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Everything posted by nausea

  1. Kept expecting the guys in the audience to storm the stage, and the girls to be whisked off in a helicopter.
  2. Use a local pharmacist myself, no payment, but then they're an acquaintance/friend I've known for some years.
  3. This story smells, it smells of hyped up, hack (Daily Mirror?) hyperbole.
  4. The juicy melons thing has just got to be a set up.
  5. Thanks for all the comments; unfortunately, it seems there's no rhyme or reason to it. My other pension provider does all this by e-mail, time for the State Pension guys to enter the 21st century, methinks.
  6. Got caught on the hop earlier this year, with the UK State Pension Life Certificate saga, so just to confirm, these are sent every two years c. January time, right?
  7. Agree with other posters, if your gonna carry large amounts of cash, it needs to be secured on your body somewhere, ideally monebelt or the like; at the least, a wallet in a front pocket or a bag slung across your front. Personally, the most I've carried is 20,000bt, more usually 10,000bt for a wild weekend, when cards stay at home, with a 1000bt note in my shoe.
  8. Once again, the advice: "Know where your towel is at all times" (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy), has been vindicated.
  9. Like Tucker Carlson, you mean.
  10. 75 years old, apparently.
  11. Old guys do lots of weird stuff; live and let live, I say. Like spidermike007, I find they can be sexy on women; on men, they're meaningless these days; you're making more of a statement by keeping your body un-inked.
  12. Life is pretty much same same, after a while, for me anyway; the honeymoon period is exciting, I'll give you that; mind you, I'm speaking from memory, haven't been back home (UK) in a long time, I get the impression things are pretty effed up there these days.
  13. So the girls rioted over him, sounds pretty cool to me, hardly life scarring stuff.
  14. Big bike, 24 years old, 4.30am; live fast, die young.
  15. Believe me, all the psychic power in the world doesn't work when you have a bad toothache.
  16. You can tighten the gun laws all you like, but the problem is supply, handguns are very easy to get here; was offered (unsolicited) one myself. Anyway, the real problem is knives, which are ubiquitous; I get the feeling guns are more of a status symbol thing.
  17. Fake or real, it just emphasises that Thailand needs to direct limited resources to its real needs, i.e. coastal defence, rather than status symbols, such as submarines and aircraft carriers.
  18. I fluctuate between Hia and Kwai; when in Rome ... .
  19. Be thankful, it'll make your life seem longer; hey, I bet the people in Gaza ain't bored.
  20. It's not the sugar per se, it's the sedentary lifestyle and the abundance; sugar just exacerbates the problem. Lots of sugar around when I was kid, it rotted our teeth, but I and my peers were pretty skinny.
  21. i.e. fires blanks; carried to impress, I guess.
  22. Europe is effed up economically - no money, no honey (or Koh Kut) for them.
  23. "lucri bonus est odor ex re qualibet" (Juvenal) The smell of money is good wherever it comes from.
  24. "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist" Eisenhower
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