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Everything posted by animalmagic

  1. The telephone book when held against the chest of a suspect and then hit with a hammer allows the force to be felt over a larger area whilst avoiding the contact bruising caused by blunt force trauma.
  2. If they are seeking a reprieve from listening to a nutter, then they better not listen to the Govt news here................or read this forum ????
  3. Purging a certain element of a population based on their religious, cultural or political leanings! You mean like ethnic cleansing? Perhaps from there they should move on to the 'final solution' and the creation of 'lebensraum' for their own pure breeds? Who are the Nazis?
  4. Fully agree with this. Fitted SatNavs are only upgraded when you take the car to the dealer for a service; maps on cellphones are updated regularly and require no effort from you. I leave my car satnav on for reference but always use a cell phone map when going somewhere new and need directions.
  5. The age demographic of this group is probably way past being young and well into the 'the older I get, the better I was' category. Not exactly the best group to ask about youth suicide; perhaps better to ask some young people?
  6. I am sorry that you are so triggered by my expression of sympathy and compassion towards another person who has lost their friend and companion of many years.
  7. Deepest sympathies, know how you feel. A dog lives long enough to break your heart.
  8. Looking good, do you deliver? Try them with a nice bit of Wensleydale. Trust me, the rich fruit goes really well with the slightly milky sour taste - you can use Lancashire or Cheshire cheese as well.
  9. For 'property' I hope you meant responsibility? Following your logic the 13 year old (child) mother and her child both become the property/responsibility of a man if the marriage is allowed. Nope, still not seeing how marriage at 13, or even 15 as has been allowed, protects any child.
  10. I'm not really sure how a law, IF used, allowing Judges to give permission to marry at 13 actually protects the child.
  11. Siam Expat Food shop on Siam Country Club road is probably closer to your location near the Dolphin. Last time I was there I saw Warburtons on sale.
  12. Ubonjoe has given accurate info on here. From personal experience I have had no problems using the card in any of the APEC countries I have travelled to and have used fast track immigration in all of them. In Thailand I have found it to be very useful with no problems raised or given by Immigration on entry or exit. The only time I have been given less than 90 days on arrival without any other visa was when the guy applied the wrong stamp. I returned, asked politely and he rectified his error with a smile. It is difficult to say what is happening in the poster's case as he does not say which country issued the card or what processes he went through. Mine was issued by an APEC economy but the approval process can take up to 4 months as the issuing Immigration Dept gets pre approved clearance for visa free entry in each of the participating economies. This takes time for each one. I do know that on arrival in USA an APEC card allows the holder to use a special channel to speed up entry to the country. I would suggest that the poster looks at the back of his card to check which countries it is valid for travel to; I think mine covers all but USA and CAN are not covered. Hope this helps.
  13. How can you say 'unsolicited advice' when you posted on a public forum looking for advice?
  14. Or maybe he is doing it for people he knows who want to buy cheap and redevelop? Although I doubt that Evergrande are in a buying mood.
  15. Wait for the bars to reopen?
  16. They have probably already decided who the buyers will be!
  17. You make some very good points and I also cannot see the logic. Bankrupt a certain line of business or some powerful business groups and then somebody else takes over? Just theorising!
  18. ????, as many businesses will be forced into bankruptcy I wonder if lots of leases and land are starting to become available for 'other businessmen' to snap up and then redevelop?
  19. Safes are given ratings dependent on resistance to a torch or tool attack to open them. These ratings are guaranteed by an accredited and internationally recognised agency. Most reputable safes will have details given with them to show how long they will provide protection against burglars or fire, if they don't have this certification don't buy them. It all depends on how much time you can afford to pay for.
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