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Everything posted by advancebooking

  1. $1000? Govt hospitals are cheap in thaliand. This topic is not about the USA
  2. What about thai girls vs Philippines? surely this is the most important factor.
  3. I forgot to mention that at my local govt hospital there was a dept with medical cannabis sign on the office door. Patients can queue up. I saw it last year 12 months ago. I actually think it should be the only option for thailand.
  4. Moderators... please delete all off topic posts from weed addicted members whose only argument is to compare a drug such as cannabis to alcohol and cigs. Can all people commenting on my valid opinion above, please keep to the topic. thanks
  5. So the government is rightly doing a backflip on the mess caused by Mr Auntin. Its been a balls-up from the start but what do you expect from him. The solution to the problem is to only have medical cannabis distributed by clinics in Thai government hospitals throughout the country. Close ALL other retail shops Its the only viable solution. The government should pay compensation to retail shops when closing. End of story. Thoughts?
  6. years ago we rented a house in a moobahn village full of selfish middle class thais. family across the road had a rat dog barking after midnight every night. I got all the neighbours together and we went to chat to the family. He looked pissed at me and my wife thought he might attack me. That night no noise. They kept the rat inside. After that every night outside again. We moved house. On the day of the truck moving our stuff he just stood there giving me the evil stare. End of story haha
  7. So is my mate safe if he consummates the friendship with the 18 yr old when he is aged more than double? No legal issues possible?
  8. So are you saying that if my mate bangs this 18 yr old theres no issue / risk at all legally?
  9. Thats not what Im asking at all. Im asking if my friend bangs an 18 year old is he in legal jeopardy.
  10. so if my mate bangs an 18 yr old he cant be locked up?
  11. But we all heard about the american teacher pedo and the german guy who flew back to germany. Both with 16 yr olds and in trouble.
  12. duh. read above. He saw the id card. Cant get better evidence than that.
  13. A mate of mine is aged in 40s. He told me an 18 year old is interested in him. In western countries I think this is not a problem. But here I wasn't sure. I told him I thought it was 20 years old. If he got involved with this girl and it went pear shaped is he in a spot of bother? He has checked her id card. She is 100% 18 yrs old. Not interested in moral opinions, only legal.
  14. go away bob. we are all sick of you. thought you were leaving LOS
  15. lucky for the world that you are not a tax accountant. Shes a thai lady not French. Why on earth would she owe the french revenue dept anything
  16. Not as easy as that at all. Completely depends on the land office. Many do not allow registered leases or usufructs. Mine doesnt. They can ask for proof of funds to buy that land. To and from accounts....
  17. haha. Thats not very nice. I think I will leave you off my xmas card list this year. To be envious is to be the lesser man. I feel a bit sorry for you. Send me your btc wallet address. I might shout you a one way. worth 8k ozzie
  18. It doesn't bother me the fact that you can only travel in cattle class like a student. Up to you. Once you try first class you will never go back.
  19. I dont have that problem on 'first class carriages' Singapore airline. I get my own little room. You should try it one day.
  20. OP you sound like a nut job. None of yr business what your neighbours do. Get a life son
  21. I bought a new Trump baseball hat. Have been wearing it around Pats. Many folk are looking at me with different expressions. Actually I think the guy is hideous and its a complete piss take me wearing it. What are your thoughts on the guy. Any residents actually think this guy is solid? If you see me please say hello. I'm similar to Bob. Have no friends.
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