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Posts posted by Kitsune

  1. So far as French bashing we have :

    French people are ignorant

    They cause trouble everywhere they are

    They have a dreadful attitude

    If it were about Thai people the topic would be closed by now; but it's OK to bash French, everyone hates the French !

    But they doi have some redeaming factors:

    - French bread

    - French wine

    - French cuisine

    - French women (no, scrub that one, armpits hairier than a gorilla...)

    Only joking on that last point of course smile.png

    - French fries over-saturated fat will kill you

    - French kiss, mix your bacterias with strangers ewww

    - French letters: Madame de Sevigne, writing in 1671, dismissed it as "armour against enjoyment and a spider's web against danger"

    - French dressing is actually American

    It's not the armpits you have to worry about, it's the smell, French people don't wash it's a fact.

  2. If Chiang Mai is so bad, I wonder why so many people choose to live here?

    The same reason people don't want to believe in global warming.

    2.4 million people die each year from causes directly attributable to air pollution.

    Worldwide more deaths per year are linked to air pollution than to automobile accidents.

  3. http://aqicn.org/city/thailand/chiangmai/city-hall/

    What's in yellow and they call "moderate" is actually considered as dangerous (above 50PM10)

    What's they good "good" is actually just below the dangerous line

    And that's the "good" season.

    Now if I am a millionaire like the OP, and I could live anywhere I like, I think I would choose to live in a place where the air is clean, but that's me

    I don't think you can buy property in the middle of the ocean.

    yes you are right to correct me, technically there is no such thing as clean air on the planet, but you don't have to chose the more dangerously polluted zone

  4. I think this thread is useless without pics...

    A common, but often appropiate refrain.

    I like to who how the other side squeezes lives.

    You play TV again ! smile.png

    ... biggrin.png ... Indeed I do ... Indeed I do.

    It is but a wee pleasure this evening.

    I missed the opening Football Game of the Season, so I could go Curtain shopping for the newly built bedroom, built for the newly born Twins.

    Tis the life of a Father which I am squeezing into ... sometimes comfortable ... sometimes ... dry.png

    Do you have kids? I have a much greater respect for Parents now-a-days!

    BTW ... Curtains sourced, cost Bt2,000 with poles, ends and brackets.

    Will borrow the Farm drill tomorrow morning and make an attempt to attach them to the wall in an orderly fashion.

    I'm up in Bangkok mid this week ... up for a drink?

    I am lost: last week you were single free as a bird, now you are a Dad ?

  5. Sheryl, on 22 Feb 2014 - 19:06, said:
    Costas2008, on 22 Feb 2014 - 17:43, said:

    If, I was a woman, I would never come near you.

    You are complicated, uncertain of yourself, quite immature.

    You aren't a woman and news flash, they may not take the same view of it.

    I am a woman and the post does not strike me as at all immature, much the opposite.

    Nor did it suggest to me a lack of self-confidence (takes a fair amount of self-confidence actually to be willing to put such personal details out there). My take is rather that as someone who has never lived in Thailand but having heard all the horror stories of relationships gone bad here (especially ones through online dating sites) , he has some realistic concerns and wants to bounce them off of people who do live here.

    As for complicated -- most women consider that a plus. Complicated = depth = interesting. Something too few men are....

    Now please guys, behave yourselves. If you don't want to read a post of this length, then - don't read it. If you don't have something useful to say then - don't say anything. Simple, really.

    Sheryl, I have read previous posts of yours and always respected and agreed with your advice.

    But, I'm sorry to say, not with this one.

    If a grown up guy, after reading thousands of articles and stories, about the dangers involved in a Thai relationship and can not make up his own mind, but he has to ask strangers how to conduct his life, in my mind, he is immature and lack's of self confidence.

    You are right, I'm not a woman, and as a man it's very difficult to understand women, but as I always have a straight forward thinking, I wouldn't bother too much with your romantic and complicated liking of men.

