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Everything posted by advancebooking

  1. 150% up in 2023. Best performing asset class actually. Anything else to say on this??
  2. Only your proposal to buy 2 condos to rent them out. 8% yield??? Where did you get that from. Probably less than half that. My opinion is to follow these steps: 1. Register with a crypto exchange and wire funds there 2. Buy BTC, Eth and Solana 3. Buy a trezor hardware wallet and send all crypto to your wallet 4. Wait for 5 yrs and do the reverse to sell and fund back to fiat
  3. Years ago itBit exchange was one of the most reputable in the States- based in New York. They had clout with the SEC and followed the rules re KYC/ AML regulations. Then they were taken over by Paxos. I tried looking at the itBit pro website you mentioned above but could not find the url. Go to the Paxos website because it is legitimate and be careful with other websites.
  4. Please give more information if you want some help. Im happy to assist but you must tell me what you want to achieve.
  5. My opinion is: - BTC: Potential spot ETF that Ive been waiting for a long time. Maybe happen this month depending on the SEC - Solana: Blockchain is more stable now. Hasn't crashed since Feb last year. More people are using Solana because of Ethereums high gas fees. I think it could go to $250 where it belongs.
  6. I saw a lady sitting at the teller at Bangkok bank today. She withdrew millions of baht and put the cash in her bag. Obviously I was trying not to look too much but was wondering why should would withdraw huge amounts of cash like this. Most likely to buy land or house at the land office. I assume it must depend on the agreement between the seller and the buyer but I wonder if the average Thai minds accepting cash as part or full payment for a property transaction If withdrawing large amounts of cash like this I wonder if the bank has to report this to the AML office in Bkk?
  7. Its more appropriate to say 'no <deleted> sherlock'
  8. duh. do you think an orthodontist needs a go fund me page. Probably drives a ferrari. Never seen a poor dentist
  9. Thanks for the info. I wish I had read this 1 week ago. Actually would you believe they came to see my wife when I was away a few days. They collected the docs described above and then they presented a short lease contract to my wife for signature. They said it was for them to give to the revenue dept and that they will put the stamps on the back of the contract from the rev dept. My wife was so busy with customers and didnt really read or understand what she was signing. And I dont think the tenant read it properly either as their accountant, who prepared the doc, wrote xxxx rent per year instead of per month. I got back from being away and my wife told me about it. Asked them to send a copy in line and I was really angry. I felt they shafted my wife to be honest and it was ridiculously low rent bc of the typo error. There was only 1 copy and they delivered it to us with the stamps on the back of it. I showed our accountant who said we should do a proper contract and nullify this dodgy one. I told the tenants this and said we will only give them 1 yr not 3. I wanted to penalise them for this stupid act. Just before new yr they came and it was all a bit uncomfortable. They said that they didnt try to trick my wife. Now the stamps are on the back of our new contract and they said they visited the rev dept to put new stamps on their copy. Unsure if they did or not. But seems logical they woiuld do it bc we will be paying taxes on the higher rent level reported. If they pay taxes on the lower amount then they are commiting fraud. Do you agree. They will have to comply and put stamps on the new contract with higher rent to correspond with our contract. thanks
  10. I just visited Pats and rented a condo short term near beach road. Observations: - Walking street was really busy and a lot of fun. Great vibes there. Worth spending a night out on W.S for sure - Hot Tuna bar has a fantastic rock band. - I noticed about 15 officers with DOPA jackets on surrounding a shop that had the BB guns. I asked the officer what was going on. He said 'checking documents'. I thought that was quite odd for all of them to be there at 1030pm at night. - I tried to get my washing done at a small laundry in the condo building at 9am. She said pick it up tomorrow. Noticed she had a balcony with empty rack (no clothes drying or anything from other customers). It was a hot morning with breeze. I thought it was ridiculous to suggest that it couldn't be done same day. Ended up buying small washing powder and putting it in machine myself elsewhere. Hung it up and was dry in 2 to 3 hours on balcony at condo. - There was so much plastic and rubbish on the sand at the beach. Last year I saw a tractor with the scrapper blade driving up and down the beach. Why do they not use this every morning during peak season. Hopeless local government. - I saw a lot of overweight old men lying in the sun for long time. Red lobster bodies and faces. - Walked down soi 6 and noticed a lot of farang men sitting alone at tables. Bar girls standing at the front of the bar staring at people walking down the road- with their backs to these guys. Got to wonder what sort of business model this is. Why are they not socialising with the fine specimens in the bar? - Walking along beach road at night I saw a lot of working girls from many nationalities. A few looked Indian ladies. A lot of large African ladies, lot of trans gender thais and normal thai girls. - During morning exercise along the beach noticed some old farang at the bar having beer for breakfast. Thats about all I observed.
