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Everything posted by nausea

  1. A big top 10 factor, particularly for US and UK retirees, is obviously geographical - Mexico and France springing immediately to mind. Thailand can never compete on that score.
  2. Apparently a dispute between two security teams, according to a well known Pattaya figure posting on YouTube.
  3. This guy is vocalising what many are already thinking, me included.
  4. It takes a long time to understand that your thai wife may be a little stupid. Like, my girl gets one in ten things right. Put money into this, put money into that, eventually you hit the jackpot. What I would ask, is has she done it before? My girl has. I have hopes for her but I wouldn't depend on it.
  5. Up to them. They seem to be concentrated on destroying whatever demand there is. Dangerous course to pursue, Thailand isn't the only country in SE Asia.
  6. Whatever, most of these guys, or their wives, thought they were getting an edge. Go figure. You can't defeat an honest man.
  7. If you're poor, don't travel. It's always been a rich man's game. We get these poor people doing their thing, one or two are gonna end in tragedy. Such is life.
  8. I live in Thailand - give to Caesar what is Caesar's. It's mostly symbolic, how effective it is is not really the point. Having said that, making love wearing facemasks gives me an excuse to reveal my kinky side. Ha! Not really. At 66 years the days of balancing various girlfriends has long gone, I struggle with one. Still, nice to have been there, done that, and got the t-shirt. One thing I regret, not keeping the various love letters over the years - would make interesting reading for my descendants.
  9. Personally, I think it's over; we may get a few kickbacks from the control freaks and big pharma, but most guys on the Clapham omnibus think Omicron isn't that big of a deal.
  10. What's that song - "the best you can hope for is to die in your sleep".
  11. I read 130 million. No independent confirmation of this. Maybe some spiel the guy was giving to encourage investors.
  12. Unless you understand the Thai market. Looks like an anti covid place to me, will attract a lot of the domestic market, yet still be attractive should the international market take off.
  13. Time will tell. I've already had a sore throat, so I reckon it's ubiquitous here.
  14. Seems to have been a crowd funded thing. Safety in numbers, and all that. Guess most of these guys thought they were getting an edge over the regular system. As for my wife, and wives seem to have been heavily involved in this thing, I give her money, she wastes it; one in ten times it pays off. I seem to be ahead of the game at the moment, 2 out of 7 ain't bad.
  15. Thais. Cowboys are a big thing here. See all the cowboy festivals inaugurated around New Year. Went to one myself at Khao Yai. Great fun, sitting on a haybale with a tower of beer, surveying the scene. Only Farang I remember was a guy dressed as a gunslinger, getting lots of selfies. Usual stuff - a bull bucking machine, huskies, and a big cowboy themed market.
  16. It's a common mistake to think the honeymoon phase will last forever.
  17. Indeed: the MO - members pump, organisers dump: Good luck with that, the crypto market isn't called the Wild West for nothing.
  18. Well, that sends an unequivocable message about any significant recovery in the short term, at least as far as the UK market is concerned.
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