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Posts posted by Kitsune

  1. how many readers believe their girlfriend / wife would have still choose them for a partner had he had to openly compete in the west in the real world?

    None, unless they're deluded, in which case we will soon find them in the " The Thai wife left me the minute she got her visa/after stealing all my money" section.

    just realized you are female, does this mean you are totally pissed because no westerner wants to be with you for what ever reason. It always seems that the women and men that have had failed relationships like to bag anyone that is having a good one simply because they are jealous as sh*t they cannot snare someone. Dont worry, I feel sorry for people like you that have to try to denegrate others because they failed, I am sure you will find a fat, old and ugly thai for yourself if you look hard and offer enough money. Have a nice day nowbiggrin.png .

    Yeah I am so jealous I wish I could have a red neck husband twice my age, that can't spell "denigrate" and need to ask Thaivisa how to live with me.

    look who's spitting the dummy, you cant decide if your a man or woman but doesnt matter because with your attitude no one would want to be with you anyway. All you are is another reason to read posts in here, takes all kinds to make tv a great place to be and when we get someone that is loveless such as yourself that cant decide if they are male or female but just want to abuse everyone it makes for a great laugh. I am older than my wife, only by 17 years and she earns way more than me and could have a choice of men way wealthier than me but she chose me over them all. That must piss people like you off heaps because you are not able to say the same so you need to come in here and try to denigrate those that do, definitely feel sorry for you now especially when you start picking on their spelling(ps, you should check your own grammar/spelling before commenting on anyone elses)cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

    I suggest some reading lessons, did you skip grammar school ?

  2. yeah I know anyone who says anything about old farts buying young wives, is either a dumb beefed up young guy or a bitter Western woman.

    The fact remains, it is neither of them that got the OP writing : It was a 21 yo Lukkrung girl she said "it is not right", so don't come and lecture me about my imaginary bitterness.

    Hey 'old farts' have feelings you know, mature wordly wise/unwise sounds better

    Sorry a guy who who buy himself a Thai woman half his age is anything but mature or wise.

    • Like 1
  3. you are coming across like a bitter Western or Westernized female, perhaps living in Thailand, that frequently observes older Western men with much younger Thai women, and this bothers you.

    Many, if not most older Western men have settled or visit Thailand (not for the culture, infrastructure, climate, or scenery) but to be with younger females who adhere to the traditional (pre women's lib) values of women taking care of the home, children and physical needs, while the man is the breadwinner and provides home, food and money. Most men are not so self-deluded to believe they are God's gift to these women in the physical sense. Both parties benefit from this arrangement. After a period of time, genuine affection may occur between these "mismatched" couples

    Hello cliches :5 minutes ago i was a young guy with muscles, now i said I am a woman I have to be bitter and western.

    They don't adhere to traditional values, they just want a ticket out of here.

    Why do you think we have so many stories about men being dumped the minute the wife gets full visa?

    Post #17, you said you once had a boyfriend....,so Im assuming you are a woman as a gay guy would not care about this topic. If you read my post, i stated that many men move to Thailand (not take women to other countries, which I agree with you is a recipe for disaster is a vast age difference). I would like to know why you come across as bitter when you see the old guys with young ladies?

    Shall remind you the OP: it's a 21yo lukkrung who said 'it's not right' Is she also bitter?

  4. yeah I know anyone who says anything about old farts buying young wives, is either a dumb beefed up young guy or a bitter Western woman.

    The fact remains, it is neither of them that got the OP writing : It was a 21 yo Lukkrung girl she said "it is not right", so don't come and lecture me about my imaginary bitterness.

    • Like 1
  5. OK first up I'm late 50,s but pretty fit The Thai gf is 29. The thing is it does not matter if I was not fit of had a limp or whatever. I'm sick of younger blokes on here implying that the old farts have girls because of their money and ability to "take care" Get your head out of clouds if you didn't have some means to support her she would go near you. Yes I'm talking to you tom cruise or the pumped up dim wits. Its about one thing SUPPORT. After that they give it back in spades, even if pushing your wheel chair.

