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Everything posted by advancebooking

  1. This is what Im trying to ascertain and it seems that only the IO in Bkk and Surin state that one does not have to report. But other provinces possibly do. I will print the above file that someone posted and show it to the officer and state that its only a short time away always returning to my original address. Will report back here.
  2. Are you saying that if you stay in a hotel anywhere in Thailand away from your own province that your IO want you to to do TM30. But if you go overseas and return then you dont have to. Is that what you are saying?
  3. yes I have both. I didn't know one could do that. Will give it a try. thanks
  4. Thanks for your reply. If I don't do it are there any implications? on the tm30 there is 2 sections for address. Do I just put my usual home address in both? it all seems to be a waste of time
  5. I have been married 9 yrs and doing online 90 day reporting sometimes. It was getting rejected here and there and I never understood why. Yesterday I tried again. Today I got the email 'rejected' and go to local immi office immediately. Arrived there this morning and walked into the 90day office door. One of the main female immigration officers that does ext of stays recognised me and said to me that my 90 day had been rejected bc I went to Bangkok last week and stayed in a hotel. She said I should have reported to this office within 24 hours of returning home. We both walked back to the main immi area. I go away all the time and in 9 to 10 yrs have never heard of this issue or the requirement to report to immi office when returning. Whats it for exactly? She was ultra friendly and said that I dont have to fill out paperwork and basically sorted it out for me. She told me to apply again using my phone and within 5 min I had an email approval of the 90 day ext. She said in the future that I can come to her desk again and therefore dont have to fill out a form. But she re-iterated that I should be doing it if I ever go away. Are there any fines for ignoring this requirement? As I said Ive never abided by this rule ever and think its quite ridiculous. A side issue is.... If I were to be applying for citizenship I intend to move my yellow book to bkk (friend of a friends condo address). My wife would keep her blue book at our home city. I would be living with her 99% of the time and continue getting ext of stays based on marriage. So if I do this then my address in the 90 day system is the bkk address. When I try to renew my marriage visa I think they must look at my passport number and address in the system. Will they question this? thanks
  6. Thanks for your comment. Now finally I understand... So now my car doesnt have Mpass. But they stuck the sticker on the inside of my front screen and also registered me with Easypass linked to my card. So I can pass thru signs saying 'Mpass / Easypass'
  7. I would hate to be an american
  8. today driving from swampie airport to sukhumvit the tolls were the same sign 'Mpass/ easy pass'. No mflow at all. where are those tolls located?
  9. do you know if theres a blood test for hpv? how do we know if we have it? thanks
  10. I have an Mpass token that is now faulty. The bank will not issue another one. I think she was saying that the toll roads are converting to Mflow or easyflow. Is this correct? Is easyflow the payment channel for mflow? That main hwy going past swampie into central bkk.... If my Mpass is not working but Im registered now with mflow and have money on easyflow.... can I pass through the toll there? Setting up mflow/ easyflow was really hard and best to stop at their office and get help. Its all very complicated IMHO
  11. A few years ago we purchased 2 plots of land next to each other and obviously had to put in the wife's name. One side is hers and one for me. Recently we added my kids name to the back of the chanote for mine. It cannot be sold until after 20 years old. Please assist with either issue if you have experience with this 1. At land office the official asked if it was just the land or both the land and building. We recently finished construction of a carport and room with ensuite bathroom. We told her just the land as we were unsure if PEA allowed electrical accounts in childs name. What is the rule on this? After we get the electricity connected I assume we can go back and put my kids name as owner of the building as well? 2. Last year we only got approval for carport and room. No bathroom. When construction started we decided to add a bathroom. Builder said no problem. Now we want to get tabian bahn to get the address. Then we can get 60m free wires and poles. District office sai they want to see approved plans. Spoke to builder who gave up the bosses name an number and told us to "negotiate" re the bathroom. Should we be saying we like to donate to charities and schools etc. every year. Maybe say we would like to donate money to his department to buy new equipment. Or how should we deal with this issue Not interested in hearing any nanny state moral values re installing an illegal bathroom. TIT and the norm here Also not interested in discussing usefructs or leases which I know are useless options in the event of divorce thanks for sharing your experiences here on either issue
  12. Yes but Thailand is not the west is it. Daft comment
  13. great description. keep you away from my daughters...
  14. I live in a regional city not bkk. Recently went to a private hospital and told the nurse that I have a large painful hemorrhoid on the outside of my butt near the rectum. How much I asked her. After a few minutes she said 100% and that includes spinal anesthesia. She asked if I wanted to see the surgeon. I said no thanks. 5 yrs ago in Bumrungrad a dr put local into my butt and cut one out and I think it was 3k to 4k maybe. 2 yrs ago I had another one inside my rectum. Same hospital. They used a rubber band technique to remove it. I think that was up to 10k. So now I dont know what to do. It feels huge and so painful. Im using cream. Should I be going to Bkk. What happens if I do nothing for a week or so. Is it going to go away on its own. Its just a complete nightmare to have this on my butt right now thanks
  15. Whats your occupation / education? Did you study 6 years in one of the hardest courses at University and then study several years to do Implant surgery. No. 50k is cheap and if you convert back to your own currency it will still be cheaper than the nanny state you come from. You should go to a village in India or Phillipines if your a tight fisted bugger
  16. I called them and waited for ages. Then got thru. I insisted he help me with every step to download the app and finally log in. It took ages and was complicated. Just call them and get it done. About 30 to 45min on the phone but worth it
  17. I submitted documents 30 days ago for my ext of stay based on marriage. Today I should be going there to get the approval stamp Im away and can only go tomorrow. Is it a big deal if i go there tomorrow and apologize saying I forgot thanks
  18. Yesterday I went to close a long screen door and a rat or mouse ran across in front of me. Rain has started and I recommend putting the sticky rat baits down with some cheese in the middle. Put them inside your rooms. During covid time I was sleeping in the spare room bc the wife was co sharing with our child. My room had a few boxes with papers everywhere. Anyways, in the middle of deep sleep and suddenly woke up to a sharp bite on my finger. It scared the absolute crap out of me. I couldnt see a snake anywhere. The next day thought I would put a sticky rat bait and sure enough caught the bugger. It was during covid time. I thought I refuse to have the jab so why not test if my body could survive a rat bite. After a week I felt ill- really pale and sickly. My wife asked if I wanted to go to the hospital. I ended up telling the dr what happened and was on antibiotics for a week. So it seems that a common rat bite is more lethal to my system than catching the dreaded chinese virus which I had a few times. cheers
  19. half my age suits me. So firm and easy going
  20. Haha. His own age. What guy in his right mind wants an old lady his own age. Get real
  21. and germany at 14. I was shocked to read that.
  22. $1000? Govt hospitals are cheap in thaliand. This topic is not about the USA
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