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Posts posted by Kitsune

  1. Rent does not seem quite right : if you live rent free mortgage free in France, it means you own a home outright (unless you plan to go back with your parents ?). If this is the case, then since you are in Thailand, you can rent the French house to someone else, which will be at least 1000 Euros whatever house it is in France, so 45.000 baths per month !

    Many houses for 500E or less.

  2. The fact that she lied about her English abilities is a give-away.

    She's obviously making it up.

    You know it, the management knows it, but won't tell her to shut up, you're cooked.

    In a survey 57% of Thai declared they would not like to have a Farang as neighbor.

    She's probably on of them and has decided to act on it and boot you out.

    Unless you turn the management in your favor (very unlikely) so they just tell her to stop, you're toast.

  3. Not eaten meat or fish for 42 years so that's out

    I have been a vegetarian for 20 years

    I got sudden rheumatoid pains in my limbs last year, it got to the point that I had trouble to walk.

    Went to my local hospital in BKK, did full blood/urine check said may be lupus or some other autoimmune disease, or just arthritis then referred me to another hospital Chulalongkom who asked me to do more blood tests, said after much quizzing that no it was not lupus, but may be some other autoimmune disease. Then Xray where they finally found a nodule in my lungs, they could not say if it was cancer or not then CT scan that could not say either if I had a beginning of lung cancer or not. then more tests, but never told me what I had or what they thought I could have. Totally zero feedback. Did I have cancer ? May be. Auto immune disease ? Probably

    By then I was super panicked, as you can imagine :nearly crippled almost overnight with possible lung cancer and a couple of autoimmune diseases and that pain days and nights. I started doing my own research on these auto immune diseases/cancers: The first thing you learn about them and it's true for cancer too is how so very rare they are in some countries in the sub continent. Like some countries don't have a single case out of 1300 autopsies of cancer or even never ever had any case of any auto immune disease in the all country. And then you find out that many researchers have found it odd too and have conducted tests to explain this. In short, the finger is pointed at the Western diet (meat products, too much fat), and being a vegetarian like yourself I thought was not included, but I started watching my diet anyway, less fat, more vegs, and took a couple of "superfoods" nothing major.

    And it nearly disappeared nearly overnight ! in 4/5 days it was much better. I still had some pains/stiffness in the morning but I attributed to "getting old" and I was so happy to finally be able to move again, that I was ok with a little pain.

    That time,I had my long waited referred from my previous doctor appointment at Burumgrad with someone who was the specialist in BKK for what I had, so I thought I just go anyhow. I tell the doctor, it nearly disappeared like a miracle 2 days ago and I was not sure if I should come or not. So he did more tests anyway and his diagnostic was "BAD LUCK" (his words), that's it ? I asked, "yes come back to see if it recurs" That guy was the person I have being referred as THE specialist of what I had and who had been waiting to see for weeks, and all he could say was "BAD LUCK" and "that would be 5000 Bahts please".

    By then it was like 4/5 months and I was really pissed off, I decided 1/ I was not going to waste more time and money on these idiots and 2/ I was going to make sure that, this sudden arthritis/lupus/cancer/autoimmune disease or whatever it was, was not coming back.

    Went back to researching. Cutting short I found out that diet is indeed responsible for all of these autoimmune/cancers but also heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes etc. And that dairy for the body is like liquid meat, as harmful if not more for the body and also all the oils are harmful too.

    So I stopped all these, start eating whole grains and guess what? the morning pains disappeared literally overnight: in 2 mornings it was over !

    I also found out it was fibromyalgia, well that's my own diagnostic and the closest thing that can describe my condition. At least I have a name now.

    I also realized an awful lot of other things that I took as "normal" disappeared too : PMS, ear infections, constipation, skin problems, psoriasis, abdominal pains, bloating sensation after eating, cravings, no energy, always tired, overweight problem, which are all problems I had since childhood (except weight and energy) and thought I would never get rid of.

    Now I have been on this diet for 4 months and I do sometimes miss some of the fried food especially here the fried spring rolls or deep fried tofu which are so lovely and everywhere you go. But when I see them I think of all the consequences these oils have on me and it's enough to put me right off. Strangely I do not crave cheese or chocolate like I thought I would, probably because I don't see it as much.

    After 4 months, I never felt better in my entire life, the arthritic pain and stiffness has completely disappeared, no PMS (i had horrible pain every month for over 30 years), no ear infections (due to dairy), no constipation, etc, I have lost 2 sizes without any restriction ( I eat a lot, 3/4 times a day) no cravings. It's the easiest weight loss ever! The greens and whole grains are very good at sending the message to your body that it is filled and you feel satiated and have a lot of energy.

    I went back for my check up lungs Xray and guess what ? the nodule/lump had disappeared, as usual they gave no explanation as to why, but guess what? I don't need to ask, because I know now cancer especially at early stage is reversible by diet, if you put the right food in your body you can reverse many conditions. My new moto is from Dr T Campbell : "I know of nothing else in medicine that can come close to what a plant-based diet can do" Food is the first and most powerful medicine you can get.

    I know most of you think it is extreme to become a vegan and it's "mumbo jumbo science" to say diet can reverse cancer, but the studies are available to prove it, please ask for any further information. I am so thankful for having my health back that I feel it's only normal that I share what I learnt on my researches with others for I wish to no one to find oneself in the situation I was.

    • Like 2
  4. Thank you Kitsune, Makam Bom is the Thai name for the Indian Gooseberry and nearly all Thais can point you to the next tree... poor rural children like them because plain water starts to taste sweet after chewing them.

