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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. You can only borrow against what you make , in this instance the country will have difficulty in repaying this amount , as against other outstanding loans, they know full well that going within the finance guide lines,this department would differ greatly from this present course of raising finance outside the normal channels , this in it's self should start the alarm bells ringing, the idea of what it is supposed to be used for  (infrastructure ) is quiet good , however a little at a time over fifteen years , not trying to bundle all the projects into a five year period time frame and this is where the problem lies , vote grabbing,  look what I am doing for you Thailand as against good management for Thailand, the people have chosen this administration, the PTP should respect that and govern with responsibility. Posted Image

    If they stop the rice subsidies for 4 years, employ the farmers as labourers they can pay this with no loan and eat all the rice in storage

    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  2. Actually most of the posters here are incorrect. Thailand already is the largest exporter of rubber in the world. If I had to guess I'd already say Thailand is (and has been for decades) a rubber hub. 

    All this hubbing is really quite tyring.

    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. If I had a baht for every time the government announced its intentions to be a hub of this or a hub of that and proceeded to do nothing about it and I had a baht for every crackdown that was announced that never ever happened, I could buy all the rice and rubber and make everybody rich in 6 months.

    Come to think of it - that's a better financial strategy than they have!

    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  4. "I don't know how Thaksin thinks about us now. But he always is our boss. If he asks me and Newin to do something, we would [do it]," he said.

    His kids must be real proud of him. Grovelling git.

    This usually happens when unprincipled people sense a defeat is on the horizon.

    If I was Thaksin, I'd show no mercy. These people cannot be trusted.

    I'd expect that Abhisit wouldn't lose any sleep over the party's demise either.

    Cut the BS - you'll be sending them roses when they're back on your side.

  5. From what I have heard I think I'd like to raise the following points:

    The "injuries" were smoke inhalation rather than physical.

    The landing was routine until the nose gear connected with the runway. At this time there was a "wobble" and the wheel came off (maintenance issue or component failure? Wait for the report)

    The plane continued on its own momentum on the pin - tough to steer with no front wheel - until it veered off and left the runway

    In all probability there was some debris that entered the engine and caused the fire - which was effectively dealt with

    • Like 1
  6. I don't fly in any model Airbus. Look up their record. They have to many "incidents".

    There are French, British and other nationalities working on Airbus planes. The British make several

    Models of the Rolls Royce engines which are very good engines.

    I just don't want a plane that was made by people speaking different languages. There is to much

    Technical date involved.Nothing negative about either nationality. One common language

    On a product this complex it is much better.

    My nephew worked at the Boeing at Everett, Washington, USA. the largest building in the world

    Under one continous roof.

    He also said he wouldn't fly in a Airbus plan.

    I have flown to Thailand probably 8 times in recent year aboard 747's and 777's

    I trust the General Electric engines and Boeing planes.

    ChuLai 6768

    You're entitled to an opinion - however this one makes you look like a complete turnip.

    I can only hope you are always booked onto a Dreamliner

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  7. This whole situation has the stench of hypocracy and discrimination about it.  The governments appeasement of northern farmers and disinterest with their southern cohorts is indicative of this governments perpetuation of a North/ South divide in this country.  As these disenfrachised groups become more vocal and their demand ignored they will become more radical.

    PTP reconcilliantion at its finest.


    You have conveniently neglected to acknowledge the large sums of money  pledged to the southern growers and processors,

    Why is Songkhla  quiet? This is the 2nd largest rubber producing region and where most of the processing occurs. Yet, the protests have been few and far between.

    Care to adjust your conspiracy  allegation  in light of that reality, or do you just  want to cling to the hatred of PTP no matter what?

    Songkhla is a town in the Hat Yai province. Although our PM was confused about it's status it is not a region.

    Neither is it quiet

    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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