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Everything posted by nausea

  1. No one has a problem with invited migrants coming here, it's the uninvited hordes. Luckily we're an island. One has to say Cui Bono, who benefits. As a working class guy I can say it ain't me.
  2. I've changed my mind. I don't think it's about guns per se, more of a mindset. At the end of the day you can get in a vehicle and mow down a ton of pedestrians; and knives, which are impossible to ban for obvious reasons, kill more people in the US than guns. Yeah, their are plenty of people who I felt intense hatred for, whether rightly or wrongly, but societal inhibitions prevented me from acting on my fantasies. That mindset breaks down and you have big problems.
  3. Fake news really, they filled up the reserves with Russian gas. Winter 2023/24 is gonna be the cruncher.
  4. Won't do any good, if the economy is <deleted>@#ed, wages are <deleted>@# ed. It's all about who gets the biggest piece of a shrinking cake.
  5. Pretty normal behaviour for the fairer sex, if you ask me; logic goes out the window and emotions take over, vive la différence. If, as a male, you haven't experienced this at least once in you life you haven't lived, and you certainly haven't had a woman who loved/was infatuated with you, unless she's your wife, of course.
  6. Why is the UK struggling more - the canary in the coalmine.
  7. Not the best of comparisons, given the US withdrawal. Neither did the British. The point is you threaten Russia with an existential crisis, they aren't gonna sit on their laurels and cry. This was about destroying the Russian economy with sanctions. That failed. Now you're just reiforcing failure. Who's winning here?
  8. The only thing I care about is the strength of the pound. Over the next couple of years. After which I'll probably be dead, being 67 and a heavy drinker and smoker. My favorite dog has died at 14 years, life is just downhill from hereon in. 555.
  9. We'll see. Being a UK guy I hope you're right. I fear we're seeing the calm before the storm. The Russians are very good at war. They play a long game, very suited to the chess they're so addicted to, along with the odd judo move Putin is famed for. My biggest fear is that the UK, European, and US, leadership are losing the plot.
  10. Just for clarification , was your Father "bought" to the U.K to work in coalmine's, or did he freely travel to the UK to find work ? He was recruited in Ireland and ended up marrying an Engish woman. Hence me. I can say being neither in one camp or the other wasn't really conducive to a good life but genetics won out.
  11. Awakening the Bear is not a good idea, as Napoleon and Hitler found out. The Russians may have many faults in Western eyes, but one thing they are good at is War, at least in their own area of influence. Escalatory dominance and all that.
  12. I'm twisted on this, my father was an Irish immigrant brought in to work in the English coalmines, so I'm not against migration per se. And one has to admit these were usually young fit males who caused some tensions in local communities.
  13. Try Paris.
  14. My family is staying very silent on this topic. I suspect the wall will break at some point. Doesn't seem like either of the mainstream parties has a real answer. It's all down to energy costs, I suppose. Why Britain, with its rich reserves of energy should be affected is beyond me.
  15. Here's some investment advice- buy at the bottom, sell at the top. I can't see Bitcoin going away anytime soon. Whether it's reached its nadir yet is a moot point, but a truism of investment advice is you can't time the market. Personally, if I had a few pennies to spare, I wouldn't be adverse to buying, as a purely speculative investment. Just remember "not your keys, not your coins".
  16. Yes. Those most suited to survive, will survive, on a statistical basis. However, I think there are a lot of niches, here and there, which depend on particular environmental circumstances. A general breakdown in society will kill most of these niches off. But, no doubt, enough will survive to bring it back to fruition when environmental factors once again become favorable.The sign of a strong society is its ability to protect the weak and marginalized, it all adds to the gene pool.
  17. I look at the funding for some of these groups and I do wonder whether it expenses genuine Thai opinion.
  18. Ukraine needs to get NATO involved with boots on the ground, otherwise they're screwed. It's just like logistics. Russia can keep pouring in men and equipment. That's why America and Europe are so leery, it would be a close run thing. There is no guarantee the West would win. Logistically, all the advantages are on Russia's side. Pick your fights carefully I say.. You screwed up on this one.
  19. True, those Donbas people are so repressed, I expect a popular uprising at any moment.
  20. The human cost in Ukraine is on humongous levels. Will someone please say stop.
  21. Basically, Thailand has no interest in pi@#ing off, China, India, Russia, or the USA. Talk about stuck between a rock and a hard place.
  22. Been there, Done that. In my younger days.
  23. Who knows what really happened here. Reason I don't drive in Thailand. It's great if you're one of these people who has an iron will and never drives when you are drunk. I realised a long time ago this isn't me. Now it's always my Teerak who drives me.
  24. It invites violence. I must admit, I was rather gobsmacked when a colleague of mine said he'd never been in a fight in his life. Always talked his way out of it. Different generations, I suppose. Almost a rite of passage in my generation, didn't really matter whether you won or lost, you just had to be willing to fight.
  25. "Jai Yen" is a good phrase to learn.
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