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Everything posted by champers

  1. Quite a few businesses opening to attract their custom. Example: 2 Indian restaurants on Beach Rd between Sois 4 and 5 either side of a 7/11. One is already open, one being readied for a re-opening. Western style businesses cater to Western visitors, Indian style to Indian visitors. Those businrsses that can cater to many demographics are likely to flourish more.
  2. You mustn't have met the Indian and Chinese owners of establishments that cater to their fellow countrymen.
  3. Has there been a bad accident at that place recently? Remedial measures are often taken after the event, regardless of logic.
  4. I heard on the local Pattaya radio station this morning that all over 60s may be required to keep on wearing a mask. Time to get a facelift, perhaps.
  5. Live now on BBC World News TV channel - Boris in HOC facing questions about the Sue Grey report.
  6. I didn't say that either. Re-read my post, or are you just itching to have an argument with someone?
  7. I didn't differentiate between left and right in my post so not sure why you quoted it. Both are as bad as each other, Blair lying about WMDs as a pretext for joining the invasion of Iraq, for example.
  8. Anyone who thinks politicians were all fine, upstanding pillars of society (some are) before Covid came along is a bit delusional, IMO. Boris Johnson has been a compulsive liar for decades and it was no secret. The electorate has got what it voted for. He is shameless; otherwise he would have resigned months ago.
  9. Apparently his Facebook account is the original source about his funds. I don't do Facebook so I cannot verify.
  10. If his choice is pay or go to a Thai prison for 10 years I think the guy will be finding the money. Bryan Flowers saying he has sold his house before coming to live here and suggesting he is working in a boiler room operation, so he will find the cash required IMO.
  11. The story has gone global because of a firm called Viral Media according to the victim. If that is a Bryan Flowers company, then well done to him. If it isn't, then a big commercial opportunity has been missed. Not sure how much credit a news company is due for actually reporting news. It is their bread and butter after all.
  12. He let it lapse. He stayed longer than he originally intended after meeting a Thai lady and falling in love with her. They both intend to return to England, so he will have a visa to pay for plus all his ongoing living expenses here till the court case and his medical treatments are over and done with. A couple of bar owners are using him to publicise their "brands" and burnish their reputations. His story is going viral on a global scale and a whole new barrage of problems could be coming his way as he is "steered" through the process. I wish him well and if people want to pay into his GoFundMe account, it is up to them how they spend their own money. One thing is for sure for me. I would not want to swap places with him.
  13. Apparently soapy massages can re-open. Good news for the many Indians who are coming back in increasing numbers.
  14. Opens 1st August according to a sign out front. The rooftop restaurant will be popular.
  15. Joe Lewis's yacht will today be visible from Jomtien beach, in Pattaya, according to local radio 103FM.
  16. It is back to being an actual walking street at night time, so no need for anyone to walk on the pavements.
  17. Today's Bangkok Post reports that Spurs owner Joe Lewis has sailed into Koh Samui on his superyacht. It has 7 decks, a crew of 37 and has a tennis court, a nightclub and houses Lewis's private art collection. The BP notes that a full moon party takes place tomorrow night at nearby Rin Beach so if you see a bald 85 year year old "giving it large" you will know who it is.
  18. Late reply from me but better late than never, eh? I keep the Bolton thread ticking over: life on the brink of extinction, League 2 in lockdown, League 1 progression and soon to be back in the bigtime with Ian Evatt's Superwhite Army. I enjoy all footy and get my EPL fix every weekend following my hopeless predictions in the prediction comp, usually deep in conversation with my good friend Leo. I have been in Pattaya for near on 6 years, in retirement after many years of regular visits. It's about time a Man U fan showed his face in the Predictions Comp to demonstrate just how much (or little) you really know about the game. Will we see you there next season? See you soon in the Championship. Up The Whites!!!
  19. Plenty of bars and a go-go on Theppraya Rd leading down to Beach Rd.
  20. Can anyone who frequents these pages actually vote in Thai elections ( not that I'm wanting to)?
  21. The deceased is Italian, not Thai. He is named, so is his restaurant, on 103FM local news every hour on the half hour. The restaurant is closing for a couple of days out of respect for him and his loved ones.
  22. Go on his channel and take it up with him. I just reported what he said.
  23. Saw a vlogger the other day who says it has been flooded a couple of times. He travels daily to and fro between Darkside and central Pattaya. Was Buzzin channel, a guy called Trevor.
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