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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. Kittiratt: World economic fluctuation will not affect Thai economy

    BANGKOK, 31 August 2013 (NNT) – Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Kittiratt Na-Ranong said the current world economic fluctuation will not affect the country’s economy, while expressing confidence that the depreciation of Thai baht will benefit Thai export.

    During the “PM Yingluck Meets the People” program on NBT, Finance Minister Kittiratt mentioned about the world economic situation, saying the US’s and Japan’s measures to boost their economies will not affect Thailand, instead, he believes it will benefit the country’s economy as Thailand will see an influx of money coming in, causing the value of Thai currency to go down, which will in turn boost the export sector.


    The minister also affirmed that Thailand has sufficient reserves and strong economic foundation, unlike other countries in Asia that need foreign direct investments (FDI) to compensate for their trade deficit.

    He further revealed that the current depreciation of Thai baht may have a slight effect on the country, but will benefit the exporters, adding that Thailand still sees a positive sign in the inflation rate.


    -- NNT 2013-08-31 footer_n.gif


    A weaker baht is obviously good for exports. Not really something we didn't know anyway. Of course whether exports will benefit depends on other things as well such as demand and the situation in other exporting countries.


    I'm not so certain if the influx of money coming in will cause the baht to go down. Wasn't it the influx of money that made it go up in the first place?

    Technically i'd agree however many goods are priced in dollars on the world stage including oil so it will drive up the price of imports and that will filter down to exports.

    Thailand's previously strong markets were rice (destroyed) prawns (EMS) tapioca and chicken and it remains to be seen where that will all end up

    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  2. Well at least the speaker has learnt not to call the cops as soon as he doesn't get his way.


    No. The speaker  will call upon the designated civil  law enforcement  officials to enforce the  applicable laws.

    Unlike the  Democrats, the Speaker doesn't need the army to prop him up.

    Thaksin thanks Peua Thai's fuzz

    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. Why is it undemocratic to amend a constitution? Why is it undemocratic for a political party that enjoys a majority to exercise its power? The gridlock that has been in place in the US Congress for the last 5-6 years is more undemocratic, in my view, than what is happening in Thailand. Who uses a filibuster to block legislation outside of the US? Since residing in Thailand, the thing that bothers me the most is the power of the military and the power of the judiciary to interject itself into the legislative process. How is it rational to abolish an entire political party based on the acts of one individual?
    Why is it democratic for a political party to move the goalposts to enable even greater changes to be made, unopposed?

    A government which appears to be abusing parliamentary democracy.

    A party which perpetuates the Thai culture of discretionary rule of law.

    Until a government can be seen to be trustworthy, I don't see how your naive support of the rant "we were democratically elected so we can do whatever we want and stuff the country and people as long as the party benefits", can be justified.

    Do you trust the intentions of the government? Or, presumably, your version of parliamentary democracy blinds you to the consequences, as its all done in the name of democratic elections.

    I don't trust the intentions of any government. With the recent revelations about surveillance of US citizens by the NSA, the establishment of 'secret' courts under the 'patriot' act, a gulag on Guantanamo, continuing acts to silence the press on disclosing abuses of government corruption, lawlessness, abuse of power, torture and so on. And these issues are not limited to problems in the US. But I still don't understand how trying to reclaim/restore a 'constitution' that existed before a military coup is undemocratic.

    Is it necessary though?

    Submit any proposed amendment to the constitution to the people via a referendum. Let the people decide what is 'necessary'.

    Okay, let's put it another way, should the government be devoting time to changing something which doesn't appear to need changing?

    Life goes on here with the current Constitution.

    What motive does the government have in wanting it changed?

    Seems there's an awful lot that government needs to do to make life better for the country and its people NOW.

    Tinkering with something which benefits the party and causes division should not be near the top of the "how do we best use our electoral majority for the Thai people" list.

    Good, accurate summary

    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  4. The only way they can show sincerity is to withdraw the amnesty bill and put the constitution change on hold.

    So, the only way to show sincerity is... to keep doing nothing.

    It is now two years that the opposition groups force the government to put everything on hold, and at the same time refuse to discuss any alternative (or even a compromise) to their "demands".

    The majority has been very patient with the requests of the minority. The government has bowed to the opposition requests several times.

    Best is now for oposing camps to swallow their pride and sit together... which is what many important figures are starting to do.

    You been munching on the kratom leaves?

    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  5. And who comes next?


    Sugar?, I see Brazil has devalued its currency, a big sugar producer so the price should be on the way down.


    Palm oil?




    But we must diversify from rice...................into what?


    A monster has been created and will not die easily.


    Exports are down, the baht is still going down, both public and private debt are way up, fuel and gas prices going up.


    So what is the Governments answer? 


    Borrow more.

    Apparently corn is the new rubber.

    The corn farmers will be joining the rubber revolt

    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  6. A million more cars, an equal amount of poorly and untrained drivers adding more gridlock to an already untenable situation. The second hand car lots are already seeing the results of this boondoggle. You not only have all the pathetic cars from the floods a couple of years back you are now getting the repossessed new cars that people ran out to buy so they could get 100,000 Baht from the government. They just failed to realize they had to pay for those cars. The banks are the only winners in this fiasco.

    I'm not too sure about that.

    The banks are now lumbered with a huge amount of nonperforming loans for cars and houses where people overstepped the bounds of their personal finance.

    The people are unable to sell their cars for 5 years or they have to return the 100,000B in tax. So the second hand market will be either boom or bust

    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  7. Why is it undemocratic to amend a constitution? Why is it undemocratic for a political party that enjoys a majority to exercise its power? The gridlock that has been in place in the US Congress for the last 5-6 years is more undemocratic, in my view, than what is happening in Thailand. Who uses a filibuster to block legislation outside of the US? Since residing in Thailand, the thing that bothers me the most is the power of the military and the power of the judiciary to interject itself into the legislative process. How is it rational to abolish an entire political party based on the acts of one individual?

    Article 48 of the Weimar constitution

    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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    No the blue shirts attacked the redshirts on the road. Pictures emerged of Newin using a walkie talkie at the scene. Doing his bit for the royalists.



    Hay Mrs slaters Parrot, that would be the same day the reds smashed Abhisit's car wouldn't it?


    He is lucky to be alive, if he had been in the car that day there is a very good chance he would not.


    And that was after the reds broke into the ASIAN meeting that that some of the delegates scrambling to get into helicopters to escape wasn't it?


    But of course breaking down doors isn't violence is it, not when the reds do it anyway.


    That day was a great show of just how much Thaksin cares about the county and its reputation overseas.


    And Nick;


    So now we move forward to last weekend when the poor reds were so viciously attacked by some students.


    What were the reds doing there anyway?


    I know if you don't, they were there doing their best to disrupt someone else's meeting. As they have done many times before.


    In other words they were trying to cause trouble, so the got trouble, diddums.


    And 2 old ladys got hurt you say? So the red leaders are still hiding behind old ladys, its a wonder they didn't have children there in front of them as well, as they have in the past.


    Your attempt to go back to the seventies and use a fictional film to label vocational students as violent just doesn't wash.


    Could it be that some of the violent students from back then are now red shirt leaders or even PT MP's? That would fit very well.


    Interesting you mention the reds and Abhisit's car.

    My understanding was it was proven he was not in the car but continued to pretend that he was to garner support until it was proven otherwise.

    Sleeps as he lies. Not straight.

    How do you know how Abhisit sleeps?

    Your "understanding" does not make it a fact and doesn't detract from the hideous motive of your hideous idols.

    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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