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Everything posted by seajae

  1. again we see these "high so's" thinking they are above the law, time for the book to be thrown at them and treat them like they treat all other thais and not treat them as special, they have lied to the govt, done fraudulent actions to obtain the land and still think they do not have to answer for it. Jail time and massive fines are the only way to stop this happening, they did the right thing with the chicken lady, let them do the right thing here as well
  2. wonder if we will see bubble bags getting onto the thai internet, 0.2% so leaves only, trim will be well over that so they really are not legalizing weed, just the leaves if you cant use the heads
  3. Over the years I have had several close friends and a family member over do it and it has resulted in mental health problems, while having the occassional chuff doesnt really do much when you do it constantly it is a different story, severe memory loss, innability to remember what you were going to say mid sentence, severe paranoia, unable to function properly, its not imaginary, it is fact. When I was much younger I was into the drug culture, weed, lsd, hash/oil etc but weened myself out of it, I have seen exactly what over indulging with weed can do to people, anyone that tries to deny this fact is full of sh*t and in total denial, its usually the ones that are users themselves because they cant/refuse admit the truth about it.
  4. would be a lot more realistic if the democrats also did the same with the blm /antifa protesters especailly when you consider they did a lot more damage and did kill people, unfortunately this is looking purely political and democrats are just hoping to create a better chance to win at the next elections. Its been 2 years and they have found only a small number guilty of anything major other than trespass and damage(not insurection), they are also refusing to realease all the footage of what really happened as well as more about certain people involved, while the law needs to be followed they really appear to be doing only what may benefit themselves and not the US people, would like to see the truth coming out and not just the political claims trying to whitewash what really happened while refusing to do anything about the riots that destroyed so many lives and cities, this is making this whole thing look like a total farce
  5. teacher got what he deserved, trying to embarrass the student by doing it in front of the class and he would have screwed up his hair as well, he is not a hair dresser, he should have told the student to get his hair cut at a hair dressing shop. While the student did the wrong thing I cannot lay the blame on him as the teacher was the one in the wrong, thai teachers think they are gods even though a lot are pathetic teachers at best
  6. they are removing the low lying branches to defer closer scrutiny/protect the top of the tree, the whole police force needs a clean out and it needs to start at the top, the bottom of the barrel can only use graft/corruption when the top players allow & encourage it
  7. this is simply the left spitting their pacifiers because they dont want the truth and free speech to happen with twitter, the left much prefer their lies and innuendo to be what twitter stands for, last thing they want is honesty as they know it would destroy the dems and their biased views
  8. Thai lady in Australia had failed the driving test 10 times yet had had her thai licence for many years, its hard when thais dont know or obey the road rules, they just do as they please on the roads and it shows with all the road deaths
  9. the fact they do not mention the brand of the vaccine in question makes one think it may well be the govt supplied chinese variety, a lot of facts were hidden from thai people and the truth may never be known as it would show how incompetent the govt really was
  10. when I was travelling to Australia fairly often I had a sim card sent to a friends address in the city I was arriving in(Perth) so I could pick it up and put it in my phone soon as I arrived, it was a prepay card that I could just add more credit to as needed. Used it to call my wife back here and the rates were pretty good plus I had good rates in Australia as well, just swapped it out when I arrived back in Thailand and re used it when back in Australia, let it go after covid hit as I could no longer get into or out of Australia, it was through Amaysim
  11. mate, you really need to pull your head out and have a look at the real world not your imaginary one. There are some good workers in Thailand but there are a lot that simply dont want to work, a thais earnings are in line with their living costs same as other countries, try buying what you can get here for a pittance in the western world, a meal here that costs $2 is closer to $20 plus, students stay in my wifes furnished rooms with air con, tv, private bathrooms etc for under $40 a month, try finding that in the western world where you would be paying a lot more than that a week. We have been trying to get workers for several years , we offer 500 baht for 4 hours of easy work, we cannot get takers but we still see them sitting around of a day doing nothing, the one time we got one he worked 3 weeks then asked for an advance to pay a bill nd did a runner. Our current helpers(husband & wife that live close by) are really great, they will get my wife to put things they need to build their house on her card and then work it off but we still cannot get anyone else to work with them, Your attitude is the problem some hais suffer from they would rather steal or sell drugs than get a sweat up, the problem resides with them for not wanting to make something of themselves, same goes for you with that attitude, have to wonder if you moved here so you could bludge and do the same things. The lady knew it wasnt her money and probably a mistake but raced out and spent it then tried to hide because she knew iwhat she did was a crime, she should be charged with theft, made to repay the money as well as get locked up, it is only dead beats that think she did nothing wrong. My wife is from a very poor family, she was dumped by her parents but she worked to put herself through uni and worked her butt off to get where she is so it can be done if you want to, trouble is too many are like you and dont want to have to do any hard yards
  12. if they refuse to do anything then the fun can begin, they both seem to be ignoring buiding regulations, getting advice from the local govt as to whether or not what they have done is legal is the starting point, I doubt the way they have set their building to drain into your property is allowed but doing it by the book is the best way to go at this stage. If the local govt tells you what they have done is not allowed then you have room to to get them to take action to correct it or pay reparations to fix all the problems they are causing.
