentioned it, is there a low season?, i don't want to turn up and be disappointed. any advice would be welcomed

  7. Koh lipe is great, but this is low season a lot of places will be closed closed can be rainy, this churns up the sea, the local boats don't run so if you don't mind been stuck inside, There is Pattaya beach and walking street! ! so it should be cheaper at this time, there were lots of malaysian and chinese there last feb when i went was quite a good mix of people mostly in 20-30 age group, plenty of bars but low key, but it is almost on the verge of becoming ruined by the amount of tourists, i had some of the best food in Thailand there. Langkawi can be reached by ferry (not sure if it runs this time of year)

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