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Everything posted by seajae

  1. thanks for the answers, it is for an extension based on marriage with money in the bank, will go in friday to see if they will extend the under consideration period so I dont go into overstay as it runs out on sunday. Thought covid might have something to do with it but the check on the bank during the under consideration period was new, will post what happens after I go in friday.
  2. when we did the application for the extension it went very fast and easy, I have always got the extension stamp a week or so before the under consideration period finishes for all the years I have been here but this time it is different, was asked to re do the bank book 2 weeks ago with another deposit and with only 3 days left to get approval I have not been contacted, wife phoned yesterday and they said if we havent heard from them to come in next week but by then I will be past the required date, have to wonder if covid is slowing it all down or they are getting too many that are doing dodgy renewals making hard for those of us that do the right thing, also have to wonder if they just want 2000 baht to get an extension of time.
  3. thats the thai way, go out and kill people then go into the monkhood so you get off, this piece of garbage should be removed from the police force and locked up , bike seized and destroyed as well as issued a big fine but it will be swept under the carpet as per usual. Shows how pathetic thai police really are when they are the ones breaking the law and killing innocent people, in front of a hospital and this idiot still didnt slow down, says it all
  4. Pedestrian crossings in Thailand mean taking your life in your own hands as a lot of thai road users simply ignore the law requiring them to slow down/stop for pedestrians especially if it will make them stop/inconvenience them. There is no road edicate here, many simply look at it as everyone for themselves and to do as you please because there is simply no law enforcement, even when the police are at intersections in the mornings they do not pull over anyone going through red lights etc and in some cases its the police themselves that do it. Enforcement of the road laws will never happen here even with all the deaths, drivers/road users ignore the law because they know no one will do anythng to them if caught, the thai police force is a total joke, they really are the keystone cops and are only in the force so they can get in on the graft/corruption that is rife in it. Even if they put lights in for pedestrian crossings it would make no difference as the culprits would still run the red light as they just dont want to stop for any reason what so ever, deaths/injuries will continue to mount up on crossings because the govt doesnt give a rats ar*e about it.
  5. To each his own, not into drinking, clubs , golf etc, we moved from our big house near the lake(phokhuntale) in Surat Thani to the other side of town in Kanchanadit into our new house(small)12 months ago and its so much quieter and relaxing. We have a few rai only 40 metres away so we can walk and play with our various trees etc, a large hot/cactus house on the block with the house to potter around with our plants in, it is more than enough to keep our interests going and away from all the crowds, for us its heaven. Its closer to the port where my wife works and just down the road from the immigration office, there are some good eaterieshere and a few mates I see every so often, finding somewhere you can feel relaxed and happy is to me the main thing but I am sure many others would rather live in a much more active area, people need to find somewhere that suits them and what they want out of life, so it really is to each his own
  6. have yet to find treated wood in Thailand, its all I used in Australia, treated pine is termite proof and easy to use, a friend over here built his own house and used gal steel studs, roof tresses etc and gyprock right through his house and it came up pretty good. In our other house all the downstairs ceilings had to be replaced after termites hollowed them out though, unfortunately Thailand has that many termites it isnt funny, they get into everything just like the ants do, even brick & rendered walls or even cement slabs cant stop them. In our new house we made sure they treated all the area under the slab and around it were treated for termites before they poured, its really all you can do but I would much rather have used treated wood or steel in it myself.
  7. really have to wonder if the general had anything to do with it, cant have any opposition giving money to those that will defend the poor in Thailand , might paint them in a better light than him, as for plagiarism, you have to be joking, Thailand has so much real plagiarism it isnt funny, was a really p*ss poor way to try to cause problems for Thanathorn
  8. when you have the olympic federation telling athletes not to eat produce/meat in china unless it from certified places due to the amount of chemicals/drugs they use to make more money from them you really have to wonder why anyone would want to use/eat anything from china, the meat and vegetables have been shown to be extremely suspect for many years, fake rice, eggs, lettuce, meat & fish that is way over safety standards(believe one lot of frozen meat was way over 20 years old) plus all the virus' that start there, would be better if china was totally isolated so they couldnt cause all the problems they are now
  9. should be automatic castration for those offending, maybe if they actually made penalties for older men that do this a lot more realistic it might not happen as much as it does now and stop these animals getting their jollies with underage girls
  10. whats new, they need to be put away for a long time to try to stop all the others that will continue killing protected wild life if they think they can get away with it, anything is fair game here if they can make money out of it. Just in our local area we have had a swathe of thefts recently of things that can be sold easily, money is a prime mover when it cames to what some people will resort to and only a harsh sentence of anyone found doing it will help slow it down
  11. I had the 2 pfizer vaccines last year after paying for moderna and yesterday I got one of my moderna vaciines as they were finally released here, my wife had 2 chinese vaccines through her work then had a moderna in Bangkok just before christmas as a booster and will use my second moderna shot as another booster as the chinese ones are not really great and the fact that one of her workers had covid after the 2 chinese shots
  12. I got my moderna booster shot yesterday as well after the 2 pfizer shots last year, not really urinating any more than usual, bit of a headache yesterday was it, not even a sore arm, better after effects than the pfizer as they gave headaches for a couple of days and a sore arm.
