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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. http://nsnbc.me/2014/01/19/us-creeping-front-thailand/ this article seems to be more relevant to OP, I think...

    Very informative. Unfortunately too many words for thaivisa shinaclan supporters. smile.png

    You expect a country with democracy embedded in its foundation, which actively builds nations on democratic basis, to listen to a nutjob who wants to undo parliamentary democracy to promote democracy?

    I think that the USA's incursions into SE Asia have been significantly short of successful.

  2. When three SEALs were caught red handed at the protest site carrying silenced weapons it put the Navy squarely under suspicion. The 'drugs operation' cover story was obviously bogus.

    What's the logic of one taxpayer funded agency suing another? It's just an attempt to intimidate the police. There's an arrest warrant out for a suspect. Let's have his name. The bomber dropped his hat at the scene. Have the SEAL guy give a DNA sample and that would clear him or otherwise.

    Go back and read the news about the three "SEALS". They weren't caught at the protest site. They were picked up somewhere else well away from the protests and they happened to have guard IDs.


    They were carrying yellow shirt terrorist ID's. i think it's a safe bet that they were at the protest site. The police just had to wait until they moved away before arresting them.

    Do you think you add any value on here by presenting your lies as news?

    I'd prefer to see facts - not your toxic BS

  3. Wow OP, as a US trained lawyer as you claim then you would understand that weather you, Suthep, the Dem's or whistle blowers like it or not,


    Also you as a US trained lawyer you would also know that the correct way to remove a government leader is to impeach them, clearly show corruption or breaches of laws, but this has not been shown has it.

    But the US are well known for their style of removing government they no longer have use for yes?

    "this government was elected and those trying to overthrow the government are not respecting the vote of the people, ie the democratic process, "

    You're correct of course....PTP were elected....and there were some good populist policies implemented by the past Thaksin regimes.....Village fund, 30 Thb health fund & etc......however...in the highly populated North and NE regions prior to the last election, evidence is blatantly obvious of vote buying....(Youtube has several videos of Reds passing out 1000Thb bills for their vote).

    The overwhelming problem with this is that independent research has shown that the Dems spent more buying votes in these regions than PT and it didn't work. People simply took the money and voted as they wished.

    The uncomfortable and underlying implication in all these endless claims of vote buying is that all these people - the whole region - are stupid and easily led. The population's minds are not their own. I for one find this ongoing elitism and - yep - racism ugly. It's no different to the way white southerners approached the black population for a hundred years after the US civil war, and the English regarded Indians, Chinese, Malays, Māori, Aborigines and Africans for hundreds of years. It's abhorrent.

    Please, next time you are making blanket accusations of vote buying think for a moment about what you are saying. People who live in the regions that vote strongly PT have minds, ethics, morals and opinions, no more or less than any other person who voted any other way - no matter how much you may need to buy into blanket "vote-buying" to support the position you may have taken.

    What "independent research"?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  4. Wow OP, as a US trained lawyer as you claim then you would understand that weather you, Suthep, the Dem's or whistle blowers like it or not,

    that this government was elected and those trying to overthrow the government are not respecting the vote of the people, ie the democratic process,

    Also you as a US trained lawyer you would also know that the correct way to remove a government leader is to impeach them, clearly show corruption or breaches of laws, but this has not been shown has it.

    But the US are well known for their style of removing government they no longer have use for yes?

    What's the weather got to do with it?

    Impeachment doesn't work if you have a majority in the house that vote for the party and not the truth.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  5. Jonathan Head is well known as a reporter who is not independently and impartially reporting the news, as he should. This guy is on Thaksin's side, he is not a reporter he is propagandist. He associates exclusively with Thaksin's supporters and mocks those who propose alternative views to the ruling Government's. We all saw how this creature behaved during 2010.


    You forgot to mention that Thaksin is paying Jonathan Head 500 baht a day.

    He's much cheaper than that.

    Rachel Harvey is another dimwit.

    While the stage was calling for burn Siriraj Hospital, burn muslim mosques, burn bangkok malls etc. She was reporting just a big party.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  6. Those are pretty good photos. I would think that if a reward is posted, somebody will come forward to identify this character.

    Yawn. Yesterday's news. Learn to read Thai. The Thai newspapers are all over this. He is a former Navy Seal employed by Suthep. There's absolutely no mystery here. Suthep is injuring and killing his own people in an attempt to stir up unrest and get the army to undertake a coup.

    If you can't provide proof if this then you are another liar to be ignored

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  7. I believe a survey published over the past few days has shown that 20% of Bangkokians have attended the protest.

    In the last 2 months total or in one day as Suthep claims?

    Does this include all those who just stood by the road or at their shops as Suthep passed by?

    What area was the survey conducted in, just those near the protest sites? The richer areas of the city?

    The survey asked people if they had participated.

    I'm sure you can find the details for yourself

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  8. Yes but if she stepped down wouldn't someone have to take her place? I think that would be a good idea if she stepped down actually as she's too close to Thaksin and not a politician which is the real reason for the start of the protests.

    There must be someone in charge during an election campaign otherwise another country could just invade whilst there was nobody in charge. I know this happens in the UK and I would think the same is true of most democracies except the USA where the system is different but there's still not a time when there's no government.

    If she stepped down, a deputy would take her place. This is what happened when Thaksin "stepped down" after the 2006 election. He appointed someone as care-taker PM. Also, when Samak was forced to step down and when Somchai was banned, a deputy became acting PM until a new PM was elected in parliament.

