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Everything posted by seajae

  1. mate, pointing out the obvious does not mean you hate it, love living here, would never move back to Australia but I also see many of the downfalls here due to lack of schooling, way some people think or dont think at all plus the incompetence of many as well as all the fraud & graft. Even when you are in your own country people will have a bitch about the same things plus you also have to accept that many thais actually complain about these same things as well. Best thing I ever did was move here many years ago, marry a wonderful lady & have many great thai friends, if you think being honest about what you see etc is hate then the problem lies with you not them
  2. A friends daughter lost all her bank savings yesterday when she was conned by the people running this web site , she saw it on a gaming site(she is young/student) saying they would return more than paid, she sent 2000 baht and got back 3000 baht so she emptied her bank account to them and got nothing back. She was too embarrased to do anything about it because she doesnt want to look stupid but has been convinced to go to the police and report it, I have looked up who is for them and while the registrants details are not showing it was registered in the US, the fraud people at the police station should be able to get onto them fairly quickly as she is going to hand over all their other contact detals, bank account she transferred to etc. Might pay to warn family and friends about this website as they appear to be hitting up younger people/students
  3. have to wonder how long or how far they let chuwit go before he has a nasty accident or simply dissapears, outing thai police and chinese criminals can be bad for your health in Thailand
  4. if you are not signed in when you hit the buy or cart buttons you get this problem, you need to sign in from the top of the page using the sign in button then add it to your cart or buy, I have had this problem for some time, easy to sort out though
  5. lack of qualified tradesmen is the reason any building in Thailand are very suspect, cheap materials so more profit is made, govt jobs being given to the cheapest quote so the awarding officer can pocket more money, the winning contractor then getting their own quotes and keeping the difference from the lowest quote again, this is repeated till there is not enough money to use quality materials and they have to use cheap labour and cut corners. Any tecnical people overseeing the construction/s are told to toe the line or things will happen to them and their families, people winning quotes being killed( a family friend was shot after winning a quote,), the graft & corruption is that bad in Thailand what else can you expect but suspect work on everything from roads to bridges and buildings, profit/graft over rule everything else, roads fall apart within months because no raod base/just red dirt used(if at all), bridges collapse due to second hand materials and buildings fall apart/floors collapse etc due to garbage materials/lack of oversight
  6. creating another office/department where they can collect even more graft from the ones already using graft & corruption to enrich themselves, they do nothing unless it enables them to make themselves richer, none of them are honest, they are all criminal
  7. this is the problem in Thailand, they refuse to see the corruption because many want in on it, money rules and they dont care about the state of the country, lack of a decent education means they are not capable of realistic thinking/rational thought. Instead of voting for someone that will actually try to make the country better they vote for corrupt families that are only there to benefit themselves, we will not see Thailand begin to improve until such time as there is a decent education system so that the people are capable of independant thinking. Currently the parties are only interested in getting their snouts in the trough, I doubt another shin will be any different as the party members are known for their corrupt ways in the past, instead of just using the shin name for another puppet leader the country needs a pm that will stand up for the people and not the corrupt parties
  8. Had to be done within a couple of weeks as the phyto certificate would need to be replaced( a 4 hour round trip) if we waited too long as they expire
  9. UPDATE, we got a reply on our email to a head person in customs, there were no new regulations and that if there were we would not have been issued a phytosanitary certificate, he also said that dhl are responsible to ensure that all documents required is supplied(they were by my wife), he also told us what was required to send seeds overseas(everything was done as required by my wife, she also has an export permit) and he appologized for any inconvenience. Seems it rested on dhl but rather than let it drag out we did pay the 1000 baht (online transfer) and the package was shipped out straight away which does make their excuse that it was not allowed look suss
  10. my wife has done if a few times over the years, it is purely a religious thing where they can get close to Buddhism through what they eat, how they sleep(both without their normal higher standards) plus meditation. Wats also support older ladies when they need somewhere to stay, my wifes mother is getting cancer treatment but the hospital(very close to the wat) is several hours drive from where we live so she has no where else to stay, locals supply all the food etc needed for her and others that are there while they are being treated, it is nothing out of the ordinary for thais to do, some farangs just think too much
  11. trouble is islamic teachings are based on hundreds of year old teachings and they refuse to modernize apart from how they wage war on people, they do not like anyone refusing to do what they want them too, time for the govt to tell them to stick their teachings where the sun dont shine
  12. In the cases of rape, incest, mental stability and the persons age I believe abortion should always be a choice, what I do not believe is that abortion should be a way for women that sleep around having unprotected sex with many men to cover themselves. When you see women stating they have had multiple abortions and should have the right to do so because they dont want to take any responsibilty for what they do you really have to wonder, what people also have to realize is that this does not stop abortions, women can still have them under certain circumstances as well as in many states, the original desion for abortion was always under a cloud as the govt had not set any laws regarding it, if they had then it would not have been removed, abortion should not be used to replace contaception, my opinion only
  13. hahahaha, they dont want to upset their chinese masters and have to give back their cash incentives, what else can you expect from these cretins
  14. problem is more to do with the way the thai houses have been built, they dont do any soil testing before work begins to make sure slab and posts are correct depth/thickness, do not prepare the ground under the slabs so the foundations are always suspect, all work is done by self taught lackies never tradesman, cheap materials are used, ratios of cement, sand etc are all guess work, walls are one brick in width then rendered on each side, extensions are not locked into the existing building plus the slabs are usually just poured straigh onto the ground and they wonder why the walls etc start to crack. Looking at the pics you can see it is where there are joins to either an existing wall, next to a concrete posts etc, all look like the work was not done very well in the first place
  15. as long as anyone putting it into food and drinks makes sure customers are aware they are doing it and are being given the choice of not having it added I cant see a problem, if they are adding it and not warning customers they are doing it then they need to be charged, there are always some people that will have adverse effects so need to be aware what is being put in their food/drinks. Personally I am seriously looking at getting some to see if it will help eleviate my pain, might have to make some mild cookies, last time I made them to help with my withdrawls to pain killers I made them way too strong & they zonked me out for a couple of days but did the job
  16. thats what we are thinking, they would not issue phytosanitary certificates if it was not allowed, trouble is getting some official to answer our queries, we have received emails from her friend in Tahiti that he got from DHL as well saying customs have stopped it but that just doesnt ring true
  17. there are in fact quite a few that post seeds around the world, seeds from Thailand are very common an all countries.
