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Everything posted by champers

  1. Thailand are on the UK's red list; yesterday there were more than 30,000 new cases in the UK and the number is rising as Summer ends. Who is being protected from whom? .
  2. Yesterday Singapore donated 122,000 doses of AZ vaccine to Thailand; source CNA TV. I wonder if Singapore originally bought these from AZ's Thai manufacturing facility.
  3. 2 x Pfizer. After the first I felt a little high; not unpleasant. After the 2nd I immediately felt desperately tired and when home I was out for the count as soon as my head touched the pillow. Woke up fine 3 hours later.
  4. Good news that cinemas are re-opening; just in time for the new James Bond film which comes out this week. Praise be 007!!! Also out is "The Many Saints Of Newark", the early years film about The Sopranos starring Michael Gandolfini; son of the late James; as teenage Tony Soprano. The last film I saw at the pictures was that extreme road rage effort with a fat Russell Crowe as the psychopath.
  5. The fish fingers in Tops are Waitrose from UK. Back in stock a couple of weeks ago. I did try some fish sticks made with pollock which were nice if a bit on the small side. Pollock is similar taste to cod but flaky rather than dense texture. Haywards mixed pickle now on my missing items list, along with pickled baby beets, Baxters or Heinz. The baby beets go well with my "go to" hot smoked salmon fillets which are also out of stock at Tops.
  6. Last weekend there was a G7 meeting of paliamentary house leaders held in Chorley in Lancashire. UK House of Commons Speaker Lindsay Hoyle hosted the meeting and US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was one of the guests. They were all treated to traditional Lancashire fayre including Lancashire hotpot, Goosnargh duck, butter pies and Chorley cakes. Add in Morecambe Bay potted shrimps, Bury black pudding, Lancashire cheese, Eccles cakes, pig's trotters and dressed tripe you have the makings of a great menu.
  7. ... With a vaccine developed in Germany. I know of many non-American expats who are eternally grateful to USA because so many Americans on various threads have repeatedly told us it should be so.
  8. Should have played last night. They only had the ressies out v West Ham, as did they.
  9. It was estimated that 100,000 attended over the 2 nights last year. Bars were open and beer could be drunk on the beach. All sorts of businesses were given a boost, albeit short-lived.
  10. Looks yummy. I like tart apples in crumbles and pies. Is there anything in Thailand equivalent or similar to a Bramley apple?
  11. It seems they under-estimated parking capacity so are putting that right. It is nearing completion and is not a pretty structure but still looks better than what was there before T21 was ever built.
  12. There is an existing multi-storey car park, accessible from Soi Potisan. The new car park is extra.
  13. This initiative is borne out of a lack of funding and professional expertise for the Eastern Economic Corridor. I came here to retire, not to work, plus I don't even have the skill sets required anyway. If anyone wants to invest money in the EEC I am sure there will be many avenues avaialable but I am not interested enough and don't feel I am missing out in any way. So what is there for me to get het up about? Nothing.
  14. Seven and a half years after the coup. Better late than never except for those fed to crocs or pumped full of concrete.
  15. Saw a fully grown monkey on Soi 3 off Beach Road the other day. Goodness knows where he came from; maybe staying in the A-One hotel (he bounded our of their car park and made off for 2nd Road). The soi dogs were barking furiously but none went in pursuit of the trespasser.
  16. I have just taken a photo of the paper certificate I was given. When I travel by plane the hard copy will be with my passport. No Thai Govt apps for me, thank you very much.
  17. My better half came along to wait for me and take me home after. She loves me so much. ????
  18. Hot tip for those getting vaxxed at Central. After you get your cert walk straight ahead to the Hokkaido Cheesecake shop for a cake and a coffee. I had the American Brownie; a chocolatey and gooey delight. Nice way to celebrate your vaxxing experience.
  19. Maybe there is a database they check for eligibility at stage 2 of the process, though I doubt it. When I had my 1st jab the chap on front of me had no appointment, he just chanced it on the day. He was taken to an empty desk to do some extra paperwork and ended up getting his jab 30 minutes after I had mine.
  20. I don't know if 30,000 people a day catch a cold or flu in the UK and most are not vaxxed against either. Complications can develop in the elderly and/or very sick so a number of daily deaths will result, be it pneumonia or whatever. We will all have to treat Covid the same way. Annual vaccine boosts will be possible once supply meets demand.
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