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Everything posted by mran66

  1. Well, still makes many of them feel the same as we would feel breathing in Canadian wilderness! Fresh air tours to Thailand it is still so bad is the air in those places. Top it up with the ever present body odours
  2. Misleading headline. Should say Brainless driver drove his car off the 2nd floor of parking building
  3. This guy is good and affordable. First Optic Pattaya 083 606 0599 https://maps.app.goo.gl/iKSemkHaneAJjf6m7
  4. And wait a year, as next new excuse to deny their fault, they start saying passengers were too quiet maybe even sleeping, making driver to fall a sleep as so silent
  5. Looking forward to see cash stripped Russians and other begpackers to go to clubs to order "free" water and acting to get slapped.
  6. mran66

    Ear Wax

    My ears have a habit to form this yellowish wax too that needs cleaning every few weeks, as well as easily to get infected from swimming pools. Easy and cheap solution to both is to use the red rubber syringe and flush ears with the blue 70% alcohol, an top up with ear drops after flushing for a day or two. Few years ago I got an ear infection when at home country for xmas. Felt bad enough to make me go to doctor on xmas day expecting to get some antibiotics - the ear doctor refused to prescribe any, and told most minor ear infections (like he assessed mine to be even though painful) are easily cured by good flushing with alcohol and use of ear drops after that. Worked then, and has worked since every time for me.
  7. Will be Macau style casino, with top tier adult services available under same roof to extract as much of the cash you just won - or provide comfort if you lost. Not for Cheap Charlies though.
  8. Different sides of the same coin... Any idea who/how manages the pricing of bolt to keep demand and supply somehow in balance? The rates for car rides are ridiculously cheap, wonder if supply would improve if rates increased reasonably. I would think 50% increase to price level these days had little impact to demand.
  9. Holiday Inn (North Pattaya) used to have breakfast for 300 if their club member, 350 without, but not sure if still have. Sure not as nice spread as 5-star hotels, but if decent food in unlimited quantity is what you after, might be worth checking
  10. I had one replaced couple of years back in a shoe repair shop on pattaya Tai, opposite side of Friendship supermarket, around the same placem, maybe a bit either way, I think this was the place (the one with key and shoe pics on the signs) https://www.google.com/maps/@12.9239014,100.8805518,3a,75y,33.37h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sisQBb9hnHEM5cw_sV_N1pQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
  11. me too, though not one that would have bought before meeting the best I know is a guy who married a TG, and divorced after buying some movable stuff which he obviously lost. Then after a while he married THE SAME TG 2nd time, bought land and built a house - and divorced. All gone. Now he with another one again, just waiting to see wat happens... What can you say...can't fix stupid
  12. Now that would be interesting way to make suicide, chain yourselves to a tree and burn! Masochist maybe?
  13. The guy obviously comes to play bridge with pattaya Bridge club ladies. Just has constantly bad luck if need to send money here instead going home with what he won.
  14. The actual rate your condo pays to PEA depends on the type of rate plan they have (flat vs peak/off-peak). Prior to the war, the typical monthy average rate for the peak/off peak plan was around 3.6-3.7 per unit, and around 4.5 per unit if flat plan. After the recent increases, the flat rate actual in Jan was around 5.6-5.7 per unit (and peak/off peak a relatively discounted about same as earlier I think). What and based what on your condo charges you, depends on their policy. If your charged rate earlier was 4.5, they may have charged the actual rate if their plan flat, or with some add-on if peak/off peak. For Jan if 8, for sure there has been some add-on on top of what they actually paid to PEA. I have the understanding that in coming months the PEA rate will go up more, but not 100% sure.
  15. She did not invite, but I said "I can come with you and look around the area. Can stay together in a hotel in nearby town." "Solly can not, my family vely tladition, can not take man home, not even town in case someone see"
  16. You contract a (bar)girl for your long visit to Thailand at a fair monthly or weekly contract price. Applies also if she your local gf. After some time she unexpectedly tells you she need to go home for some time (help family, mama sick/accident, grandma die, need to sign land papers, or some other explanation), she will be back at x time. Can not call because internet no good my village. Read: "My sponsor (or well paying old customer) is coming for a short holiday, I will have to go with him for that time as I can't loose the big money I get from him, you cheap Charlie."
  17. Officially it might be even 3-way, however does not matter. I live here and use it daily for years, been 2 way since it was opened for traffic few years go. The only practical solution would be to make it one way at least for cars, could also allow parking for beachgoers if so. The problem is that it is impossible to make it work if parking AND two-way allowed. And parking you can ban but hard to enforce, so even if you'd ban parking, would still have problem if 2-way. Makingit 1-way with signage, people will learn fairly quicky. Keeping it two-way is just one symptom of lack of brains somewhere...
  18. seems someone screwed up the labeling, should say "PROMOTION! 179 now 304" as you at times see in supermarkets!
  19. ...so 99baht breakfasts getting (relatively) cheaper by the day, better stock until they finish!
  20. About 1-2 weeks ago I stopped by Pattaya Memorial Hospital (where I got my Moderna booster about a year ago) to ask about booster jab availability. I was told they dont have now. I recall I read somewhere that those booster jabs are off from private hospitals for now, not 100% sure whether understood correctly though
  21. ...well...same same but different...I doubt they could naturally swap roles with any success either way...just a common trait, but not enough alone to qualify for a successful role swap
  22. This is my observation as well - it seems to be Thai culture, all the way to the highest levels of the society, just to say something that you believe best serves your interests in the situation you are. Truth per se has no relevance. They also seem to generally understand that what is being said is not true, yet it does not bother them too much as it won't make any difference to them. Hookers are no different to politicians or govt officials in that respect. Thus the whole society is kind of half fake (the spoken part, physical reality of course is real as it is). What I'm not sure about how the people feel themselves when they tell these stories that that are obviously factually untrue, but they say them as if there is nothing wrong with telling lies. And the stories are so much off that they either must understand (?) know that the listening party knows that they are not telling true, or alternatively (more likely?) they are so stupid that they can not even lie properly (as to lie credibly, you actually have to be pretty smart). The whole thing is probably so deeply wired in their brains and culture that they do not even think of it as lying in the western meaning of the word, rather just saying something that they see as good for the situation. That's at least as it appears to be to me.
  23. don't think so but not sure as not tried. anyway yellow ATMs with hard buttons
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