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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. When my GF tells me the family wants to borrow some money, I say to her... 'You mean they want me to give them some money.' She gets kinna sheepish after that, but doesn't deny it.

    No Thai I know has ever repaid a debt. 'Can I borrow 1000 baht. I will give back next week/month.' Yeah, right. Not gonna happen (even if they have money to repay).

    I expected the worst on the few occasions where a member of the family needed help but I have always been paid back in full and on time.

    One loan I made was to an uncle who was having huge issues when his wife had a stroke and was paralysed. I lent him money on condition that he pay me back in labour as I needed my land cleared and planted. Worked out for both of us.

  2. He was reportedly caught in the crossfire between soldiers and armed protesters on Rama IV Road.

    The bullet found in his body is suspected to have been fired from an M-16 assault rifle, but ballistics tests failed to match it with the rifles used by the 40 soldiers. Armed protesters were also using assault rifles with the same type of ammunition.

    Come on you red supporters . . . how many of you are still going to insist that the protests were peaceful and that they were not armed?

    Come on red supporters . . . where's your dismissal of this latest case? . . . you've all gone very quiet . . . !

    They are programmed to suppress the facts

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  3. The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money. For the present farmers are grinning given political difficulty in phasing out the rice subsidies introduced by Thaksin.

    Consumers will always be grinning with cheap imported rice on supermarket shelves offering lots of choices.

    The only person hit from Day One is the Thai tax-payer. Carrying the can for E.U.style farm subsidies (for rice) which reward farmers for growing rice to store in warehouses until it ages & rots. Sadly, for the farmers reckoning must come even if the can is kicked down the road. The free market & free trade punish non-performers.

    Thailand needs leaders whose brain goes all the way to the spine.

    And the retina

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  4. It's at times like this I wish I had a large hangar at my disposal..........and also, a way of utilizing 3 million tones of rice husks smile.png

    Apparently, rice husks make good filler for bricks or construction material. But, whoops, that would screw up the cement market. Also used for Biomass for boilers, but then, that would mess up PTT gas business. Oh, what to do with this stuff without messing up someone's market.....

    How about brewing rice wine and having a huge party as the ship sinks.

    Rice beer?

    Chicken feed

    Rat farm?

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  5. Google says that white rice will last 4-5years.

    Although it says Jasmine rice can last indefinitely if stored correctly.

    So, assuming the Thai Government can keep building or finding warehouses, this could go on for many years making several people very rich in the process.

    I would assume that a temperature and humidity controlled environment would be a necessity and that insects and vermin would be kept out?

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  6. It's at times like this I wish I had a large hangar at my disposal..........and also, a way of utilizing 3 million tones of rice husks smile.png

    Apparently, rice husks make good filler for bricks or construction material. But, whoops, that would screw up the cement market. Also used for Biomass for boilers, but then, that would mess up PTT gas business. Oh, what to do with this stuff without messing up someone's market.....

    LCM. I have the solution

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  7. How can some people scoff at the EU seal of approval. We're talking about a well respected organization with a stellar human rights record. Oh sure, some of you will point to Continental Europes sordid history, but that's all in the past innit it? Let bygones be bygones I say, as the EU leads the way in human rights. Why just look at the great work the EU did on Bosnia. And then there was Rwanda and Burundi. France has cut a path on human rights when it gave Baby Doc Duvalier and all sorts of former African despots sanctuary. If it hadn't why gosh, they'd still be doing bad things wouldn't they? Today, Italy and Spain have set the standard when it comes to boat people. I'm sure the Thais have picked up a few pointers from their EU friends handling of North African refugees. The Spanish internment camps are quite something. Although journalists are barred from entry, I heard they have a football pitch beyond the barbed wire,. And let's not forget how the EU led the way on the genocide in Darfur. I think some of the EU diplomats managed a bit of hand wringing on that issue.

    Those naysaying Australians, Canadians and Americans have been critical in the past, so the EU diplomats will set this matter straight. After all, the Australians have this odious position that detainees nutritional, shelter and medical needs should be met. Imagine that. And those silly Americans and Canadians and their human rights nonsense, well 'nuff said. The Eu has cleared the matter up and it's good enough for me by jingo. We can close the file now.

    What "seal of approval"?

    Surapong is saying this, not the EU.

    And if you think not being relegated to the league of pariah states is somehow a great achievement then you need some help

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  8. If I'm right reading the introduction, suicides (pedestrian fatalities) are included. Given their relative important frequency in some countries, including them distort significantly the real risk of boarding a train.

    Good point. My father was a NSW Railways engine driver and his count was 3 suicides by train. From a conversation with several of his workmates, this was not at all an unusual figure.

    BTW high speed passenger services were much preferred.

    High speed passengers? Quite a rate of acceleration I would have thought

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  9. 8-million to 10-million tons of paddy rice in the February harvest, or about 5-million to 7-million tons once husked

    The massive spread on the predictions shows that they are gearing up for something shonky. They have been producing rice in Thailand for eons. They know the rainfall, and they know who and where it is grown, and yet they are giving predictions of 20>25% spread.

    3 million tonnes of husks?

    Lost for words

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  10. An interesting article in the BP today about millers with full silos "buying" the paperwork from the farmer so they can sell "ghost" rice to the government and having nowhere to store the impending harvest.

    Hey whats 7 million tons of invisible rice between friends? B120 billion, peanuts to this govt.

    Got my Ray Charles specs on

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  11. "Rice trading is now considered a 'sunset' industry because of the high costs, low margins and intervention by the government," Chookiat Ophaswongse

    So when Thaksin has achieved his goal of bankrupting Thai Rice Exporters Association, members (Amart) and takes over. what will he do with 10 million tons of rotting rice?

    At last you are starting to see what is going on in this country. Now Thaksin is one smart cookie and so far he has run the amart ragged and if you think he is just going to dump millions of tonnes of rice, please think again..you can guarantee hes got that based covered

    In what?

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  12. Meanwhile, Thailand goes forwards, the PM's popularity rises, the economy strengthens, major long term infrastructure is being planned and implemented, the 300 minimum wage has not caused the economy to collapse, military tension with neighbouring countries is on the wane, Thai involvement with ASEAN is growing, BOI applications and approvals are high ( if not at record levels ), the military top brass seem to be cooperating with the Government and tourism is up.

    This must hurt some on here.

    Red underpants brigade?

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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