    Yes thank you Chonburiram, I wish I had them fresh like you here in Bangkok. We find the fruits dried but with sugar, so I got the powder .

    You are right ; Its called Makam Pom in Thai and Amla in Hindi, Amlaki in Sanskrit, and Emblica Officinalis Gaertn in Latin, its has some very interesting properties, Indian have been using them for centuries as an ayurvedic herb. It is considered as the best among rejuvenative herbs."

  5. I'm parted on going raw, when trying it, my teeth got sensitive, I stopped straight away.

    But I try to have salad every day.

    Sorry to hear that.

    Good dental hygiene is important.

    Regardless of diet, consider dropping tooth-paste in favor of baking soda, and rinsing with hydrogen peroxide (3%) to kill any bacteria and eliminate gingivitis.

    Both are locally available and cheap.

    Raw seems very drastic to most people, but the health benefits are profound.

    ?Karmic benefits too?

    I'm getting used to it okay.

    The thing is there is not enough statistics like on big scale tests, to prove we don't need cooked food or all cooked food are carcinogenic

    You can find equal numbers of people on vegan whole food who are thriving/athletes

    then It's just down to people saying they love it, but you also have people dropping raw diet and going back to cooked foods.

    Also; Quid of the goodness of lentils, beans, grains, sweet potatoes etc?

  6. I'm parted on going raw, when trying it, my teeth got sensitive, I stopped straight away.

    But I try to have salad every day.

    In theory a raw food diet is good but some people's digestion is better served by steaming veggies rather than eating them raw.

    I really did not have a digesting problem, contrarily to my entire life as a meat and dairy eater.

    I juiced a lot of the veg, in smoothies and soups.

    Really the hard part was on teeth

  7. Yes correct, but I doubt the condo policy can tell you what you can or can not do inside your own condo. Inside communal areas, yes no doubt they can.

    So, again, Is there a law that gives the condo jurisdiction the right to force the condo owner in to their terms? They seem to believe so.

    Or, is there a law that gives the condo owner the right to rule inside his own property?

    It's not a law it's your condo policy.

    Some larger condo allow dogs

    In practice,people do sneak dogs in condo.

    Theoretically, you might lose your deposit / get kicked out if your landlord finds out.

    You would be surprised how many people are willing to rat on you in this country, especially if you piss them of with noisy dog.

    Anyhow, condos are small rabbit boxes and don't make a good habitat for dogs, so don't.

  8. Usually, the more a food is processed, the worse it is for you.

    So butter or animal fat should be good, rapeseed oil should be bad.

    Animal products are processed by .... animals !

    You want your proteins, carbs, fats, and minerals right from the source, not second-hand.

  9. ... biggrin.png ... Indeed I do ... Indeed I do.

    It is but a wee pleasure this evening.

    I missed the opening Football Game of the Season, so I could go Curtain shopping for the newly built bedroom, built for the newly born Twins.

    Tis the life of a Father which I am squeezing into ... sometimes comfortable ... sometimes ... dry.png

    Do you have kids? I have a much greater respect for Parents now-a-days!

    BTW ... Curtains sourced, cost Bt2,000 with poles, ends and brackets.

    Will borrow the Farm drill tomorrow morning and make an attempt to attach them to the wall in an orderly fashion.

    I'm up in Bangkok mid this week ... up for a drink?

    I am lost: last week you were single free as a bird, now you are a Dad ?

    I'm lost too.

    Did David48 just ask you out for a drink?

    Apparently, but again things might change !

  10. Cherry for 250 baht a kg? In BKK 5-600 a kg. 250 is very cheap.

    I grow my own tropical cherry's in BKK, have 4 different ones now from Brasil.

    Pomelo can differ in variety/taste. Some are very good, others less good. I grow the ruby red tubtim Siam which costs 300 baht a piece in BKK and is the best.

    I grow much more different fruits from South america, Hawaii, Australia, Africa and so on. Thailand has a great climate for them.

    Durian is availlable all year in BKK, also longan and also mango but they are expensive out of season.

    This is what i grow http://www.tropical-exotic-seeds-and-plants.com/storefront/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=1&zenid=0d452f56b1d9d17eaca42170e87060e6

    You can order seeds if you like and have them tomorrow. Up to you.

    Does not it take years to grow a fully fruiting cherry tree from seeds?

  11. The parents being farmers tells the whole story. You are delusional if you think they are well off.

    Would someone like to educate a narrow minded poster of some of the Very Rich Farmers out there sitting on long held Family Land worth a Kings Ransom if sold today.

    <deleted> ... facepalm.gif

    No but I can educate you to the horror of shrimp farming in Thailand

    • Like 1
  12. Thanks for your input but with the amount of strength and conditioning training I'll be doing I'm going to need complex carbohydrates(rice,potatoes) and more protein so will be cooking and eating a lot or legumes , enjoy your woody :-)

    Sent from my HTC_PN071 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Here potatoes are not very good, the climate is not right for it.

    But you have excellent sweet potatoes with more vitamin C and A and more fibers.

    Protein wise the best source is green leafy vegetable: Kale, spinach, broccoli, romaine, etc.

  13. You are asking for a whole lot of truth there pard-ner.

    but, I am among them liberated men, and understand, the female is a requirement for a real life, with all that they provide

    it is up to us, MEN, to lead them, to their happiness......


    WOW ... I can't believe my luck ... this just keeps getting better ... cheesy.gif


    Oh yeah this guy is a gem.

    I personally feel sooo empty now that I don't have someone like you to guide me into happiness.

    Please do shame more guidance oh wise man

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