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Everything posted by arithai12

  1. I have used my BKB app for cardless withdrawal from a KTB ATM.
  2. I lost 2 bank cards in ATMs, for my stupidity (forgot to withdraw them, I wish BKB ATM had a sound alarm or something to remind you to take the card back). The second time I realized it within a few seconds, ran to the branch which was 100m away in the shopping mall to open the ATM and give it to me, the answer was the classical "cannot". Since then, I am happily converted to the cardless withdrawal. I save the yearly card fee, and have peace of mind with one card less to carry around. You could say it's a complication to need a smartphone and access wifi, compared to inserting a plastic card. But in fact, I use the BKB banking app for many other things, in primis to pay with Prompt Pay which beats both credit card and cash (IMO). It also gives you an immediate feedback after each payment and withdrawal, so you know what'g going on. So the cardless withdrawal is no extra complication. Note I am not a big fan of smart phones, and I try to use it as little as possible.
  3. At face value you are right and I don't think it's mentioned in the Danish news. But he is Thai, finished first among his countrymen with a very respectable performance, probably the best ever in this country, so it deserves a mention in Thai news. Also consider that sport at the highest levels implies not just talent, but also training opportunities, sponsorships, experienced coaches, in this case also suitable weather. All things which can vary dramatically from a rich western country to other parts of the world, so one should use some perspective. As an example, recently the Thai women volleyball team ended 8th (last of the final round) in the world league, one could say it was a so-so result but in fact it was a great achievement and point of pride for this country.
  4. Kudos to all! Impressive performance. 56 minutes and 16 seconds maybe...
  5. As usual on such occasions, lip service from both sides. As for covid-19 response, I think Thailand started with the wrong foot (Sinovac) and a delay of several months compared to Western countries, including a blunder with the AZ distribution. After that however it did do a good job, and kudos for that. Even as a humble long term guest in this country, I got 4 doses of "good" ones, all for free, without hassle, at convenient times and places, and the paper/electronic documentation to go with it. Appreciated.
  6. So, which of the two, mechanics or gambits? I don't see anything wrong with the IO behaviour. You had about 30 entries in 7-8 years, that IS a lot and she was right. Do get a visa, or be prepared for some obvious questions, including whether you have a relationship in Thailand.
  7. Not a scam, you will feel good from having helped a young worthy person in need. Priceless. Scam, you will have lost a couple of big notes. Easy decision for me, just sent my part.
  8. Good luck with your extensions, but I am not so sure that you are helping the recovery of the tourism industry. You have been here what... 1 year? 2 years? And all this time you stayed in hotels, took tours every day, visited temple after temple, park after park, ate in restaurants every lunch and dinner, changed location every few days travelling by planes and trains, accumulated whole piles of souvenirs and presents to take home? I believe that the average tourist budget is 5000 B/ day / person. That's over 4000USD / month.
  9. Actually Thailand spends on military equipment, as a fraction of GDP, less than most western countries in particular less than USA, UK, Aus, NZ... here is a list. And they do spend on infrastructure, roads are maintained much better here in CM than in many large European cities. The article is about a dirt road used as a short cut in some countryside area. Dirt roads will always have potholes especially in heavy weather. If four fatalities occurred perhaps it had also something to do with how they drive?
  10. We can play this game until the end of the universe. My point is that you have ignored the nightmare that ensues if you are caught out (see link by @skatewash above), not to mention the continuation of corruption in the system. I could also question your assumption that stocks give you a fixed 10% return tax-free and worry-free, or that you ignore that also Thai banks give an interest -small I admit- but that would also be playing a game in which I have no interest. I think every person should be presented with all the facts and make their choice. Calling people's decisions ridiculous when you know nothing about them is, well, ridiculous. Have a nice day.
  11. The situation was similar in CM, Grab drivers took a risk of being beaten up if operating all the way inside the terminal. Now it's better, but already there are legal challenges. About Phuket, you can call it mafia, I won't argue, but it is also true that fully licenced taxi drivers have a lot of extra expenses than a Grab or whatever App driver. They have to maintain their vehicles to some standards of class, year, cleanliness, road-worthiness, etc. They have to pay for the right to operate in the airport. And their return trip is often empty. An App driver is using his personal car, and can be booked both ways. Even so, you can find the official price at the first booths when you leave the arrival area (eg 1000 for Rawai), and some cheaper price at some booth at the exit of the terminal (eg 800 for Rawai). In this case the car is usually inferior, it might stink of smoke, and so on. Frankly, 1000B for 1-1.5 h drive to Rawai is reasonable to me. Sometimes I pay that. And sometimes I pay 100B for a 2.5h Smart Bus (plus some wait for departure).
