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Everything posted by farang51

  1. I guess it depend mostly of which VPN provider you have. I haven't experienced problems using any country with ExpressVPN.
  2. That's a different topic. Almost every forum/platform have regulations, if that protection is lost the internet will look very different. It wasn't really colluding, the platforms could choose not to listen or they could ignore the advice. I am sure the new owner of Twitter X would have chosen a different path, which he would have been free to do.
  3. 1. Saying "smoking causes cancer" doesn't cause people to be sick or die, on the contrary. At worst, it will make the tobacco industry earn less. 2. As I said, it is not censoring when a platform decides it does not want certain content. Be it misleading health information, naked ladies or foul language. Other platforms will allow that kind of content. As jaywalker2 points out, the anti-vaccines quacks has plenty of platforms where they can spread their lies. Even in this forum. stevenl answered that one.
  4. Or, they want to prevent misinformation that can have serious health implications. Your example with the sun would be more fitting like this: One guy says it is dangerous to look directly at the sun. If you want to look at the sun, for instance during a solar eclipse, you should use special glasses to avoid the risk of going blind. The other guy says it is perfectly safe to look directly at the sun. Everybody should do it as often as possible. In my world, serious platforms, and even Facebook and X, should stop the second guy from spreading dangerous misinformation. This is actually not censoring, it is the platforms deciding which information they will allow.
  5. Which country do you apply from? I never had any problems in Denmark, 1 inbound ticket is fine, no need for an outbound ticket. You could try to tell them that you plan to leave Thailand and re-enter via a land border.
  6. Naah, the GOPs in the House tried to prove that; evidence coming any day ... very soon ... we can soon release the evidence ... very soon - OK, we close the case. Should you have any evidence that Biden got a percentage, please post it here; and I am sure the GOPs in the House will be happy to get it too.
  7. No, it is still working, in Linux as well. However, that is too easy for GammaGlobulin, he wants to run the mobile app on a desktop computer with Linux.
  8. Normally, you do not elect the family. It is more relevant to focus on the corruption of the candidate herself/himself. Of course, if the candidate has a tendency to employ family members then the level of their corruption is relevant too. As far as I know, Biden has not employed any family members.
  9. I stopped viewing the MTG one when the ad came. He shouldn't have to insert ads like that, he has many views (deserved!), and I guess he is making a lot of money touring. I guess that now he's just being greedy or misguided.
  10. Probably (very probably) a scam. You you give us a link to them it would be easier to tell you for sure. Without a link, I am only 99,999 percent sure.
  11. Yeah, I realize that. He cannot even read and understand English as in the reason for Mueller to not prosecute the campaign officials for the meeting in the Trump Tower. As for the name caller, I do not debate with children.
  12. Read it again and try to understand the words. It was illegal. So, Clinton or her campaign did not collude with Russia.
  13. No, it was not. Mueller concluded that he did not have evidence that would meet the burden of proof principle beyond a reasonable doubt that the campaign officials acted with general knowledge about the illegality of their conduct. So, back to you: Was Clinton or her campaign convicted of colluding with Russia? Were there even hints that they colluded with Russia? The links you provided so far does not say anything remotely about Clinton or her campaign colluding with Russia.
  14. Neither Clinton nor the Clinton campaign colluded with Russia. You do not collude with a country by collecting data from people in a country. The Trump campaign did collude with Russia, and they hoped to collude even more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_Tower_meeting
  15. I do not consider Fox News a trustworthy news outlet; however, even that article does not support your statement that Clinton colluded with Russia. I am not sure why you bring those links - in the hope that no one clicks and read what they actually say? I guess your next link will be to an article about Clinton asking Russia to hack and release her emails.
  16. The word "Russia" is not included in that document. This is: "Indeed, the Commission received complaints alleging that Clinton’s joint fundraiser violated the Federal Election Campaign Act (the “Act”) and Commission regulations. The only trouble was, the allegations that stated a cognizable claim under the Act were not supported by evidence, and the allegations supported by evidence did not state a cognizable claim under the Act." Do you have any other (any real) evidence that Clinton colluded with Russia?
  17. What measure, patriotism & love for country as a monarchy ? Dont be ridiculous there is zero comparison but in your own head. The people in North Korea love their leader and country and are much more patriotic than the Thai people. Indoctrination and harsh laws utilised against opposition work very well to achieve that goal. Thailand employs those measures to a higher degree than many other countries; however, North Korea is in a class of its own.
  18. By that measure, North Korea is the best country in the world.
  19. None other that Trump (which was my point). But try to tell that to his disciples ...
  20. Maybe Biden will not because he is too old to do those things. But it is sooo unfair to Trump that all the other presidents that did all of those things got away scot free.
  21. I do believe that the original information is less than clear or prone to misinterpretations during translation. But I would love to see it. Please note that many other countries have not changed their advice to travellers.
  22. No, that is not press releases, that is the press reporting. Clearly, the June 1st date was wrong; thus, I wondered whether the ministry reported the wrong date or whether the press misunderstood the ministry and reported the wrong date. So far, the only official announcement I have seen does not say June 1st but sometime in June or July.
  23. As far as I understand, the date is not from the ministry. The change will happen at a later date, yet to be announced.
  24. What has been announced? I haven't (yet) seen anything from the government mentioning June 1st as the starting date. If you have seen an official announcement mentioning June 1st, please give us a link.
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