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Everything posted by mran66

  1. You are definitely charged farang price...I recall price in Fascino for 6x250mg was 165baht last time I bought 1-2months ago. Not 100% sure but for sure under 200. Earlier always got Acyzin but last I got was Hofmax, both local and price about same.
  2. ... I understood this case was actually kind of driving lesson (learner driver mentioned)... thus need more, driving lessons alone not enough...
  3. ...you forgot this intersection is in Thailand...remember the success with the roundabout at watboon/2nd road...
  4. Pattaya2U in Tukcom in computer area. Have positive experience repairing my laptop. Quite a few positive comments if you search.
  5. I've had a small house near Sands for 10yrs, and have to say I am pretty happy with the location still. had a look at few locations every now and then, always concluded nothing better for my lifestyle. Sure you need a motorbike or car to be properly mobile, however with mototaxis and bolt can survive nowadays somehow even without. Getting to Suk is not an issue normally when I need to go as not tied to local working or holiday scedules (i.e excl sat and sun afternoons when bangkokians are heading home). The roadworks in pattaya tai thepparasit in past couple of years have been a pain yes, but even thepparasit will be over soon. Butyes, of course 5-6pm there is traffic everywhere. Weekends and holidays pratamak road tends to be fairly bad at times due to bangkokians heading to the nice cozy beach restaurants for their selfies Going forward my worry is also traffic, though different type: when Panora, Ramada and few other new planned condos finish along Soi 5, Chinese are back, and Indiands possibly finding their way here too, how to get out from here due to the bus traffic.
  6. One of the many demonstrations for lack of using brains before making decisions.
  7. What is the benefit of having a Credit Profile in Thailand? First time I hear about such
  8. You are correct. However there is a bit of a credibility issue with this story...some variation of the same story has been told to countless mamas neighbors friends and colleagues all over the world by many good men, possibly with the difference that their story don't mention Soi 6, and if asked, they don't know about Soi 6 A week or two later many of them seen sitting in Soi 6 bar with a lady on their lap videoed by some s****d youtuber!
  9. Copies of passport pages (main page, visa, entry stamp), and I guess TM6 if you still got one when entered, one passport photo and filled TM8 application form. and cash 1000/3800 single/multi varies a bit, 10-30min I recall. I never left the office before got it, won't take long. They process it on the spot go latter part of the week in the afternoon, less waiting time in queue usually before getting to counter.
  10. You sure about that... I would expect some extra to be put in between for tilac's thai bf...
  11. "...approximately 180-190 cm tall and 25-35 years old. As for his partner, she had dark skin and was around 150-160 cm in height, and was about 25 years old." ...quite some technical details - however all circumstancial, could be just people walking on the street drunk. Need to report size and shape of the equipment, estimated weight and width of a** of the female to be credible witness statement at all, preferrably also describe the sounds of the event
  12. I heard metro was rejected as too straightforward. This is still secret so keep to yourself: The soon to be released new proposal to complement the cable car system is thai-designed subterranean network of submarines. Routes same as current baht us routes. Flooding proof system they concluded in the committee. Still pending the germans confirming the engines though.
  13. April 1st now? ? .. Thai officials seriously proposed ideas beat vast majority of global April 1st jokes in their entertainment value. Quite an achievement per se.
  14. "I'm not interested in Kamagra or any number of alternatives." Not answering your question, but wondering how this Sidegra is different from Kamagra or "the other alternatives"?
  15. Of course the responsibility to handle this case must be taken up to the top, totally predictable. They have to find a way to clean out the Chinese guys without shooting their own feet. That can not be managed as bottom-up investigatione as need to ensure that exposure of involved senior officials is managed properly. End result will be that the Chinese lords' power at least substantially decreased if not removed, an Thai replacement lords back in place to run the biz. Money continues to flow, and many 'misunderstandings' and 'no evidence of corruption' found. Few people removed, none on high level. Life goes on, TIT. They will probably learn the lesson not to let Chinese to run the biz, easier to manage the local guys.
  16. 555 thai officials continue to provide good laughs, amazingly productive in that front!
  17. ... And the chuvit guy felt he will completely loose for the Chinese unless he tries to blow the whistle. But issue likely to be thrown under carpet and buried in committees as too many high up would be exposed. Big Joke out is first step of hiding the truth. If this tuhao guy opens his mouth and papers, many in deep <deleted>, thus unlikely he ever allowed to do. Either he will be found dead or freed, time will tell.
  18. What's the point of this? It is widely publicized in media that Bout was captured in Thailand, which naturally means thai officials were involved. Asking for some special thanks looks pathetic. Like a narc begging for attention on matters old.
  19. well, not based on personal experience. but read quite a few comments that they do not, incl. from people who swapped due to the throttling
  20. Wishful thinking if you ask me. Thai immigration not arranging visas with kickbacks is about as likely as peasant revolution here, just won't happen. Too many impacted and too much at stake, and the national corrupt culture as it is. Temporary measures yes, but longer term I see no chance. But who in 1775 would have believed France would be a republic in less than 20 yrs, so you never know...
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