    I had a boyfriend I was in love with, I refused to marry him because he was a millionaire (in Euro). He was my age, he was a successful professional, and handsome.

    The family was always in the middle with their cash telling us how to live our lives

    Money means selling your backside like a piece of meat, given up your principles, your beliefs, and eventually your soul.

    you are coming across like a bitter Western or Westernized female, perhaps living in Thailand, that frequently observes older Western men with much younger Thai women, and this bothers you.

    Many, if not most older Western men have settled or visit Thailand (not for the culture, infrastructure, climate, or scenery) but to be with younger females who adhere to the traditional (pre women's lib) values of women taking care of the home, children and physical needs, while the man is the breadwinner and provides home, food and money. Most men are not so self-deluded to believe they are God's gift to these women in the physical sense. Both parties benefit from this arrangement. After a period of time, genuine affection may occur between these "mismatched" couples

    Hello cliches :5 minutes ago i was a young guy with muscles, now i said I am a woman I have to be bitter and western.

    They don't adhere to traditional values, they just want a ticket out of here.

    Why do you think we have so many stories about men being dumped the minute the wife gets full visa?

    • Like 1
  6. how many readers believe their girlfriend / wife would have still choose them for a partner had he had to openly compete in the west in the real world?

    None, unless they're deluded, in which case we will soon find them in the " The Thai wife left me the minute she got her visa/after stealing all my money" section.

    Some of us did openly compete in the west in the real world, for our wives, thank you very much

    Wow you mean your future wife was a beautiful educated rich successful and talented professional with full visa and she fell for someone who believe finding love is a free for all ?

    Current wife thankyou

    So she's rich young beautiful and you are old ugly and skint?

    • Like 1
  7. OK first up I'm late 50,s but pretty fit The Thai gf is 29. The thing is it does not matter if I was not fit of had a limp or whatever. I'm sick of younger blokes on here implying that the old farts have girls because of their money and ability to "take care" Get your head out of clouds if you didn't have some means to support her she would go near you. Yes I'm talking to you tom cruise or the pumped up dim wits. Its about one thing SUPPORT. After that they give it back in spades, even if pushing your wheel chair.

    I had a boyfriend I was in love with, I refused to marry him because he was a millionaire (in Euro). He was my age, he was a successful professional, and handsome.

    The family was always in the middle with their cash telling us how to live our lives

    Money means selling your backside like a piece of meat, given up your principles, your beliefs, and eventually your soul.

    • Like 2
  8. how many readers believe their girlfriend / wife would have still choose them for a partner had he had to openly compete in the west in the real world?

    None, unless they're deluded, in which case we will soon find them in the " The Thai wife left me the minute she got her visa/after stealing all my money" section.

    Some of us did openly compete in the west in the real world, for our wives, thank you very much

    Wow you mean your future wife was a beautiful educated rich successful and talented professional with full visa and she fell for someone who believe finding love is a free for all ?

  9. how many readers believe their girlfriend / wife would have still choose them for a partner had he had to openly compete in the west in the real world?

    None, unless they're deluded, in which case we will soon find them in the " The Thai wife left me the minute she got her visa/after stealing all my money" section.

    • Like 2
  10. Basically you want a Mandarin tutor that doubles as a maid and get paid the salary of a maid?

    That would be ideal. Best value all-round.

    However, I would give her extra payment for overtime and extracurricular tasks...


    Mandarin tutors make 600B/h

    • Like 1
  11. Really sad !

    These are tax heavens, (Monaco, Macau, Andorra, Guernsey...), basically get rich, piss off to a tax heaven to avoid helping the people where you're from and you will have the cash to access the best medical care, meanwhile you deprive the people in your own country from medical care, because you did not pay your taxes !

    It's a dog eats dog world

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