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Posts posted by Kitsune

  1. There is a big difference. Thailand is not too far away from becoming a highly developed country, which it hasn't been over the past 500 years. It will take a couple more decades for sure, but i will see it since i am only 26.

    A 'highly developed" country, that has invented nothing technologically, medically, humanely, with without stable government, no freedom of press and speech and terrible human rights score.

    Sorry which part is highly developed?

  2. My recommendation is DON"T BOTHER.

    If you have a normal balanced diet, you don't need extra vitamins. Taking a surfeit of some vitamins can be dangerous too.

    Your a nutritionist? and know this for sure?

    Who knows if your right or wrong, I know I feel a lot healthier when I take a VitC supplement than when I don't, also Krill Oil for my Omega 3's that I know I wont get from Thai fish. Iron can be deficient in a lot of people. and need a supplement

    I am a heavy drinker and moderate smoker (cigars) both destroy vitamins in your body that IMHO need replacing more than with just food alone, specially Thai vegetables containing who knows what pesticides

    The thing is multivitamins don't work

    Infact, people taking multivitamins have a shorter life expectancy.

    Stop wasting your money, you are paying to have a shorter life.

  3. Last week I saw some officer guy in a uniform in a school molesting a kid.

    He has quite a big guy, around 30/40 years old, he was sitting on a chair at the school entrance, and was play-fighting with a kid lying across his lap. His left hand was groping the kids crouch while he was playing with the child. The child attempted to remove his hand from his crouch but the man grabbed him somewhere else, so the kid had to let go and let his hand massaging his crouch.

    What shall I do?

  4. cooked food per se is not carcinogenic, but consumption of charcoal broiled/charred meats can increase the risk of cancer as can the consumption of food fried in re-used oils, the latter a very common practice in Thai markets/street stalls.

    It's not just charcoal charred meats or re-used oils that are carcinogenic.

    PhiPs are a class of carcinogens which are a class of mutagens found in cooked meat poultry fish and cigarets smoke.

    The intake of PHiP found in processed, fried, or stir-fried meat was correlated to the DNA mutation they found in women breast tissues.

    They not only trigger the initial start of cancer cell, they also promote the growth of the actual tumor.

    PhiPs were discovered in ALL breast milk of meat eating women whichever the cooking method (but none in the vegetarian)

  5. The American egg board is trying to get funded by government hence watched over by them not to lie.

    The USDA United States Department of Agriculture says;

    They cannot use "healthy" or "nutritious" because that would be a lie.

    They cannot say they're low calorie because it's not true.

    They can't say they're low in saturated fat or call it a rich source of protein because they're not.

    They can't say they're are helpful that would also be lying

    They cant they are good by law, they exceed the limit for cholesterol.

    they can't say they're safe because more than 100 000 Americans are poisoned by Salmonella every year because of eggs.

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  6. banning bags is one of the dumbest things.

    much more clever is to give a value to bags.

    every customer gets a plastic bag for 10 baht, and any person bringing a bag back gets 10 baht.


    It would not change much IMO.

    At 10B only poor people would make an effort to bring their own, rich would carry on as normal.

    Plus you cannot be behind every shop to check if they do charge 10B for it.

  7. Paper is a renewable resource.

    Small, young , fast growing trees can be used to make pulp for paper.

    Old growth forests are not needed to produce paper.

    It could develop into a good business in Thailand.

    Growing pulp producing trees between rice fields like they do with the Eucalyptus they grow and harvest every few years to make poles would work.

    The pulp mills would employ many people as well.

    If a Thai businessman or government employee could be convinced it was his idea, it could be done profitably here...after the ban on plastic!

    Good "on paper" if you allow me the pun, but the principle to convert ALL the plastic bag into paper would mean destroying an awful lot of natural forest to get the actual space. Really not a good idea in practice

  8. You separate you litter and recycle plastic paper and glass.That's 2/3 of your waste disappearing right there.

    Obviously they have to be taken away to recycle places.

    That's why if they ban plastic bags, they also have to start separating it when picking it up and deliver it to the right location (which is not done now)

    The wet rest can be used to make excellent compost if you have a garden.

