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Posts posted by moonseeker

  1. 50 minutes ago, starchild5 said:

    So just because they were farangs, its justified behavior...We have already agreed that, Thai style of group kicking is really low so why applaud when its farangs?


    God knows how many farangs they would have kicked like that back home in Europe or America ?


    Low Life's are low life's everywhere...without any race...


    They got lucky..usually, Thai's have weapons and guns,...they just messed with average Thai's not the gangs..who do most damage to tourists....


    + 1, 100% right. Seems Pattaya attracts it's fair share of low-lives of many nations. Violence of any kind is disgusting and so not needed. MS>

  2. "Diana-Oasis" inside Diana-Estate / Soi Bouakao.  Several of my friends eat there often, so do I. Small, pleasant garden-restaurant on pool. Thai & international specials, several / daily changing.  Hardly ever been disappointed. Good portions, good choice, very good value (we can't find better & more consistent) from approx. 175.-- - 195.-- incl. mixed salad. Mo & Fri  our favorite, good size Fish-Fillet in misc. versions. Wed Spaghettis, try the Bolognese.  We go early or for lunch, as the get busy after 18.30 and close kitchen around 19.30 due to location in residential area. Need to tell security at gate "going Oasis", then no problem to enter the large Estate. Free parking, too. Mixed, friendly crowd and good lady-manager, Meow. Will tell her at my next visit to list their specials on website. Good idea. diana-oasis.com   MS>

  3. On 9/16/2016 at 9:23 AM, joepattaya1961 said:

    Jeezz......I was thinking of Anonymous Alcoholics............

    Anyway.....if it breaks down while on route; there are numerous hanky-panky shops around. 

    Mityon has quite some outlets all over town, but the repair and maintenance has been moved to South Pattaya road as guzzi850m2 wrote. 

    However, English speaking? May be an issue. Although there are quite a lot of foreign customers at the Mityon repair shop, hardly anyone speaks English. 


    What I do if the matter is not too urgent: search for images on Google of the suspected problem, print it out and take it with you to the shop. A picture tells more than a thousand words!



    5555....definitely more for AA , then bike shops here in Pattaya.  MS>

  4. Any new recommendations for a nice place with excellents steaks & wine? Getting disappointed in most places. Fully aware of the high cost of good imported beef and happy to pay well for  a good meal. Thank you.  MS>

  5. Why are tourist police neither stationed, nor doing foot-patrols in Bouakao  & LK Metro area? Common sense that the red-light districts anywhere in the world attract trouble. There must be some Pros in Thai & Farang Police structures that could come up with a plan to get Pattaya safer? Why not copy some other countries procedures? Sorry, forgot for a moment we are in Pattaya/Thailand......:-) Accept it or leave, I am afraid. We won't see changes in our life-time.   MS>

  6. I think you are spot on when it comes to a certain crowd of elderly here in Pattaya. Many factors may contribute: Limited funds. Completely wrong expectations about retirement in "paradise". Limited capabilities to deal with the local "culture", most of these less-well-off  (no offense meant) have very limited travel & life  experience, limited knowledge about how to deal with a world so far from what they are used to. Weird relationships with women who can and often will turn  VERY nasty, very soon, some of the scenes I observe in public, how much men are accepting from some of their (paid) g.f.'s is just beyond me. Health & financial limitations. Alcoholism. etc. etc.

    I am not surprised that hotel- & restaurant staff are often coping an attitude towards foreigners. What they have to put up all day with some guests is not very nice. No, surely Pattaya is a rather sad place if you are observant, but there are also plenty of happy people, they are less obvious.

    I live in a medium sized condo and greet anybody I walk by. Mostly I get stares or turned-heads or nasty looks. Hardly ever a friendly "good day".  Good night all.  MS>

  7. In-line with the level of quality tourists & residents,  smokers here feel entitled to poison everybody around them. Their arguments to try to justify this nasty, disgusting habit and their right to light up anywhere and disrespect laws are ridiculous. There is really no point talking to anybody who feels he has to smoke  when in close vicinity or non-smokers. Best get up and leave, as far away from these smelly, disrespectful people. They will have a wake-up call when they get diagnosed with lung cancer. Trust me. Gone through it, due to second-hand smoke. Horrific, life-changing experience!! IMO smokers are plain dumb, with all the information that is out there.  MS>

  8. MY 50MB TOT Fiber-Optic / back-up works fine and is actually more stable than my 200MB 3BB. Overall Fiber is hardly ever totally down and then it is mostly fixed within 1 hour. Obviously they give these higher paying accounts priority and the hardware might be superior. MS

  9. Anybody kicking and beating a helpless person on the ground is a coward. A good bouncer restrains troublemakers with his team without kicking or hitting, then hands them over to the law :-), if it can't be resolved by talking.

    Is it just me feeling this , or is there a major escalation of all kinds of violence against foreigners reported in the media during the last few years??

    Can't open any paper or online publication without robbery, muggings, assault, beatings, murder etc. these days.

    The interesting part is, that Thailand seems to be quite resilient against tourist boycotts. For how much longer, so?

    Used to be so peaceful here 22 years ago.....Not anymore....MS>

  10. The 2 Hooters in Nana area seem to do well. BKK people are used to higher prices. Pattaya will have a hard time. The stories I keep hearing from owners of hotels and their Cheap-Charlie clientele in Pattaya are amazing. And it won't get better with the declining quality of most things here. There are fewer and fewer reasons to vacation in Pattaya. One of them seems to be affordable and good golfing. MS>

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