  13. can see it now, child /booster seats just sitting on the seats not belted in, probably will get the occassional chair with the legs removed in there as well, safety in Thailand just doesnt equate with much of the population, it either interferes with them, takes extra work, costs more money or is just inconvenient for them. Doesnt take a genius to see that thais do not like following the law and will ignore them to suit themselves, car seats will go into the same basket as licenses, helmets, red lights, not crossing double lines, indicating to turn, going the wrong way on roads, riding in the backs of trucks etc, using car/booster seats will not happen
  14. the very first lesson should always be "never point the gun at anyone as well as always have your finger on the trigger guard until you are point the gun at a target and are ready to shoot", must have been a very bad instructor but typical of the expertise in Thailand. Have to wonder why she also pulled the trigger while pointing the gun at him and why she was loading the gun if it was only first time using it
  15. normally this time of year we have maybe 18" of water in the dam, ground is rock hard and set like cement plus we are watering our trees a couple of times a week as well as getting tuck loads of water brought in. This year the dam is full and at times overflowing, the ground is hat water logged trees are falling over, if you try to walk around the place you sink into ground its that soft, a day or night rarely goes by without heavy rain and that has been happening right through the supposed dry season. Really have to wonder what is happening to the weather patterns, if we get a heavy wet season now we will lose many of our trees, is this an el nino/la nina event or is it something more, have never seen rain so heavy & constant over a dry season.
  16. if you fill up you should hear the cut out when its full even from inside your car, the clunk is that loud you cant miss it. For their gauge to be turning over there would have to be something coming out of the nozzle, asking them for a set amount of fuel to be put in the tank when you went back would have sorted it, if the fuel went in then the tank was not full, pulling the nozzle back so you could see if anything was coming out would also have sorted it, Did you try filling at another petrol station and if so how much went in
  17. china only cares about china, they dont give two hoots for any other country and simnply use them to benefit themselves. Doesnt help when Thsiland just bend over and takes it from them either, those in charge are more interested in what they can personally make out of it rather than what happens to the country, personal wealth is simply more important, last thing those in charge want to do is upset their masters and lose their pay packets
  18. they pick you up and drop you off at the airport so they are certain they know your where abouts so they can organize their other men for when you are not around, takes some doing when they have more than 2 men on the go but if they organize it well they can make a nice little nest egg. Stop giving them dates of your arrival back in Thailand and watch them start to panic
  19. the +66 is the country code, dont need it if you are already in Thailand
  20. we have had kerry do this as well, they claim they cannot call you but they never tried in the first place, to save face they lie, I have had other couriers do it as well, they do not want to look bad so say they called when they never did. I have had frozen food thaw and have to be tossed because the courier kept lying about calling, 3 days after it was supposed to be delivered they showed up. Problem is the actual end deliverer, if you are a bit out of the way they keep putting you off but have to admit since I did a huge song & dance to the various couriers about it and how their drivers are a pack of a holes and are simply making excuses because they are too lazy to deliver we now get deliveries from them all on time, took a lot of bitching and really going to town on them but it has worked
  21. my medicare card expired years ago and they will not issue a new one as I do not live in Australia anymore, the address I was living at before I moved over here many years ago agreed to just forward my mail to me but the owner had a blow up with his wife and when my new medicare card arrived she sent it back as no longer living at this address, now I am unable to get a new card
  22. once again we see the rich and well to do getting away being arrogant bastar&s and the police doing nothing about it, loss if licence a huge fine and even crushing the car should all be on the table for what this animal did, they risked someone elses life to get their jollies and show their arrogance. Typical Thailand really, these rich/well to do idiots can kill people and the police just lie down or should I say bend over for them, shows again how pathetic thai police really are
  23. how many times do we see bike riders flying down near the inside of the left lane between cars/trucks and the footpath/gutter because they dont want to slow down. The amount of times I would have had the car door torn off or my arm damaged by a bike rider if I hadnt checked first is staggering, they simply dont care or think about it, they see a space and just go for it, a turning car/truck just doesnt stop them trying to get through before they block the space. Speed and not wanting to stop for anyone else is the problem, the lack of thinking at times also doesnt help, I have even had bike riders on my left hand side try to do a uturn/right turn across the front of my car while I am moving forwards at traffic lights, they just think they can do as they please and everyone else will stop for them
  24. Is anyone else getting hundreds of emails from [email protected] and 126.com, this morning I had over a hundred emails from these email addresses in 2 of my email folders, it is chinese based spam and apparently it happens to other email users a lot. The only english is the email address, everything else is chinese scratchings, I have adjusted my allowed emails with my servers so hopefully it will not happen again but wondered if others have also been targeted
  25. days have been definitely hotter than usual, also all the unseasonal rain storms do not help either, by this time of the year our dam is usually almost dry but this year it is virtually overflowing and has been for weeks. Just 30 minutes outside and I am soaking wet, never happened before this year, the usual weather patterns appear to have changed a lot, making it hard to plan ahead with the trees and what we normally do in the dry season
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