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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. what is her opinion in giving Thaksin blanket immunity?

    It is pretty obvious. She specifically named Abhist and Suthep.

    Not a word About Thaksin. Obviously he has reached her some how as her original proposition did not exclude him.

    When she first came out with her proposal I thought it was a good idea in that it would still leave the Primary perpetrator subject to prosecution if he ever got up enough nerve to step back into Thailand. Abhist and Suthep backed it also.

    In my opinion she is just another red shirt willing to do any thing that Thaksin tells her to do. I don't give a dam that her doughter was killed as she is willing to let the man responsible for it go free and try to Punish the ones who ended the attempted Coup.

    I wasn't aware that anyone other than Abhisit and Suthep had responsibility for ordering the Army on to the streets and to use live ammunition against their own people.

    Until uncaring people like you and others like you who don't give a dam_n about the Army slaying civilians in Thailand, become less self centred and arrogant about these atrocities, this country will continue to be plagued by these low lifes who use the Army as a political prop.

    Go on then, amuse me.

    WHAT was the "order" to the army?

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