    For those who don't have a private garden, there could be a collect point for each neighborhood for you to deposit your wet waste.

    the garbage would attract everything from roaches to rats and everything in between

    and theyre be more flies than africa if the garbage wasnt sealed in plastic bags

    until somoene invents an equally convenient system of disposing waste i dont think its going to catch on

    nobodys has time to go every 2 days to 3-4 differnt places to dispose of paper ,glass ,plastic and food waste

    even if it only took 10 minutes to separate everything i still dont think thais in general would do it unless the penalty

    for not doing it was massive and farangs account for so little here we kinda have to do things their way until they

    decide to change it

    if i go out now ,im near guaranteed to come home with 10 bags

    sliced fruits x 3 transparent ones and 1 big white one containing the rest

    tesco or 7-11 will give me another 3 when i buy 10 litres of water

    any other things say another 1-2 white bags

    if i buy curry i get one for the food and one for the sticky rice and a white carry all for both

    order a pizza and wings and it comes in a box ,then a massive bag

    stop for an ice coffee and it has a plastic bag style handle but the cup is made of wax coated carboard??

    ive even used them as ropes to tie things to the motorbike

    i personally get given a high number of bags per day

    does it all end in a landfill site ? is it even feasible to melt ti down and make new bags ? who knows ?

    i just know everything comes in a bag .....biggrin.png

    Compost stations are a reality and they dont smell

    They cover the pile with other plants it does not smell at all, obviously it has to be managed, but you would get much less waste in the truck so can use extra staff to look after the compost

    And the neighborhood has free compost

    You're right people are just getting more and more lazy.

    Just learn to say 'mai sai tung"

    yes you can turn them into something else but again that requires technology, discipline and dedication to bring them all back to the recycling point.

    The best recyclable item is the one you don't use !

    Remember bags don't remain at the landsite they end up in the sea

    The Digital Journal reported last year that the North Atlantic Ocean has several areas streaming with plastic junk, the waste products of modern life. So extensive is plastic waste that plastic has become the main form of ocean debris, causing serious concerns about its impact on the health of ocean communities.

  9. How would the ten's of thousands of Thais, get their take out food from those carts and noodle shops, market stalls etc without them ? What is a practical cost effective alternative ?

    The bags are not the problem, people need to be educated and taught to dispose of them correctly and responsibly.

    Good luck with that !

    You can not dispose of bags correctly or responsibly, ultimately they will end up in the ocean killing marine life and creating these 6th continent of litter in the middle of the Pacific.

    If you burn them it's worse for the atmosphere.

    One solution is to replace them by biodegradable ones, like paper but it destroys forests, or corn it also destroy forests.

    The only solution is to teach people to carry their own bags, and refuse them from the shop, but it's a real challenge.

    but theyre so convenient to put the garbage in and leave it outside ........

    re-useing bags would be more hassle

    id have to carry them back to the 7-11 ,they staff would think im crazy

    and id still have the same problem of nothing to put my garbage in like

    half eaten food that needs to be sealed or it stinks etc ....

    You separate you litter and recycle plastic paper and glass.That's 2/3 of your waste disappearing right there.

    Obviously they have to be taken away to recycle places.

    That's why if they ban plastic bags, they also have to start separating it when picking it up and deliver it to the right location (which is not done now)

    The wet rest can be used to make excellent compost if you have a garden.

    For those who don't have a private garden, there could be a collect point for each neighborhood for you to deposit your wet waste.

  10. How would the ten's of thousands of Thais, get their take out food from those carts and noodle shops, market stalls etc without them ? What is a practical cost effective alternative ?

    The bags are not the problem, people need to be educated and taught to dispose of them correctly and responsibly.

    Good luck with that !

    You can not dispose of bags correctly or responsibly, ultimately they will end up in the ocean killing marine life and creating these 6th continent of litter in the middle of the Pacific.

    If you burn them it's worse for the atmosphere.

    One solution is to replace them by biodegradable ones, like paper but it destroys forests, or corn it also destroy forests.

    The only solution is to teach people to carry their own bags, and refuse them from the shop, but it's a real challenge.

    So yes banning is the only way.

  11. "The thing is there is not enough statistics like on big scale tests, to prove we don't need cooked food or all cooked food are carcinogenic"

    Of course not. Who would pay for such a study.

    Who reads those studies anyway. Certainly not doctors.

    Anecdotal stuff can be pretty convincing though...especially if the result is obvious to the participant/praticioner.

    You're right doctors read stories of the people that pay their salary, or read all studies but only apply the ones that will sell medicines/won't contradict the market.

    But that guy is a doctor and he's reading all the new articles, digest them and makes videos for us about the power of nutrition in our health, it"s a non profit organization. I believe him and watch his vids regularly

    During a Q&A video, It was one of the questions asked though 'raw food/cooked food", he just said he believe we need some nutriment transformed by cooked foods, but it was not backed up by surveys as per usual. So for me the question remains open. I must say I got really scared my teeth would fall off, it fell like it anyway.

  12. I am Vegetarian, and have been for over 40 years..

    The reason i am Vegetarian, is that , I dont have the right to take some animals life just for my pleasure to eat..