  11. VIEW TALAY 6 next to the hilton is to be avoided. very old faulty lifts. problems everytime I go there once a month. they will have to be replaced one day when theres a fatality.
  12. I think OP married a bar girl or similar low occupation.
  13. Any SS office can issue one but takes 3 weeks. Keep it in your wallet in case of emergency
  14. I dont have seizures but notice my memory is not so good. And sometimes mixing up English letters when writing. When typing on this keyboard often pressing the wrong key. Used to have it memorized but now having issues. Its maybe approaching 5 to 10 years since the last CT on my brain and they did say to check it. Can you recommend a specialist at BRG? thanks
  15. Hi, I wanted to know if you can reccomend a good neuro specialist who has experience with brain calcification stones https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/brain-calcification#:~:text=Surgical removal of the calcified,some cases of intractable seizures.&text=By contrast%2C most cases can,with a single antiepileptic medication. I have to go to Bumrungrad as they have the CT scan that I did in 2008 and 7 yrs later showing the brain stone. Last time I went the dr said just keep checking it very 5 yrs to see its not getting bigger. I want the radiologist to compare the size between then and now and therefore should go back to BRG. Are day to day radiologist dr able to accurately measure any difference in sizes. I assume that Im completely reliant on the experience of the radiologist working on that day? I read on google dr ''Surgical removal of the calcified focus has been used in some cases of intractable seizures. By contrast, most cases can be managed with a single antiepileptic medication.'' I would like to know if there are any medications or vitamins available actually. My only symptoms in last year or two are short term memory issues and when I write English some Im mixing letters up. Not all the time. Also waking up in early hours but think most middle aged men do this. I also have some anger issues. 3 years ago I was having significant memory issues but found out I was deficient in copper, zinc and B12. Been taking them on and off for years now and have significantly improved these issues. thanks
  16. Not if the dentist has medical malpractice insurance. Such policies only pay out if the dr is negligent ie if they have done something wrong in the treatment. However if they dont have that ins policy then yes you are correct and they will have to pay out of their own money.
  17. Duh, Read above please. Upbit have good technology. You can get verified using dip and chip method on your passport. Bitkub havent upgraded their systems for foreign passports to do this. Upbit will not be following the same route as bitkub. I got verified very quickly one month ago. Can off ramp to thai bank account
  18. I just tried to register at the first page and it was asking for an invitation code. Had to join the invitation list
  19. Before you get too confident try tapping on the market tab at the bottom and then go right and tap on trade and then wallet and then setting and then go back the other way. When I did this the message was displayed about my account being suspended. Or go to the kyc level page and try to go to the next level. You might get that message.
  20. I used to drive fast here when there was no traffic on the road but now keep under the limit as Thai drivers a unpredictable. Recently I was nearly killed walking fast across a zebra crossing. It was a small crossing really close to my kids school. Actually a car on the left side was trying to turn right and I walked fast across the zebra crossing behind that car. Suddenly a pickup truck was speeding very fast and I nearly accidentally walked in front of it. It could have been a school kid killed. The idiot was driving so fast. I just read on the news re a Brit who was hit by a motorcycle on the road in Pats. This can happen to any of us. Its very important to be careful walking on the roads in Thailand. Happy new yr to you all.
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