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Everything posted by champers

  1. The 2 young guns are in the same group tomorrow, tee off just after 10. Looks like rain could be a bit of a spoiler. Minji Lee my pick for the winner.
  2. To put your comments into context: Ukranian men under 60 are staying to fight so old men, all women and children are being prioritised. How would you go about it?
  3. Plenty of games left to make that up. We play Plymouth at home on Saturday and Sheff Wed have to come to our place too. We signed Aaron Morley from Rochdale and 5 others including your James Trafford on loan. Check out Morley's goal at Gillingham last Saturday on YouTube. We spent about half a million in the transfer window, thanks in part to a £5 million Covid loan from the Govt. That loan has been converted to shares in the club, 8%, valuing the club at £60 million. We are truly The People's Club. ☺
  4. I'm looking forward to my lot playing them next season.
  5. Minor Group apparently putting the squeeze on the Govt now. Their portfolio of hotels and food outlets is mighty impressive, including Amari, Avani and Marriott hotels plus Pizza Company, Sizzler, Coffee Club, Svennson and Burger King food outlets. They own RGP in Pattaya too. A search on goggle will show the full list. I think these guys have more clout than the hospital owners.
  6. Cabbage and beetroot are the safe havens in Russia now.
  7. My post wasn't too clear, but I was referring to Nick Dean owning Assienda. Bryan Flowers still has 20 bars closed on Soi 6 but nevertheless his wife is opening a new one on there later this month called Flirt.
  8. Interesting article In this morning's BP railing at those yellow shirt Thais who held a pro-Putin rally at the weekend. Some sick logic at play. The article cannot be linked here but can be viewed on BP's online site.
  9. Peak reached and cases dropping - as predicted/arranged by Govt experts. Get ready for a full-on Songkram courtesy of our gracious leaders.
  10. I am saying what was reported in the Bangkok Post Business section last week and discussed by Tommy Dee on Pattaya 103FM, also last week. @Tommy Dee would probably better explain it as he has a vested interest but I would understand any reluctance on his part to come on here and elaborate. There seems to be an upcoming 2 year period for interested parties to fight their corner, for want of a better phrase.
  11. It is MCOT (Mass Communications of Thailand) who have bought the majority of licences. They are state owned, as are all the broadcasters owned by the armed services. Staying on one message is so important.
  12. Plenty of bars and restaurants will have more than 50 people in tonight (including staff). If the police don't shut all these places down the initiative will have fallen at the first fence. Extended opening hours would lead to less crowding and more mothballed places would re-open.
  13. According to a report on 103FM the Ukranian currency is not being accepted at exchanges too. I imagine that many visitors from both those countries are stocked up with US Dollars or Euros. I would reckon there is plenty of gold stashed in safety deposit boxes here for such an event as well. Some richer Russians have passports from EU countries; Cypriot ones are very popular and easily available.
  14. The Government predicted that cases would peak by the end of this month and then begin to fall at the beginning of next month. As they control the published figures it should not surprise anyone if this scenario played out. Handing Songkram back to the people would be a popular move for whoever initiated it. It's all about electioneering now.
  15. 600 Baht. I snapped my plastic top plate in two. They stuck them back together, must be 6 months ago at least. No more baguettes for me.????
  16. Why not phone them on the number I gave if it matters so much to you.
  17. It's the right name, I noted it down for future reference. Maybe under the same ownership though it is not unknown here for completely different businesses to have the same name.
  18. It could have been the lady's first day at the job. I always like to give people the benefit of the doubt. Don't sweat the small stuff.
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