  13. he said he had stayed in one place for 14 days which was an outright lie as can be seen in the videos/pic of him at a couple of different places, also while he claims he had tested positive for covid on the 16th dec the computer records say the test was negative not positive and also says he was tested on the 26th dec not the 16th, too many discrpencies so they told him to <deleted> off as they should
  14. thankyou, that is the information we needed, will try to see if we can get them to agre to do it
  15. thats what we tried to do, when we did the extension in December immigration told us that I needed to change the yellow book but the amphoe were the ones that said it was too hard and wasnt needed even when we said immigration said we needed to do it for the new address, no one seems to know what they are supposed to do or simply dont want to do it
  16. thats what we thought, immigration told us to get a new one but they do not want to issue one, they kept saying that it is too hard and that I dont need to do it as I am still in the same region even if a different district because we still own the other house and go back there at times plus our daughter stays there when she is not at the hospital. We tend to think that its because they dont know what to do or just cant be bothered but will see what immigration does at the next extension unless we can find out more, could also be a matter of do what we say not what the regulations say
  17. hahahaha, yes not following the driving laws/regulations is way better for Thailand, maybe thats why Australias road deaths are so much lower than they are here. My wife couldnt believe how much better drivers were in Australia, the road courtesy etc and the fact that the drivers follow the road laws as well as seeing police patrolling the roads that are well maintained. Really have to wonder at your driving ability if you had to watch your speedo all the time, maybe the problem was your need to drive like thais, in all the years(40) I drove there I never had a problem sticking to the speed limit same as it is here, when I was a young hoon I would speed but that stopped as I got older and had more common sense, anyone saying driving is better in Thailand needs a dose of reality
  18. and you can also do a colour/pattern in the polished cement floors as well, it looks brilliant and way better than tiles to look at, sounds like they are trying to do what is easiest for them not what you want them to do, this has to be done right the first time or you will be having troubles forever. We built last year and as I had been in the building industry in Australia for many years I was on top of it from the start, was pleased they did a great job but I still had to pull them up at times to get what I wanted. I did all the painting and it totally confused them watching me use drop sheets, remove fittings etc so it was done right, they also were confused as to why I wasnt adding heaps of water to the paint and why I was patching all the dings in the walls(after I had blocked them to remove all the loose cement/dust etc as well as brooming down all the ceilings)and woodwork. Thai building is nothing like western building standards and you need to be on top of it all the time if you want it done right
  19. looks like a fresh reactions to me, the redness and blister look like burns from whatever she had done, does she mean she has had it for 2 years or wont go out for 2 years as it doent look like its been there too long
  20. Has anyone changed their province and address in their yellow book, we just tried and were told it is too hard and that farangs are supposed to stay in towns/cities so it is easier to keep track of them. Kind of threw us as my wife said that they didnt sound like they knew what they were talking about, they said that you have to cancel your current book and 13 number then be issued with a new 13 number & book, thought it might be a good idea to see if any other members have tried to change their yellow book elsewhere and if they had any problems, we are in Surat Thani and moved to Kanchanadit
  21. I have just been booked in(15th) for my paid for moderna shot as a my third shot after my first 2 pfizer shots so it is getting distrbuted, I am in Surat Thani.
  22. cutting metal next to a highly flamable liquid, once again we see thai men showing lack of common sense then trying to make a big claim out of it when they are totally to blame, gold will still be there but melted if it ever was there but I find it hard t believe that they just left that much lying around
  23. going by his own standards/comments he has made, doesnt this make him and all his family/guests without masks dirty thais seeing he called us dirty farangs because one person didnt want to take & wear a mask he was handing out, then again here in Thailand it seems to be one rule for the govt/elite and a totally different one for the other thais/farangs
  24. all the workers where my wife is the manager have had sinopharm, one has since come down with covid, my wife got a booster shot of moderna in Bangkok(paid for it many months ago) and I am waiting for moderna to arrive at the private hospital where I have paid(also many months ago) for it to be a booster for me after having the 2 phizer shots so hopefully my moderna shot will be in one of these lots
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