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Posts posted by Kitsune

  1. Nothing personal, it's just the way the cookie crumbles over here.

    Marriage is social affair, love does not come in the equation.

    Young Thai ladies marry older men as a ticket to poverty, they lay low for a while,hoping they die early so they can enjoy a second more age suited marriage, nothing unusual.

    Your wife has adopted your values but not everyone has !

  2. Relax and enjoy life, use common sense, most of these "scientific" claims about food and health are pure <deleted> change from one decade to the next.

    Who wants to live forever anyway?

    Agreed if you confuse surveys done by lobbies, food industry to place their crap and make us believe its good for us.

    If you take independent non profit ones, information can mean a lot.

    It not about living forever it's about not poisoning yourself to end up hooked to lifetime expensive meds and in cripple state.

    Problem is so much research fronted by academic, government and non-profits are in fact driven by commercial interests. Big pharma, food/agriculture and the chemical industry are all pretty much the same these days.

    I'm talking common sense - avoiding processed factory/restaurant food, low sugar/fat/salt, eating a wide variety of whole foods prepared at home, lots of fruit and veg, no so much animal products.

    If you follow that, then no need to focus on "free radicals" and omega-X details.

    Time comes if I'm crippled or dependent on toxic meds I'll cut the cord die a happy man.

    All oils are slowing blood flow and causing inflammation to your arteries, which leads to heart disease.

    There are lots of cases where there is no cutting cord: A stroke which is very common nowadays, can kill you on the spot sure, but in many cases leave you half paralyzed and unable to do anything for yourself for many years to come. How do you cut a cord when you can't grab a knife?

  3. Relax and enjoy life, use common sense, most of these "scientific" claims about food and health are pure <deleted> change from one decade to the next.

    Who wants to live forever anyway?

    Agreed if you confuse surveys done by lobbies, food industry to place their crap and make us believe its good for us.

    If you take independent non profit ones, information can mean a lot.

    It not about living forever it's about not poisoning yourself to end up hooked to lifetime expensive meds and in cripple state.

  4. For a Thai woman,love is someone you have on the side (of your official relationship/marriage)

    Everyone's different KittyKat.

    I suppose you* (figuratively, not literally) make your own bed and lie in it.

    * Meaning the larger population, not 'you' personally.

    Traditionally marriage is not the space to express love in Thai culture.

    The husband is a social figure, a bread winner, a father, the guy in charge.

    And as lie is a cultural way life, up to 67% ofThai women are unfaithful.

    But sorry, you guys carry on dreaming ... more "another one bites the dust" stories to come !

    We all love them !

    • Like 1
  5. I use lard all the time, save my drippings from roasting pork, chicken, frying hamburgers, nothing goes to waste.

    It's all good. . .

    Mmmmm bacon lard...


    When I were a lad, beef dripping spread on bread ...... yum!

    Is your lard and beef - medium cooked (63°C) or Fried - well-done (83°C) ?

    That would change your PhiP levels.

    Studies have reported that high intake of well-done and/or high exposure to PhIP may be associated with cancer of the colorectum, breast, prostate, pancreas, lung, stomach, and esophagus.

    How is your cholesterol?

  6. No you are not being oversensitive.

    Thailand over the last few years has been overrun by nationalism mixed with mass-tourism overdose.

    Thai people have seen too many tourists, and not the nicest ones and are now more jaded than anyone.

    One top of this they are getting fed nationalism at very occasion.

    Every other country outside Thailand has now a quotation in most people scale of contempt and except to be treated accordingly.

    What you tell us is somewhat frightening because I thought people with money like yourself were excluded and always treated well.

    if now they start treating well-off people that way, it is not a good sign for the average foreigner.

    Thank you for sharing and well done in your calm keeping!

  7. Olive Oil is the best oil you can use.

    Approved by the Australian Heart Foundation

    Olive oil isn't good to fry something

    I use it for pan frying or stir fry all the time. I don't cook or eat things that have been deep-fried.

    Eating fried food may not be bad for the heart, as long as you use olive or sunflower oil to make it, experts say.

    They found no heightened risk of heart disease or premature death linked to food that had been cooked in this way.

    But the investigators stress that their findings, from studying the typical Spanish diet in which these "healthy" oils are found in abundance, do not apply to lard or other cooking oils.


    "Participants in this study used unsaturated fats such as olive and sunflower oil to fry their food. We currently recommend swapping saturated fats like butter, lard or palm oil for unsaturated fats as a way of keeping your cholesterol down and this study gives further cause to make that switch.


    Victoria Taylor, a senior heart health dietitian at the British Heart Foundation, said: "Before we all reach for the frying pan, it's important to remember that this was a study of a Mediterranean diet rather than British fish and chips.


    The only reason the Mediterranean got away with eating olive oil is because of the exercise they do and the amount of veg they eat.

  8. There has been one year of peaceful protest and it had led to nothing.

    The crowds are deflating, every week there are less and less protesters.

    Now their only real hope of being heard is through violence.

    So it's going to get ugly from now on.

    But again this is not a political post / topic thumbsup.gif


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