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Posts posted by moonseeker

  1. I happen do be out on the Gulf quite often on a large, albeit slow (8 knts.) power-yacht. Did many night trips in all sections of the Gulf, all the way to Singapore and beyond.

    During certain periods there are literally thousands of fishing boats, of all kind and sizes out there. Some moving, some stationary. I would say at least 20% don't carry proper international navigation lights. Smaller boats often turn them off, to save their batteries.

    Have been in some scary situations and even with good radar & knowledge of the situations that can occur, there is always some risk involved. BTW, as soon as you approach Malay waters, number of boats decline massively, the sea gets cleaner and boats are marked much better.  MS>

  2. + 1

    I guess, who has not witnessed the good & fun years here until about 8 years ago, when everything slowly started to get worse and worse, has nothing to compare the Pattaya-today to the good old times. Just open your eyes and see all the shops closed, buildings decaying, garbage and horrible smells everywhere, not even talking about the now officially "Most happy people/country" in the world.


    A collection of low-class tourists and cheap-charlie residents of the worst kind. Well, I am told by a friend to be more tolerant and let these old folks have their fun, so I better stop my rant and keep surfing the net for alternative destinations......MS>


  3. Look at Diana-Oasis which has 2 pools and large gardens. Meow, the manager also has studios she rents for owners. It is all on her websites. But might be fully booked. Hope you find something nice. MS>

  4. I am posting this in BKK, because I assume we will find the most pros and long-term expats in that section. Can anybody reliably inform us

    where / if " International waters in the Gulf of Thailand / Siam start? How many miles offshore? Or is the gulf Thailand all the way to Malaysia  :-)?

    Any informed informed feed back much appreciated.  MS>

  5. I recall reading in some online article about a Malinois dog breeder on Samui? I would like to visit. Also interested in any other large dog breeders on Samui. Also, is there 

    a dog-rescue project on Samui that accepts volunteers? I am experienced dog handler / carer and love dogs & all animals.

    Any feedback much appreciated.  :wai2:MS>

  6. Rarely seen a country going so backwards in so many respects in such a short period of time. Look at PhiPhi 15 years ago and now, totally destroyed. Goes for most of the islands. Sea is devoid of sea life & a garbage dump. Cities are neglected and even main roads lined with garbage, not even talking about smaller Sois..... Horrible. Still good and cheap enough for quality tourists from China & India )& old men desparate for "love" 555555555555555.......), which are used to even bigger dumps & worse pollution. Good night. >MS

  7. Hi all:

    Anybody done a trip around-the-world from/to BKK. I would love to include Australia, South-Africa, Brasil, Ecuador, Panama, Florida, Nashville, New Orleans, California, possibly but not mandatory Portugal, Italy in it. Preferably with business class flights.

    Any feedback how to start planning and more very welcome. Thank you much. MS>

  8. You can get regular burial or get shipped home, too. I have experience with all kinds of procedures incl. sea burial / ashes etc. Worked with several Funeral Services. By far the best and in most cases also the most affordable was/is Allison Monk Funeral Home Services, Kh. Dau. Fantastic service from A to Z. All documents, police reports, embassy, airlines, temple photos, morgue and autopsy issues etc. And not 1 Baht extra with constant updates. Perfectly happy and recommend them often. MS>

    • Like 2
  9. My golden rules. 1: Install free AVIRA antivirus software. Basically a standard in Europe I was told by a friend of mine. I use it here in the USA. Very unobtrusive and very effective. 2: Install and run Malawarebyte. 3: Install and run CCcleaner. 4: For VPNs I don't use one routinely here in the USA but to play some free games online that for some reason are blocked to US IPs, I run KISS now and then. All this stuff is free.

    + 1, excellent recommendation. Could add Spybot to the list. But most people overdue scanning and security. :-) MS>

  10. ^^ re reading my own post , it reads quite harsh., apolagies MS.

    My intent was to say how can they be making a profit if he came himself , went away , prepared the film , returned with multiple staff and himself and only charged 2k ?

    Hi Big Mango

    Yes, it reads a bit harsh. Apologies accepted. Have no reason to make something up. Steve is recommended on the internet by many, that is how I found him, after no-show of 2 local companies.

