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Posts posted by copa8

  1. This happened in the UK. I remember the story in the paper. It happened in Salford. The guy was trying to kill himself and he landed directly on top of a car which crumpled and absorbed the impact. The guy was able to walk away! He didn't want to be interviewed by the press. It might have been in the early 80's.

    I wonder what happened to him.

    maybe car was made with vibranium adamantium alloy that can absorb all kinetic energy & transfers very little of it from each impact? biggrin.png

  2. what was their religion?

    You will be disappointed to know that the main guy who started it all is Sikh.

    You will also be disappointed to know that not all the accused were Asian.

    You will be delighted to know that most do appear to be Muslim.

    You may even be disappointed to learn that "Girl A" appears to have started out as a willing little pommy slut.

    The report I read said all 6 were Asian.

    UK media needs to be more specific, since Asia is a big place encompassing very different cultures. In this case, they were all West/South Asians.

    Initially, I thought Asians = Chinese, Korean, Taiwanese, Singaporeans, etc..and was shocked.

  3. DM blocked without VPN anonymous

    Here are the headlines:

    • Man identified as 60-year-old Jeffrey Alan Lash, of LA County, died July 4 but wasn't found until July 17
    • Body was discovered badly decomposed inside a car in Pacific Palisades
    • Lash's fiancee Catherine Nebron and her employee Dawn VadBunker dumped the body
    • Police linked the car to Lash's fiancee's house nearby and found 1,200 guns and 6.5 tons of ammunition
    • Fiancee's attorney said Nebron and VadBunker believed Lash was half-alien savior
    • VadBunker and Nebron fled for Oregon without telling police about Lash's death because they thought CIA would come to collect his body
    • VadBunker's mother reported her missing last week after failing to reach her
  4. You must employ a polar bear watch? Is there a fee for applying to be a polar bear watcher? This could give some Third World countries in Asia a good idea or two how to make some extra money.

    Name me some 3rd world countries in Asia that has polar bears.

    Next thing you'll tell us is this will give some 3rd world countries in Africa a good idea to employ polar bear watchers too.

    We bought a polar bear protection amulet in BKK, they work amazingly well don't they? Not sure if they export to Africa.

    Why do you need protection from white folks?

  5. All I can say is I hope no one ever has to endure what the people at the hands of the Japanese war machine had to endure. The 10% figure quoted in the article is surprising to me for I would have figured it would have been higher. Guess they really needed workers.

    True...but doubt the suffering compares to what the civilians in Nanking had to endure.

  6. Several middle eastern countries and their people, have some of the thinnest skin and apparently some of the lowest self-esteem, of anyone on the planet. The number of things that they forbid is a mile long. A society without joy is no society at all, in my book. You can't drive. You can't listen to music. Have fun? Forget about it. Criticize us? We can't handle it. We are not real men. We are half men. We cannot take anyone saying anything bad about us. And put in jail without the most basic of comforts? That is 13th century barbarism. Shame on these super freaks. And I am a tolerant man. But, some lines should not be crossed. They should know better. I would expect something like this from the Saudis. But the Emirates?

    My friend's gf just finished working in Dubai. She was treated like a civilized country would call slavery. $40 a week, 16-20 hours a day, 7 days a week and with that money she had to buy food once every two weeks if they let her or live on white bread. Last month she was deafly ill for a short while and they would not let her go to the hospital and insisted she cook for the family. Why western countries support countries like this who have no regard for anyone but themselves is beyond me. They even held her passport as security. If UAE is supposed to be one of the more liberal countries in that region, then good luck with the rest.

    I see the exact same happening here with cambodians, burmeese and laotian...

    Same thing happens to South Asians (Indians, Bangladeshis, etc). They get treated like crap in Middle East too. Many deaths.

  7. Okay lets do the survey scientifically and ask a representative sample per country with each sample reflecting the population of each country in relation to total world population. In such a study the US and cronies will have 1/7 of the votes and China Africa and India 3/7 and lets look at the results. Surveys are not worth the paper they are written on.

    When did Africa became a country? blink.png

  8. Well the most vile toilets I've ever encountered in the world, were undoubtedly in China. India has some horrors at dhaba stops occasionally,but Chinese ones can be truly horrendous outside of the eastern side of China. Once there is a block, people just keep using it and a mound develops. Pity the poor son of a ming who comes to deal with it. Just bringing up the memory of some of these is a visceral nausea, they were that vile.

    You actually found a public toilet in India?!? blink.png

  9. Also, why did ThaiVisa news have to use the headline "Two Farangs arrested..." ? Couldn't they have said "Russian and Brit arrested for extorting..."? I really don't like the use of the term "farang" by the media, especially our own media, when the nationality of the people under discussion is known.

    Agree with you. It appears 3 times in the top 5 headlines, probably from this new "churnalist" who's been recently hired

    Just wonder, are the words "slope", "chinks", "seppos", "negroes" ... also acceptable ?

    For complete list : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_slurs

    man...hope you're not equating the acceptability of the word farang(s) with chink(s). they're not even remotely comparable.

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