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Posts posted by Kitsune

  1. rolleyes.gif I've talked about such topics as my Thai wife's father who was once a policeman back in WW2 time and was a member (verified) of the Thai resistance to the Japanese occupation .

    He had a certificate given to his group after the war by the Allies for helping to rescue pilots shot down during raids on Japanese targets in Thailand.

    I've talked to her about her first husband, an Aussie who left her with no money and 3 kids to raise. He went back to Australia and eventually drank himself to death.

    I got her a copy of the Australian Police death report, so she could legally get him declared dead and her marriage dissolved with the Thai government.

    Or her uncle, the monk, who chose to die from cancer, rather than get the treatment he simply couldn't afford because that would put his family into a financial crises and it would mean they had to sell there rice land and not be able to send the kids to school.

    Little things like that,

    No, I've never had any serious talks with a Thai. We have nothing in common to talk about.


    These are personal accounts.

    Once these issues are solved, what do you talk about?

    Thai people have limited access to the world news, politic, culture, current affairs etc, simply because they don't learn to have an interest in those

    To be put it another way, those things are not VALUED in this culture. coffee1.gif

    Correct the only things which are valued are money, face and Thailand

    • Like 1
  2. rolleyes.gif I've talked about such topics as my Thai wife's father who was once a policeman back in WW2 time and was a member (verified) of the Thai resistance to the Japanese occupation .

    He had a certificate given to his group after the war by the Allies for helping to rescue pilots shot down during raids on Japanese targets in Thailand.

    I've talked to her about her first husband, an Aussie who left her with no money and 3 kids to raise. He went back to Australia and eventually drank himself to death.

    I got her a copy of the Australian Police death report, so she could legally get him declared dead and her marriage dissolved with the Thai government.

    Or her uncle, the monk, who chose to die from cancer, rather than get the treatment he simply couldn't afford because that would put his family into a financial crises and it would mean they had to sell there rice land and not be able to send the kids to school.

    Little things like that,

    No, I've never had any serious talks with a Thai. We have nothing in common to talk about.


    These are personal accounts.

    Once these issues are solved, what do you talk about?

    Thai people have limited access to the world news, politic, culture, current affairs etc, simply because they don't learn to have an interest in those

    • Like 2
  3. I have never heard of violence against old people (home invasions etcetera) although it probably does occasionally happen, I have heard of the elderly having their valuables stolen (often by relatives). Not all the elderly live with their families however there is usually family close at hand. As you well know many grandparents look after the children whilst parents are away working in the metropolis. I disagree that 99% are living in 'dire' poverty. I have been coming/living in my village for over 20years, and the improvement in the standard of living of the rural poor here has been remarkable. Sure many are poor by Western standards, but you should have seen them 25 years ago. They can largely thank Thaksin for that.

    500 thb a month to live is a joke even by Thai standards, or Indian or any standards.

    Even in the sticks you can't survive on that

  4. Hilarious.

    A thai government pension is 500 THB per month.

    Here is the answer to your question.

    99% of old folks are in dire poverty.

    Very little managed to save for old age

    Only the one looked after by family, hence living with them, hence not a thief target, can live decently

    • Like 1
  5. Of course on paper a house in THL is cheaper.

    But a house in UK would set you in a country where you have proper roads, decent public transports, social security, real education, social welfare, real police services, real medical services, access to culture, entertainment, etc and all of this has a price.

    Think you need another topic, your waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off topic with most of your post with stuff all of us farangs already know. coffee1.gif

    You mean I am stating the obvious that you guys chose not to face.

    I find your comment quite rich actually when I read people here comparing prices in London and BKK's CBD.

    I mean come on !

  6. And on your point about losing your home etc. Look for someone that you can trust and she can trust you. I at times have used her ATM and she has mine. we both know each others PIN's.

    Oh dear ! Why did I immediately thought of all the horror stories I've read here about TGF cheating/ripping off/ leaving with all the money ...?? Let's hope we won't read about you in that manner of TV anytime soon!
    • Like 1
  7. Of course on paper a house in THL is cheaper.

    But a house in UK would set you in a country where you have proper roads, decent public transports, social security, real education, social welfare, real police services, real medical services, access to culture, entertainment, etc and all of this has a price.

    I really didn't know that this was a commentary about living standards between the UK and Thailand. I thought it was about the price of housing in Thailand as opposed to the UK. If we have to price in the cost of proper roads, decent public transports, social security, real education,social welfare, real police services, real medical services, access to culture I have to re group.

    Duh, your house in not suspended in mid air !

    being set in a super welfare state has a price that definitely reflects on housing prices

  8. Of course on paper a house in THL is cheaper.

    But a house in UK would set you in a country where you have proper roads, decent public transports, social security, real education, social welfare, real police services, real medical services, access to culture, entertainment, etc and all of this has a price.

    And even with all that I would still prefer Thailand.

    Sent from my GT-P1010 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    But your Thai GF would not laugh.png

  9. No. You should just leave. The sooner the better.

    And what's wrong with trying to help another guy out? If he really believes that Thailand is going down the sh*tter, then suggesting that he would be happier elsewhere is surely not unreasonable. Maybe the thought never crossed his mind!

    Leave to where ?

    I have described global trends

    Don't you get it ?

    there is no "elsewhere" anymore

    THL was my last hiding place or so I thought

    There is nowhere to hide

    Well from your previous post(s), you've suggested that Thailand is a total sh*thole in nearly every respect. Which implies that compared to other places, Thailand is much worse. So going "anywhere" would be an improvement....correct? And the definition of "anywhere" would be any country on the planet not named "Thailand." I hope I've answered your question.