    I wrote him a mail, told him I have a very small job and fully understand, if he can't be bothered. Shortly after I received an answer. "Don't worry about the size of the job, I will be in Pattaya next week on a few jobs and drop by to have a look, we will find a solution for you (privacy). " Few days later Steve called me and made appointment for 2 days later. He showed up exactly on time. Showed me a bunch of samples and guided me to the best solution, told me the price and he would be back in few days to install it. Just a few days later he stopped by after informing me in advance and did the job with his friendly and obviously experienced team. Price as quoted and gladly gave the boys a tip & drink. Well, there still are some good guys /companies out there and Steve might be in it for the long-term and be happy about getting a good reference. For my part, I have already given his contact to 3 friends and a builder-friend. Hope he gets plenty of business. Hard to come by honest and good companies here. His website is above, give it a try, I can't imagine you would not be pleased. Have a good weekend. MS>

  11. You can buy TV boxes (about the size of packs of cards) from the IT shops on 4th fl Harbour Mall that plug into either your TV or device

    You can get UK, US, Oz, any Euro etc TV channel including sports, netflix etc.

    Not that pricey & you can bring them back to the shop if there's an issue.

    Bloke in one the first shops that you see on your left walking from the carpark had them & offered me to try it out for a month (might have been a week) & bring it back for a full refund if it didn't work as promised.

    I didn't take him up on the offer as I worry that the kids already watch to much TV plus I wouldn't have an excuse to go down the pub if I had the football on at home

    Thank you James. MS>

  12. 5555....Maybe I should have phrased my question differently. It happens, if one's mother-tongue is not E. Thanks anyway, for the lovely TV Pattaya answers.

    In fact I was wondering if anybody knew if this specific media-stick is available from a local source, as I ran into problems with several orders from abroad.

    But this is now no longer needed, as I have just received a call from another TV member who is coming over from the USA and offered to bring along a few pieces. Thanks & Good night. MS>

  13. Big Mango: Cynical? Well, we are on the Pattaya Forum....:-)

    Not a buddy of Steve's, but very pleased with the TV recommendation and the job done. I can't give you sizes, as not in town/home right now. And probably need to compare apples with apples. Steve had a bunch of imported samples, colors etc. Even so mine was an embarrassing small job, he contacted me right away, stoped by for a quotation and was with his crew a few days later, when they came to install. Rarely seen such a reliable service. Did 3 small windows, a regular window and a full size door, total below 2'000 & the film does exactly what it was installed for. In my case, gives me privacy. Why not give Steve a call and certainly he will be happy to look at your job without obligation. So, really no buddies here, just a simple business transaction, performed as if I was back home. What a surprise....:-) Take it easy MS>

  14. Yes, definitely call Steve 086 - 083 91 40. Just had a few small windows & door done. Fast, reliable, friendly, cheap & perfect job.Nice and respectful staff, too.Rare occurrence to deal with good people/companies like Steve ('s) here in Thailand. Full recommendation without any cautions! BTW, he seems to do all of Thailand! Thanks Steve. MS>

  15. For those who claim that businesses aren't closing down, I had to be on North Pattaya road today, and what I saw was scary.

    On the stretch from Makro to the section with 3rd road, about 70% of the businesses have a

    sign for rent or for sale on the front. Many of them were Indian taylors I recall.

    Most of them seem to use the same agent as I could notice from the phone number.

    + 1. Clearly most don't pay attention to this situation. Never been in business, employed with limited options & responsibilities and living on savings and pensions. Why should they? They still have a cheap and good lifestyle, most of them never even read a real newspaper.

    Business people have seen this coming for a while. You are right, it is incredible, even more interesting, that now also prime locations/Sois/Roads massively affected. Never been like that. And many buildings looking totally neglected. I have several friends who run medium to bigger businesses allover Thailand and almost very single one sees pretty dark for the moment. Many of them planning exit-strategies. I think there are so many negative factors and LOS has not only lost most smiles, but unfortunately most positive factors to vacation or live here. Just look at the environment and the general daily headlines. I know of much better places around the world. All depends what you are looking for. Pity. MS>

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