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Everything posted by mran66

  1. yeah, photo taken by myself at an ATM when going to withdraw cash, 100% original pic, no edits...actually not even familiar with any photo 'doctoring' softwares. Went to another ATM as this one looked fishy, probably Windows jammed. Made me chuckle though. Actually not the only one I have seen, but no photos of the other incidents. But kind of surprising yes...but if no hab money what can you do!
  2. Was reading the condo act, trying to understand the powers of the Committee/Board, the Manager and AGM related to management/maintenance company choice. Did not see anything direct statements about this, the only relevant wording was this (related to powers of committee) (1) Monitoring control over the condominium corporate managements Anyone here that would be familiar with the issue - does the Committee, possibly together with the Juristic Manager have the right to make decisions about the management/maintenance company (choise, contracting, termination, change etc), or are these decisions something that always require AGM decision?
  3. Road construction (or 'renovation') is a lifeline for many officials in city hall. Consequently it won't finish before apocalypse - if even then, so deep rooted is it the tie-up to govt officials wellbeing.
  4. Facebook it seems to be... Though soon there probably would be some new Section expressly banning reports of defaming police with these recording postings
  5. I was looking after such place also sometime back, and was referred one place by a friend of a friend. Rode there to ask - a low key home of a local couple that does that work there. Was quoted 2000 baht to re-do a steel-framed plastic rattan dining chair i.e somewhat questionable whether worth do or buy new ones. Have not had my chairs done yet though so can not comment on quality of work. But what they had ongoing when I visited, looked ok. Location: https://goo.gl/maps/WjTbHDRjSreTjybL8
  6. "Why are the government offices in this area so busy and simply chaotic?" Well, I could write pretty much endless list of similar questions about how things are here. Yes there are things here and there that work efficiently are logically organised, however they are minority if not exception. I would assume that at least most foreigners as well as some smarter locals know the answer, better not write here as could be deleted as derogatory...things are as they are can't help. For retired like me is manageable with fair amount of patience and ability not to think about all that <deleted> too much rather enjoy life - but I have also been wondering many times how on earth people can work and run their business with all that...
  7. Law enforcement for sure resists this as much as possible as it wouoe remove the 'tax' revenue stream from them. Thailand has embarrassed themselves in countless other issues already, one vaping law issue does not make much of a dent to the reputation... This country is not far from a failed state like Russia.
  8. Your friend is absolutely correct. If you are perceived weak, you will be treated accordingly in their culture. In general, when you know people they behave more or less differently vs if you don't know them / they don't know you. The real test for manners and civilization of humans is how you interact and treat people you don't know and are not dependent on. Traffic behavior is a good test, as is walking in jomtien sidewalk.
  9. You just have to play with their rules, otherwise you will for sure loose. Stand your ground, fight fire with fire. It is very deep in their culture; no manners, selfish, arrogant people for the most part, with some exceptions of course. If you try to be polite, it basically mean total submission for them. Just look what is happening in Ukraine as one example of the culture.
  10. I was working in china for over 10yrs, traveling frequently both domestic and international due to work...concept of queueing had not reached China by those days, also not in traffic behaviour. Was not fun...
  11. Thai public is well known to trust RTP 555 However in cases like this does not matter what Thai public does as it really is about foreigners, esp outside of Thailand, who read this stuff. Hard for RTP to control that.
  12. Great to finally hear something directly from horse's mouth! So if I understood correctly, the reason the side wings are empty is simply because of the old owner not wanting to sell them, rather just keep in his asset collection?? Does the owner cover the maintenance fee for all those empty units, or somehow managed to off that responsibility to the main wing units only?
  13. Nah... Just forgot amulet home. When with, no need support legs, just faith...
  14. Someone pocketed half of cement and steel when constructed, just put more sand and all good... At least until someone steps on it...
  15. Well, depends on implementation of free vaccine plan. As an example, give two free Moderna or Pfizer vaccines for all Chinese who stay here minimum interval for the two vaccines. That could well work if marketed in China where only local vaccines are available as far as I know. For sure cost of vaccines is a fraction of forex they would bring in. Could even charge a small fee from them
  16. this also shop has fairly wide selection of helmets, both cheap and medium priced ones https://goo.gl/maps/8t8bhKpGPsUxZ64E6
  17. List of issues that can only be explained with this statement is fairly long...guess best to conclude that I can understand that I can not understand many issues...
  18. Law is silly yes...but in prime location such as VT7 is, the units still have substantial value as rental units, thus would expect even Thai be interested in them at market price. And if not, Russian earlier or Chinese later as company owned (as they have in many newer buildings) Would be kind of be weird if developer knowingly designs and builds a building of such shape, and assuming the wings would remain there only as support to enable the 49% to be sold at premium price...would that really lead to better business case vs selling the thai units at market price that could well be lower than the main wing? And still as owner be liable for their part of maintenanc fees (presumably).
  19. If really no regulatory issues inhibiting the sale, sounds kind of strange...developer sitting on top of tied capital for extended period of time whereas they could sell and invest to something new. Seemingly they truly believe that value increase in future vs current market price is so big that better just wait and stand still even without offering for rent, who knows.
  20. I guess the lie was the alphabet s had gone to end of the word 'give' whereas the true thing thing is it should have been at the end of the word 'fiancee'...
  21. Went to fascino today for other reason. Seems price tag on shelf for hofmax 160 and binozyt 180 baht.
  22. Your advice was good. Contacted HQ via the website feedback channel. Within 2hrs got response. Couple of email exchanges on top of that, and in the evening the Pattya Tai branch manager called me, apologizing the 'misunderstanding' and asked to come visit him. Went today, and issue settled as expected i.e tax ID stored, and the branch manager told no more withholding if not over 20k baht interest. Have to say I was pretty surprised and impressed about Krungrsi's professional and quick resolution of the issue. One of the rare occassions that an organization in this country resolves issues as they should.
  23. I not sure as I always go to the Pattaya Tai one closest to my home. However as it is a big chain, I would assume prices are same across their network of outlets.
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