    Food is never been a big deal to me, so once i was old enough to realise what was going on, i became Vegetarian...

    and have not looked back since, it has kept me in good health, teeth,skin,body etc etc..

    I never air my views about it, as life is all about ''Choices'' and this has been my ''Choice''..

    Life is for living..

    I am not tee total, i do like a few ''Southern Comforts'', so its not all about health etc etc, we all need to let our hair down once in a while..

    Living in ''Thailand'' being Vegetarian is good, as there is a massive selection of ''Fruit and Vegetables''.. Fantastic i love it..

    anyway, that was my Tuppence worth..

    Well lucky you, but not all of us can "let our hair down" the way you do.

    For me it's lupus / arthritis and Crohn's disease coming back if I consume the wrong food.

    Luckily for us they are other ways to let our hair down than having a "few Southern Comforts".

  13. They don't adhere to traditional values, they just want a ticket out of here.

    Why do you think we have so many stories about men being dumped the minute the wife gets full visa?

    I meet hundreds of younger Thai women every month looking for a farang, not talking about sex workers but ordinary girls

    Fewer than 5% of them would be willing to leave Thailand, probably more like 1 out of a hundred.

    They would never dream of asking their man to share in the housework, change nappies etc.

    So how does that fit with your viewpoint?

    Sorry forgot the second reason : They want a ticket out of her OR poverty

    there you go

  14. look who's spitting the dummy, you cant decide if your a man or woman but doesnt matter because with your attitude no one would want to be with you anyway. All you are is another reason to read posts in here, takes all kinds to make tv a great place to be and when we get someone that is loveless such as yourself that cant decide if they are male or female but just want to abuse everyone it makes for a great laugh. I am older than my wife, only by 17 years and she earns way more than me and could have a choice of men way wealthier than me but she chose me over them all. That must piss people like you off heaps because you are not able to say the same so you need to come in here and try to denigrate those that do, definitely feel sorry for you now especially when you start picking on their spelling(ps, you should check your own grammar/spelling before commenting on anyone elses)cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

    Yeah I am so jealous I wish I could have a red neck husband twice my age, that can't spell "denigrate" and need to ask Thaivisa how to live with me.

    how many readers believe their girlfriend / wife would have still choose them for a partner had he had to openly compete in the west in the real world?

    just realized you are female, does this mean you are totally pissed because no westerner wants to be with you for what ever reason. It always seems that the women and men that have had failed relationships like to bag anyone that is having a good one simply because they are jealous as sh*t they cannot snare someone. Dont worry, I feel sorry for people like you that have to try to denegrate others because they failed, I am sure you will find a fat, old and ugly thai for yourself if you look hard and offer enough money. Have a nice day nowbiggrin.png .

    None, unless they're deluded, in which case we will soon find them in the " The Thai wife left me the minute she got her visa/after stealing all my money" section.

    I suggest some reading lessons, did you skip grammar school ?

    there there luvie, the last thing I worry about when writing in here is my spelling and grammar but I was just pointing out that you are the one that was picking on someone for it but cant get it right yourself. I offered you a suggestion only as you seem to have your nose a bit too high to see sense. As for me, I suffer from fat fingers and often hit the wrong key or more than one key(also dont use spell check, have big nostrils toowhistling.gif ) especially when it isnt for work, as for grammar etc lets see, I have a diploma in writing from university(and a press pass too) and my tefl certificate(which means bugger all anyway) but for tv I simply let it flow and dont bother checking it, just look at my posts and you will see this is a fact. I also dont give a sh*t if I mis-spell or drop my grammar, this is not a job but a way to have a bitch/release tension, the only ones that really care are those like you, self deluded. wai.gif

    fat finger syndrome, bugger

    I am not interested in your life sorry.

    Please stop mentioning mine, you don't know me.

  15. I don't understand why so much people believe to eat vegan is good for their health!!! If you inform yourself a little bit more you find out that it make you sicker:


    Just do a search on Google and you find so much more:


    For me I can say only: I LOVE IT TO EAT MEAT!!! :-)

    And you are old enough to know self what you want to eat but: VEGAN EATING ISN'T HEALTHY!!!

    Health is not just about being vegan or meat eater.

    You have vegan who lives on veggie burgers and diet coke, they are not healthy at all.

    And you have people who exercise a lot and eat meat and are in better shape.

    Being healthy means avoiding food that gives inflammation to your arteries, build up plaque in your vessels, raise your PhiP, IGF1 levels, attack your cells, damage your DNA and release free radicals.

    Apparently we will be all vegetarians by 2050, but you will be dead by then, so why should I bother?

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