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Everything posted by nausea

  1. Something to do with China and India taking a neutral stance, I guess.
  2. Mostly redundant, I'd say, with Omicron and natural immunity taking over (c.f. UK, S. Africa). "Wall Street investors are dumping their Moderna and Pfizer stock faster than the world can drop the mandates." Pfizer & Moderna Investors Run for the Exits, by Justus R. Hope, MD, Feb 21, 2022, The Desert Review.
  3. He's not wrong, but to be more specific: Dollarisation and all that - America sneezes, the world catches a cold.
  4. Pi**ed as a newt no doubt, luckily no real harm done, and kudos to the police for their apparent calm handlng of the situation. It all adds to the flavour, as they say. Sober reflection in the hungover cold light of day, assuming he even remembers, will no doubt bring its own punishment, along with what I assume will be a hefty fine.
  5. I'm confused, isn't this bigamy? "Bigamy in Thailand, or marrying one person while still legally married to another, is not permitted (civil law section 1452) and is a criminal offense under the Thailand penal code (criminal offence to knowingly making a false declaration)." Or was the second marriage some kind of unofficial temple ceremony. As an aside, I was surprised to learn that the latter applies to many Farang guys who claim to be "married" (unofficial marriages mean nothing here as the concept of a common law marriage doesn't exist under Thai law). In particular, I recall one "married" guy who was berating me, as some kind of virtue signalling, for not making "an honest woman" of my long time partner.
  6. I get the impression that few people really understand the crypto space, not least me, or, I suspect, the fan boys. I did get an inkling of it's complexity after watching a YouTube video by Dan Olsen - "Line Goes Up - The Problem with NFTs", which, despite its title, gives a wide ranging review of the whole crypto arena. I warn you though, at over 2 hours long, it's not for the faint hearted.
  7. It's a complex, evolving, subject, and the powers that be seem to be continually behind the curve. Personally, I find Dr. John Campbell's stuff to be objective and based on the data, even though, horror of horror's, he's a YouTube presenter. A recent interview with Professor Robert Clancy was particularly interesting.
  8. Streisand effect - how many Thai people had even heard of AI, before now, that is. Most people didn't give a monkey's, more pressing worries, I guess. Obviously grates against a certain section of the population. What's weird is that these are the guys reading the reports - their very concern validates, certainly raises AI's profile.
  9. Why is this newsworthy? He's a big fish in a little pool. This is the guy who froze a living fish as a joke, right? To get views. Also, he got his start from intensive Mormon language training, then dumped them and went the social media route? His moral compass is probably on a par with a certain UK politician.
  10. I am. Did it myself for a few years, always a hassle. The agent route, so far (touch wood), has been hassle free. It's like when you upgrade your lifestyle, you were happy with <deleted>, now there's no going back. My advice, if you're doing it yourself, carry on; once you use a decent agent you'll be ruined.
  11. "And know that there is Mr. SHAUN KEVIN, 54 years old, British nationality. Was armed with a knife, wounded teeth, taken to Phahon Phon Legion ... ". I'm guessing this refers to the assailant's knife, but it doesn't read that way.
  12. Banning AI would be a statement in itself. These guys sre delusional. Like it makes any difference. We all know Thailand's problems in the human rights sphere. Personally, I follow the paradigm give to Caeser what is Caeser's.
  13. It's called inflation, and its down to the fed to sort it out. Everything is dollarised. Individual countries have limited influence.
  14. As I understand it, it's a point based system, so the Thai language criterion has changed from being merely a weighted factor (allowing room for it to be "winked" at), to an essential one (at least in theory). The renunciation aspect presumably means that anyone who hasn't renounced their previous citizenship, should their Thai citizenship be tested in a court of law, would not "legally" be a Thai citizen, whatever de facto priviliges they might currently be enjoying.
  15. I would disagree with this emphasis on boosters for everyone. The latest from the US indicates that 75%÷ of those who died from Covid had 4+ comorbidities. Given the vaccines do little to prevent Omicron transmission, and Omicron's less virulent nature, this would suggest that targeted, as opposed to mass vaccination, might be the way to go. Protect the vulnerable, the rest probably have a miniscule chance of being seriously affected, and the sooner we develop herd immunity the better for everybody.
  16. Sounds omnious. The devil's in the detail - who appoints the 10 members of this "oversight" council?
  17. Maybe these high profile military purchases - submarines, aircraft carriers - are something to do with maintaining ranking in the Global Firepower Index, which is based on paper strength over a variety of categories. This would explain why the rationale behind these decisions, even from a purely "operational need" point of view, and ignoring other factors, leaves some of us scratching our heads.
  18. It was interesting to learn the military budget decreased under Thaksin, might explain a lot.
  19. A phrase that sounds a lot like Powell's "transitory" inflation to me. Get with the game man, that phrase has been retired, don't you know?
  20. As an aside, it's not just pork and it's not just Thailand, rising food prices are a global problem. A bit off topic, but I personally find it interesting, that some link rising inflation in general to the dollarisation of international trade and the Fed's monetary policies; as some wit said - when America sneezes, the world catches a cold.
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