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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. Best wishes to the injured in this rare incident.

    Indeed. Only 29,000 dead in road accidents per year

    Please provide a link to the barstool, who gave you those numbers!!coffee1.gif

    I believe your infantile question has been answered by several posters below.

    Also bear in mind that a "road death" in Thailand is only recorded as such if the victim dies at the scene - and not subsequently in hospital.

  2. What does he mean by telling the media to be cautious when reporting court proceedings relating the military's role in the events of 2010? Their job is just to report what happened in court or does he mean they should not report anything or always report that the army was exonerated, even if they weren't. Seems a strange statement for an army chief.

    He basically means to say that of utmost importance is to protect the three pillar ideology, and as the military's supreme duty is the protection of the three pillars, any weakening of the military would automatically equate leaving the three pillars in a vulnerable position. Which, following this logic, the army cannot allow to happen. He reminds the media here what their duty within this context should be as well, in his duty as army chief, and therefore chief protector.

    I would lie if i would say that those sort of statements would not make me slightly uncomfortable...

    What makes me decidedly uncomfortable is the DSI's Tarit and his unseemly crusade.

    What makes me extremely uncomfortable is the organ grinder and his monkeys

  3. I fly a lot internationally and domestically. Nok air is the best budget airline I've ever used and the staff are very well drilled.

    One thing about the pilots on these smaller aircraft is that they know how to aviate.

    It wouldn't surprise me if the engine story is a red herring as they tend to shut one engine down for taxying to save fuel.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  4. Where are the red shirts?

    Aren't they supposed to be looking after the people?

    4 legs good, 2 legs better

    You simply need to broaden your news sources... The Nation will never report on things that might place the Reds in a positive light and the Bangkok Post cannot be quoted here. But if you genuinely want an answer to your question, just look at the first link here: https://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&sourceid=navclient&gfns=1&q=%22red%20shirts%22%20%22floods%22%20%222013%22

    That was just an outrageous photo oportunity

  5. When you can prove that you were flooded a minimum of 1 meter high for 2 successive weeks you qualify for a one-time payment of THB 5000 plus a plastic bag with one pack of instant doSodles per household member, each pack bearing Khun Thaksin's smiling face with an original encouraging "thumbs-up" quote or an expression of compassion. If you can prove 1,50 meter flooding for two weeks you will additionally get a free DVD with Khun Thaksin's greatest karaoke hits (Let It Be etc.) live on the Red Stage.

    This is total nonsense.

    About what can be expected.................

    It's quite true - I have the DVD. It was delivered by red boat (paint still wet) and is the limited edition "f#$% your mother" version.

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