  18. My wife has been sending seeds overseas for several years without any problems, she follows all the required regulations for the importing country as well as Thailand. She had a repeat order for French Polynesia a couple of weeks ago, so as required she did the required treatments, had a phytosanitary certificate inspection and had it issued, attached the phyto and the import permit for French Polynesia attached to the box in a clear envelope and dropped the box off at the local DHL office(organized by the buyer) as has been done each year for this person. We were contacted by DHL this week saying that there is a 1000 baht fine to be paid because of exporting seeds, they say it is not allowed which is a total load of BS as there is no such regulation & she has sent several other boxes of seeds overseas in recent weeks/months without any problems, have to wonder if this is a new way to get extra money through graft. We are trying to follow through on this but cannot get any answers so we dont know if it is customs or DHL that are organizing it.
  19. have found the same thing, home all day and no one turns up, can take several days from when it arrives in the local depot and when it is delivered it comes in someones private vehicle/bike, all total BS, they are not a good courier and I refuse to use them
  20. police in other countries especially the west usually do their work the right way in most cases, they man police stations 24/7, they go out of the office and patrol roads etc, they investigate when needed(and dont demand to be paid to do it) and do not openly use stolen/confiscated goods, sell drugs, run gambling dens, consistently break the law themselves, take backhanders and ignore certain people breaking the law etc. When the higher ups are paid for other officers advancement, to make sure that "important" people are not charged/arrested etc their corrupt ways are all on display yet they dont care as they think they are above the law that applies to others, I have seen how police in other countries behave(even have 3 family members in the police force that tell me what happens) but it is no where near the extent of corruption in the thai police, police in Thailand look at it as a means to make more money only by using their positions, they do not care about doing what they are paid to do
  21. I bought an Samsung A52 last year, it is all what you require including water resistant and has a great camera set up but was 11000 baht new, probably get a second hand one closer to your price, there are a lot of cheaper phones these days but getting one with your specs can be a problem. I know because I looked around for a cheaper one with similar specs especially the waterproof and I wanted a good camera set up, the A52 was the one I settled on and I am extremely happy with it, it was well over my price but worth every baht
  22. I had a very large one that was infected removed from my back in my doctors surgery, I went back every day and the nurse cleaned it and then put on a new patch, 5 visits and at hundred baht each time then another week before the doctor removed the stitches, no problems at all. In Australia I had one removed from my back at the doctors surgery, told me to go back in 2 weeks and to keep it dry & not to do anything to it, got a bad infection in the wound and the doctor had to clean it out, I then had a friend use coloidal silver to wash it every day over the next week and it healed ok
  23. its not just bike riders, I was turning from the middle of the road to go right with my indicator on, my wife was sitting behind me on the bike and a car decided to overake me from behind while I was starting to turn, luckily I saw him and stopped before he cleaned us up, he was going way over the speed limit as well and could have easily stayed in the correct lane. Many thai drivers/riders have no considersation for other road users/pedestrians and ignore the law, they just do as they please and stuff anyone else
  24. 60 days to offer a much bigger back hander to accept a crappy chinese engine that is untested by any navy, will probably fall apart very quickly requiring way too much maintenance which is something thais are not good at or even do
  25. the biggest problems here is the rubbish on the beaches/in the water as well as the state of the water due to drains etc running straight into it, once you are away from populated areas it is a different story, while the setting looks good on most beaches here the cleanliness is another matter. I find it very hard to compare thai beaches to aussie beaches but they dont have the scenery we have here but are definitely a lot cleaner with better water quality, all boils down to what each individual is looking for
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