    I don't know if you have look at your window recently, but the planet is undergoing the very same changes as THL.

    Here it's just faster because of the speed of global impact and industrial development, and it had some catching back to make.

    Thailand is not a "***hole" , but paradise is lost

    And no going elsewhere would not be any better


    I see. My apologies for not sharing your pessimism. Things don't seem that bad to me. But if it's any consolation, we're all going to be dead soon. So it really doesn't matter in the whole scheme of things.

    I am no pessimist

    I thought very optimistically that Thai traditional way would save this country from all the ecological and societal disasters happening all around the world, like Japan did for example.

    It did not happened that way, Thailand is a sell out, they soldl their identity for an Ipad.

    Sad really

  10. No. You should just leave. The sooner the better.

    And what's wrong with trying to help another guy out? If he really believes that Thailand is going down the sh*tter, then suggesting that he would be happier elsewhere is surely not unreasonable. Maybe the thought never crossed his mind!

    Leave to where ?

    I have described global trends

    Don't you get it ?

    there is no "elsewhere" anymore

    THL was my last hiding place or so I thought

    There is nowhere to hide

    Well from your previous post(s), you've suggested that Thailand is a total sh*thole in nearly every respect. Which implies that compared to other places, Thailand is much worse. So going "anywhere" would be an improvement....correct? And the definition of "anywhere" would be any country on the planet not named "Thailand." I hope I've answered your question.

    I don't know if you have look at your window recently, but the planet is undergoing the very same changes as THL.

    Here it's just faster because of the speed of global impact and industrial development, and it had some catching back to make.

    Thailand is not a "***hole" , but paradise is lost

    And no going elsewhere would not be any better


  11. No. You should just leave. The sooner the better.

    And what's wrong with trying to help another guy out? If he really believes that Thailand is going down the sh*tter, then suggesting that he would be happier elsewhere is surely not unreasonable. Maybe the thought never crossed his mind!

    Leave to where ?

    I have described global trends

    Don't you get it ?

    there is no "elsewhere" anymore

    THL was my last hiding place or so I thought

    There is nowhere to hide

    • Like 1
  12. many are not here completely on their own free will. They are forced to by age, loneliness, inability to find a (younger, caring) partner. Most are not globetrotter, freethinker, world traveler with interest in other other cultures, religions, conditions, were never longer away from home than on short holidays.

    So, if they are here now for a while, they will get more and more confronted with a complete other life style they can't handle and have to fight with day by day and simultaneously they won't go back because they know what will be waiting there for them, loneliness and in some cases poverty.

    Are you making things up ?

    I can think of many members here who have expressed critical views on THL and who have GF of their own age and nationality and are pretty well off

  13. I agree with FDog

    Well the law and I beg to disagree

    His daughter IS his family and he has a responsibility to her and her children.

    If she would be in need regardless her age, by law he has to help her.

    So if he's already doing a bad job at taking care of her, very selfish indeed to start a new family

    What a load of tosh. His daughter, if an adult, must take care of herself. His job is complete with her. Her children are for her to care for, nothing to do with him if he doesn't want to.

    As his current child is not of age then he has MORE responsibility to that one.

    The law won't compel him to care for his grandchildren, not his problem.

    Edit: If the daughter wants to shame him into taking care of the grandkids then she is a complete <deleted>. Her kids are her responsibility and hers and the fathers responsibility only.

    Touched a nerve ?

    FDog is correct and your response is laughable, far too many " Kidults " seem to think that there parents owe them a living for the rest of their lives.

    Older parents, especially one's with previous families, had better take care of the legal situation in regards to their families. I know of one young girl in Chiang Mai who has been abandoned without assistance by her Farang family since the death of her father last year. The father made no provision for his daughter in his will. It doesn't look like the family in question are prepared to send a penny her way to help out with school fees and the like.

    I reckon the OP was a bit passive aggressive in challenging out the " haters ", but if anything comes from this topic then it should be that you older parents will ensure that your young new baby will not be left high and dry in the event of your untimely death.

    Guys in their 50's tend to be closer to the end than the beginning, how many of you even have a will in place?

    Here are some the references of articles of laws depending which state you are from, I obviously did put them all 2010 Idaho Code




    Montana Code 40-6-214 - Reciprocal duties of parents and children in maintaining each other West Virginia W. VA. Code § 9-5-9 (Liability of relatives for support, including children, parents, brothers & sisters) Pennsylvania 23 Pa. C.S.A. §§ 4601 thru 4606 (Duty of parents to indigent child and child to indigent parents)
  14. Well the law and I beg to disagree

    His daughter IS his family and he has a responsibility to her and her children.

    If she would be in need regardless her age, by law he has to help her.

    So if he's already doing a bad job at taking care of her, very selfish indeed to start a new family

    What a load of tosh. His daughter, if an adult, must take care of herself. His job is complete with her. Her children are for her to care for, nothing to do with him if he doesn't want to.

    As his current child is not of age then he has MORE responsibility to that one.

    The law won't compel him to care for his grandchildren, not his problem.

    Edit: If the daughter wants to shame him into taking care of the grandkids then she is a complete <deleted>. Her kids are her responsibility and hers and the fathers responsibility only.

    Touched a nerve ?

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