  12. You need a column in that excel with "risk of being busted", accruing each year.
  13. It is possible, in fact quite common, to have a fixed account of 800k where you never touch the money (well you can transfer away the accrued interest if you want), and in parallel a normal checking account. The "living expenses" would be on the latter. Sometimes the IO asks to see that also, not always. The other configuration is to have a single checking account, where you have to show with a yearly statement that you respected the rules (800k for some months, at least 400k in the rest, speaking for retirement). This is what you have probably chosen, to each their own.
  14. All bank recommendations do not mean much, if one does not specify the branch. The same bank can have friendly staff at one location and not so much at another. As for those recommending to "keep the 800k and pay a reliable agent", know that you would be taking risks. Wasn't there a big bust of exactly such a business recently in Phuket?
  15. I'll stick my neck out and suggest that Michael Bridge now publishes as OPINION.
  16. Sorry, but 93% is a percentage that is simply not realistic. Not even Mugabe or the current dictators in Myanmar. This poll is not credible. Does the majority want him out? Quite possibly. Is this reason for rejoice? Well, be careful what you ask for. The next one could be worse.
  17. Also BKB in CM, the now extinct Kad Suan Kaeo Branch. Every year I would go in, ask "Letter for Immigration please", present orange (fixed deposit) passbook and passport, pay 100 B, and off with the letter within a few minutes. I hope it will be the same at the new Chang Pueak branch.
  18. SunnyJ, welcome. There is an extensive thread about permanent residency on this forum. Perhaps even too extensive, but by browsing the latest posts you could find useful info. My personal take is that there are too many hurdles to pass, and that a retirement visa based on your own finances is an easier options if possible. There are of course some benefits in the PR, but not worthy the hassle IMO.
  19. both ok, print out is generally faster, better with QR code It is checked on arrival in Thailand. Regarding Airline, policy at check-in may vary. I flew in from Europe, it was checked, I flew in from Singapore, they didn't want to see it. In principle yes. In practice, many still wear masks. In some environments it is still mandated (some public transportation, hospitals, airports...)
  20. I beg to differ. First, because the bulk of Chinese tourists were in group tours organized by Chinese companies, with all flights by Chinese carriers and accomodation, food, sightseeing payed in advance and the money never leaving China. Second, because in general "as many as possible" is a recipe for suicide. For a given infrastructure level and balancing with the impact on natural resources, every country should have a maximum number above which tourism starts to choke on itself. In Thailand, the 40M numbers pre-covid were madness. I do agree that Thailand needs Chinese tourists, especially independent travellers, I just hope with some moderation and long-term view.
  21. The increase in price of commodities brought about by the (utterly stupid IMO) sanctions against Russia, mainly. And referring to other posts from you where you show that the cost of oil has decreased recently, it doesn't work like that. In a global economy, all things are linked (a simple concept that sanctions advocates do not quite grasp), and costs are not driven only by the instantaneous price of a commodity but also by long-term procurement contracts, uncertainty, volatility. The cost of daily food in the mouth of the average citizen and the cost of heating their home does not correlate 1:1 with the price of oil on the same day.
  22. Then again, Malaysians are treated very differently from Thais when traveling to Western countries. Reciprocity. Consider what Thais have to go through to visit other countries for which Thailand offers visa exempt.
  23. Basically the doctor, a mere lecturer, regurgitated what is written in an international journal of Psychiatry by other researchers, on his FB page. Voila, clicks and glory. The article mentions "neurological issues" without specifying anything. The conclusion is "wear a mask", genial. Now waiting for the next prominent doctor to take the stage.
  24. Accept that people able to vacation 90d at a time are a very small minority, and you always have the option of spending a very short time in a neighbouring country and re-enter. The goons know quite well what they are doing I believe. They are extending 15d visa on arrival to 30d for the Indians, who are by far the largest group of real tourists (Malaysian weekenders notwithstanding).
  25. FRankly, what does it matter how many are infected? What matters is the serious cases and fatalities, this is written in the article and it seems to me little reason to live in fear. Mostly are elderly, non-vaccinated, with previous conditions. Those who fall in these categories should be extra careful, the rest can carry on with their lives.
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