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Posts posted by Kitsune

  1. Did you read the study? The data was pretty clear.

    No I did not read the study, hence I refrain from referring to it.

    But you did and told me about it.

    So technically an apology is in order as you referred to me as " the same people that think drinking coffee will kill you think that drinking herb tea will cure cancer and whatnot" . It was incorrect I never said coffee will kill you

    I apologize.

    But to be clear, I referred to no one specific in my post, it was rather a generalization that was inspired by your post about the advantages of drinking tea.

    Where do you buy Chrysanthemum tea? I'll try it, but I am only interested if it tastes good.

    What is the only thing better than TWA coffee?

    It's not chrysanthemum tea, it's HIBISCUS PUNCH!

    I post a photo attached, it's dried hibiscus flower, called also roselle, you should recognize it in shops. It's not yellow like chrysanthemum it's dark red. Right now it's in season, so the supermarkets have it in their grains section next to the fruits and veg.

    You haven't watched the video, it gives you a simple recipe to have something more tasty than just herbal tea.

    I tell you what I do it's so simple it's criminal

    Take a jug, fill it up with water

    Add a hand full of hibiscus flowers

    Add some coconut sugar/erythriol/dates/ your favorite sweetener

    A slice of lemon

    Optional a few leaves of mint


    That's it

    You get delicious refreshing, antioxidant packed Hibiscus Punch the best drink on the planet, that cost next to nothing.

    it's been tested as the highest antioxidant content drink in the world, against more than 300 beverages and it's THAI and it's just been harvested now!

    I got mine from my organic temple coop, for 50b per kilo, but it does not weight much as it is dried flowers so for 20B you get a big bag.


  2. I don't if coffee is good in terms go antioxidants or not, why ask me?

    It's been proven that coffee can kill you, I remember reading the data from a study that Lipton funded...

    Well you tell me

    I did not

    I just did, but thanks.

    So I'm not one of these "people that think coffee could kill you"

    You are

    Did you read the study? The data was pretty clear.

    No I did not read the study, hence I refrain from referring to it.

    But you did and told me about it.

    So technically an apology is in order as you referred to me as " the same people that think drinking coffee will kill you think that drinking herb tea will cure cancer and whatnot" . It was incorrect I never said coffee will kill you

  3. I don't if coffee is good in terms go antioxidants or not, why ask me?

    It's been proven that coffee can kill you, I remember reading the data from a study that Lipton funded...

    Well you tell me

    I did not

    I just did, but thanks.

    So I'm not one of these "people that think coffee could kill you"

    You are

  4. Why is it the same people that think drinking coffee will kill you think that drinking herb tea will cure cancer and whatnot?

    Free radicals and damaged DNA indeed.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I don't "think" about these, I just read the data.

    Coffee is actually good in terms of antioxidants ?

    Why would it kill you ?

    I don't if coffee is good in terms go antioxidants or not, why ask me?

    It's been proven that coffee can kill you, I remember reading the data from a study that Lipton funded...

    Well you tell me

    I did not

  5. Normally I have an answer or two to the SinSot question ... but in your case OP ... sadly not.

    New territory for me.

    Yet you still need to post !

    Sometimes it's just nice to have a response, to know that someone is out there and has taken the time to reply ... even if that person could not assist you.

    Hey Kitsune, imagine for a moment that you are a woman ... what level of SinSot would you believe that you are worth.

    Just the Cash and Gold side of it ... no need to account for the actual wedding?


    I think price tagging a woman is plain degrading.

    What do YOU think you would be worth ?

  6. Nignoy...The more I look around I think Vietnam might be a preferable place..

    As there are just too many silly farangs in LOS.

    One can see this by the stupid post I get with a rather stright forward question

    However cheffing is very hard and long hour work... There are loads of kitchen mangerial (head chef) jobs in the UK at £25k upwards but one has to work 80 hours a week for it.

    Be assured, a small army of early-retiree Farangs in Thailand would be very happy to occupy your current job to enable them to go back home. (With or without arthritis).

    Early-retiree success story's are few and far between (unless a very solid and substantial financial backing is already in place.)

    - If you can, make a deal with your employer: You need a 6 months "time-out", with the option of returning to your job after 6 months. Without it, you will be embarking of the adventure of your life, with odds stacked against you.


    Since when does 600 pounds a months with high cholesterol and crawling arthritis at 55 qualifies as success?

  7. Why is it the same people that think drinking coffee will kill you think that drinking herb tea will cure cancer and whatnot?

    Free radicals and damaged DNA indeed.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I don't "think" about these, I just read the data.

    Coffee is actually good in terms of antioxidants ?

    Why would it kill you ?

  8. Oh Miss Kitsune, thou does presume too much.

    I am a single man, fancy and free.

    No wedding band on me ... biggrin.png

    Since you bought up the subject of relationships ... maybe an opportunity to discuss the relative merits if the TESCO LOTUS naming thingie with the OP over a ... coffee1.gif

    What ??

    What happened to shrimp farm girl ?

    Am I mistaken?

    C'mon, where's the below the belt emmoticon?

    (partners are out of bounds big time)

    What are you saying exactly? sorry not very clear

  9. But what's wrong with drinking the local stuff which by the way is for once really amazing?

    You come all the way from the States and all you think about is drinking your empty calories cancer inducing crap you have back home?

    Thailand has the best tested beverage on the planet with the highest antioxidant level in the world readily available and fresh everywhere, and it's in season right now .............Hibiscus tea !

    Way better than green tea / mint/ red wine or anything known on the planet to these days. Drink it daily and it will restore your damaged DNA and help you fight free radicals (making you look younger) and cancer like no other product.

    • Like 1
  10. - No one asks for a visa to rent anything here, banks give you account without visa, so do hospitals

    - 150B charge/poor rate exchange is still way better than being in US and not being able to support oneself

    - Away from the good old American diet your homeless friend might finally gets away from health problem :Michelle Obama : "Obesity, diabete, heart disease, high blood pressure are all diet-related health issues that cost this country more than 120 billions a year" And yet with all that money spend every minute a person in the US is killed by heart disease

  11. Your pick: biggrin.png

    With Aspartam you get hypertension

    With Acesulfame you get DNA damage

    Sugartwin banned from US for good reasons

    Erytritol : harmless but empty calorie

    Sacharin : Bladder cancer

    Stevia : still in research

    Sucralose : migraine

    Sorbitol : laxative effect

  12. A number of years back Tesco bought the supermarket chain Lotus out. It also happens the other way around. Big C bought out the French supermarket group in Thailand, Carfore also a Thai company has bought out Makro in Thailand which was part of the huge cash and carry Dutch chain.


    CaRREFOUR was born in France in the 60's created by the very French Marcel Fournier and it means crossroad/ roundabout

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