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Everything posted by champers

  1. My post was in good faith based on info in this thread from the OP.
  2. You could park for free at Big C Extra on Klang, then a baht bus down Klang to SB then another along SB to the hospital (I am presuming Pattaya City hospital is where you are going). Do in reverse going back.
  3. Yes, I have seen that thread too. I think the radio station I heard got the two muddled.
  4. Use a carrier bag and a couple of elastic bands.
  5. Complete and utter BS. I hate the diving, over-acting and timewasting. It is even worse if it is from a team I support.
  6. Four stitches and some heavy bruising according to 103 FM radio.
  7. Police immediately moved to arrest the rider who wears jacket #16 at the Mike's Shopping Mall rank. Spelling error there, methinks.
  8. It was still absolutely rank. Hendersons Relish is the real deal; sadly not available in Thailand .... unless ....
  9. Peter Sellars made a good one - Being There - his last before he passed away.
  10. How do you know they are illegal? They could be from Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan or plenty other war-torn places. You should be proud they want to come to Great Britain. So much better than all those EU countries we left behind.
  11. The migrants have dodged a bullet. They would be better off stopping in France than staying in Skeggy.
  12. "dazed and confused" says the article. It must be Jimmy Page; a Pattaya regular.
  13. You've missed off wacky baccy shops, the new up and coming places. Faasands of 'em.
  14. Does anyone know if the cars will be driven in a parade along Beach Rd en route to Bali Hai? I vaguely recall this happening pre-Covid.
  15. Just need our Canuk subjects to do a job on Belgium later on.
  16. No fines reported so more lenient than on previous occasions.
  17. How will they resolve the problem of different gague lines in Thailand to those in Laos and China? Does anybody know?
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