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Everything posted by champers

  1. He would love what they have - unfettered, lifetime control backed by the military with no more than a passing nod to democracy and human rights. At least he has the sense to know it won't happen for him.
  2. I seriously doubt if Xi or Macron will show up. Xi does as he pleases in the region so will send a deputy. Things are boiling up in France and Macron will need to focus on domestic matters with a looming election.
  3. The Times reporting that Boris will stand. Should be an interesting week.
  4. Because it is cheaper: massages, restaurants, bars, cafes. Hi Rollers make up a tiny minority of casino guests, most are ordinary Joes ( or Joannes) on a budget.
  5. The report cites an accident as the cause of the blaze when infact it is gross negligence on the part of the digger driver.
  6. BBC say Grant Schapps was in charge of the spreadsheet that listed those MPs who wanted Truss out.
  7. Suella Braverman, politically just to the right of Gengis Khan, has departed as Home Secretary per BBC. Grant Schapps being touted to replace her. Rats. Sinking. Ship.
  8. I went last Tuesday; Monday was a holiday; at 8.30 to do my 90 day report and was away by 8.45. There were no queues either to get in the main building. It seems to be a bit of pot luck involved and a big amount of holidays for this, that and t'other.
  9. How can unknown suspects be charged with carrying a firearm without a permit?
  10. Will the Thais keep coming to Pattaya in such big numbers once the Chinese are back in full force? I would say not; there was a lot of anti-Chinese narrative around before Covid. Also, some popular pre-Covid holiday destinations for Thais are opening up, Japan for example.
  11. There was a young feller called Kwasi, Who flushed the pound right down the khazi, His boss PM Liz, Got in such of a tizz, She sent him away to Benghazi.
  12. Putin's fault today. 4 minute speech followed by taking 4 questions from the press. She left in a huff.
  13. Confirmed. PM press conference at 20.30 Thai time.
  14. A lovers' tryst? They're not going to get to the "run away together to a secret hideaway" part of the dream.
  15. Pattaya, Phuket and Bangkok gigs next month, if anyone is interested. Tickets from 6500 Baht.
  16. He'll need a canoe this afternoon.
  17. They put a horrid seasoning on their meat and fish dishes; seems I am not the only one who dislikes it. Santa Fe do the same (same franchise owner?).
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