    If Yingluck stepped down, that would be a huge step to solving this problem. That doesn't mean that Suthep would suddenly be in power. PTP would still be care-taker government.

    But Thaksin, the eternal pachyderm, would probably put another of the clan in above the other hundreds of eunuchs that make up the PTP fawnicators.

    Possibly the potato faced tyrant or his macho son, the one with the failed amusement park.

    That would raise the temperature

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  9. I don't see why the police should do anything against the people who are against Suthep and his yellow protesters.

    The easiest solution is to clear the protesters, send most of them home, send the craziest to rehab, and send Suthep to prison.

    If that is done then nobody will ever come to harass anyone and life will come back to normal.

    Why blame honest people who want these protests to end?

    Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    So by your logic Abhisit and Suthep would have been justified in killing the red army in 2010.

    Did you see the poll today? The vast majority want what Suthep is asking for. A reform council.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  10. From a member 20 minutes ago:

    Thai news reports bomb attack at Victory Monument.

    An unknown man was seen throwing two bombs in to crowds of people. The protesters tried to apprehend the assailant but were shot at it.

    Source was Nation TV.

    More reason for the guards to be permitted to be armed.

    Do people seriously expect the protesters to whistle at an armed attacker? I hope they get him and expose him for what he is.... A THAKSIN paid terrorist.

    why is it when someone throws a grenade he is a paid taksin terrorist, but when he blocks roads, storms police headquarters, threatens a legally elected PM "a peaceful protester?" WHO IS PAYING THESE PEOPLE TO SPEND NIGHTS ON THE STREET, EATING FREE FOOD, NOT WORKING YET SUPPORTING their families at home? who has the money to do this? No one dares to ask that question!

    Unless you have spent time in rural Thailand you probably wouldn't understand

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  11. Every single Thai person of voting age will have their say on Feb 2nd. Let them have the final word.

    You know that's not the case

    This election is massively flawed

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    OK, I'll fall for it. How is the Election massively flawed? Please don't tell me it's because some of the southern provinces do not have candidates registered.

    How will it ever be accepted without the opposition participating?

    Not just the 28 southern constituencies but the 22 with one candidate.

    The government has cases hovering over the vast majority of their MPs that could have them all banned.

    There is ongoing violence on a daily basis

    Yingkuck says vote her out. How can this be?

    If the election goes ahead the best that can happen will be a neutered caretaker government and endless failed bielections

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  12. When the Thai electorate elected the current government they did so in the clear knowledge that Yingluck was the Pheu Thau candidate for Prime Minister.

    In the previous election Abhisit was the equally clear Democrat candidate for Prime Minister. He was rejected by the electorate.That he ended up as Prime Minister was due to a process which could be at the very least be described as facilitated by groups outside the electoral or democratic process. He had no electoral mandate to be the Prime Minister.

    I rather suspect (wearily and cynically) that the current crisis will eventually end the same way, with Abhisit installed as Prime Minister. It will possibly be the least violent result, but will be no solution, and will only kick the can down the road, for how long remains to be seen.

    " When the Thai electorate elected the current government they did so in the clear knowledge that Yingluck was the Pheu Thau candidate for Prime Minister."

    Rubbish. She wasn't selected until after.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    So Yinglucks selection as Prime Minister came as a complete surprise to all those millions who voted for Pheu Thai?

    What an extrordinary thing to believe!

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    You can't have "clear knowledge" when there is an element of doubt. Its a Boolean flaw

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  13. Why drop it there?? where there's not many people, why not do it where there's more of a crowd, maximising the damage??

    (changing hats from the logical to cynical)

    Collateral damage is widely accepted during warfare is it not??

    (Changing hats back)

    Have they located the driver yet and interviewed him?

    Back to the same logic, though, why not throw the grenade, if it was from a window, when the crowd was at it's deepest?

    If it was indeed a bomb thrown out of the driver's window, it seems like it was wrapped in a white towel, from what I can tell from the video frames. Maybe the driver had the idea that wrapping the explosives in a white towel would prevent shrapnel from hitting protesters and only causing a scare. He probably didn't think that the shrapnel would go through the towel and hit the protesters, causing the 30+ injured and 1 dead.

    I saw someone posting on the PDRC Facebook page asking about this video but it was deleted by the PDRC moderators. I wonder why.

    Looks like this video might be the end of Suthep, if it turns out he yet again opened fire on his own people.

    As the real evidence unfolds, your useless babbling falls to bits.

    The red cap belongs to a Chulalongkorn guard who was using the room

    Forensic police have said the grenade was not thrown from the pickup

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  14. Why drop it there?? where there's not many people, why not do it where there's more of a crowd, maximising the damage??

    (changing hats from the logical to cynical)

    Collateral damage is widely accepted during warfare is it not??

    (Changing hats back)

    Have they located the driver yet and interviewed him?

    Back to the same logic, though, why not throw the grenade, if it was from a window, when the crowd was at it's deepest?

    Exactly my point.

    Suthep had to be the target so why miss him by so much. Think it's been done to death on here and there cannot be many who have not made up their minds by now as to who did what.

    Another scenario that I found interesting and plausible is that somebody in the pick up was playing with a grenade (we know they are well armed) and accidently pulled the pin. Thais do that a lot and a woman was shot through the head by her police boyfriend in phuket last month in this way.

    It did seem to go off very quickly after coming out of the truck so was on a short fuse, or indeed an accident. Strange times we live in but we do have to try and keep an open mind....

    Apart from the forensic police saying the grenade was not launched from the pickup

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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