    And the last thing, I want to say, is that I don't want this girl to get hurt, not her or anybody deserves that.

    There is always the other side of the coin, and men are not always the victims.

    You are spot on Costas.

    We all read dozens of stories explaining the troubles with Thai women, and yet there seem to be an unlimited supply of men ready to fall for the very same tricks described over and over.

    But without these would it be a TV general forum ?

    • Like 1
  6. Patriot means strong support for ones country, ex means ''was'' or ''not anymore'', soooooooooooo, l am not an expat cos l am still a patriot. smile.png .

    The terminology pertaining to this thread is ex-patriate not ex-patriot.

    Well you get on to the OP to give the full spelling regarding his/her topic title, theres a good chap. thumbsup.gif

    Wouldn't "ex-pate" be a polite term for a baldie?

    And fattie for the women ?

  7. Give up. She deserves better.

    No wonder you have problems with western women. If you talk anything like you write, you wouldn't get a second date.


    Clearly you are not a Western woman.

    I am, and the way he writes struck me as thoughtful and honest, which to most women is appealing, not off-putting.

    I am also a western woman & found the OP post to be quite pathectic, "sex twice a week" lol poor excuse for a male if you want my opinion

    No really ? You read it ALL?

    Sorry can't be bothered to find it in the OP, why is "sex twice a week a poor excuse for a male" ?

    Sounds interesting though smile.png

  8. Just go to the doctor asap it's only a shot

    The more you wait the harder it will be for the vaccine to work against rabies.

    Also you have to consider your own immune system, some people are more resistant than others.

    There is only one case of survival :One girl in the US survived rabies out of millions who died in horrible painful death.

    Not the best way to go

  9. Believe me I've made arrangements, good friends who will help if/when the time comes.

    I believe you put these people in great troubles they risk prison for that.

    A hefty price to pay for a friend who did not want to eat his greens...

  10. You can treat the problem or you can uproot it by working on what causes it.

    For Curing :Stop all animal products and oils and embark on a whole grain plant base diet. It takes 11 days to 2 weeks to reverse high cholesterol.

    And for treatment eat AMLA

    It will bring down your blood sugar, will lower your bad cholesterol, boost your good cholesterol, and cut your triglyceride levels in half in 3 weeks!

    One gooseberry a day will cut your bad cholesterol in half in 3 weeks without side effects.

    It is widely available in Thailand and cheap as chips smile.png

    Here is the data to prove it

  11. How does it work exactly?

    Here is the detailed explanation of the role of IGF1: a growth hormone that is promoting growth of cancer cells.

    "IGF1 help cancer cells break up from the primary tumor and migrate to the surrounding tissues and invade the bloodstream."

    It's true for prostate cancer, breast cancer, bones, brain, liver, lung, etc

    How do we get IGF1? In our DIET

  12. Here is the famous quotation of Dr T Campbell, "Cancer starts with genes" he's "only" the eminent biochemist specialized in relationships between food and health and Jacob Gould Schurman Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University.

    He's also one of the 2 stars in the documentary Fork over Knives, but more scientifically the guy behing the famous "China Study"

    Campbell was one of the lead scientists in the 1980s of the China-Oxford–Cornell study on diet and disease, set up in 1983 by Cornell University, the University of Oxford and the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine to explore the relationship between nutrition and cancer, heart and metabolic diseases. The study was described by The New York Times as "the Grand Prix of epidemiology."[2]

    On this very video here his quote "cancer starts with genes" can be found at 0.21" and he follows by saying "might be genes that you are born with it", he then explains that the development of cancer cells is accelerated or reduced depending of our DIET

    These are the results of the China Study a 20-year study – described by The New York Times as "the Grand Prix of epidemiology" – conducted by the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Cornell University and the University of Oxford. T. Colin Campbell was one of the study's directors

    For more details please watch "Forks over Knives" a documentary about the finding of Dr T Campbell and Dr Esselstyn and how we can change our diet to better health

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