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Everything posted by arithai12

  1. I tried the Central office today for re-entry. I had my form/copies all in order already, I was in and out in 2 minutes, great service and all smiles. A few days ago I had tried at Airport main office, the girl at the re-entry counter was doing nothing but I had to get a queue number first, that took 30 minutes, a stressed officer gave me one for the afternoon which would have meant sitting there for one hour looking at the wall, I said no thanks.
  2. OP didn't say if he has a valid re-entry permit. If he doesn't have RE, then his extension is automatically void and he will be granted the 30d visa exempt which is what he needs - to be extended by 30d. If he does have it, he needs to ask the IO to ignore it. Best cover the RE with a post-it sticker to make sure that the IO gets the point. I think he will succeed.
  3. Same branch, 5 minutes or less, and 100B, year after year. Perhaps our differing experiences are in what we request? I have a fixed deposit account with 800k + accrued interests, orange passbook, separate from the checking account (blue passbook). There are never any transactions on that account. All I do is ask for "letter for immigration", they know. Immigration is happy, I am happy. ps: as you know you will now have to use the Chang Pueak / Thanin branch as KSK closed down.
  4. Perhaps, or perhaps the UN has so many commissions and committees that, trying to keep a balance among member states, it is statistically inevitable that one vice-chair position is assigned to Thailand. Anyway, wishing the best in her job to the lady.
  5. You state that you need one week... amazing, but perhaps you want to share what city and branch? I have since years a BKB 800k fixed deposit for retirement extensions, it takes no longer than 5 minutes to get the letter duly stamped, Immigration always happy with it. Chiang Mai.
  6. I am afraid you could be right. According to a recent survey
  7. I agree about Siam TV ???? In addition to the many official shops in every mall, there are clusters of small stands dealing with mobiles (selling new and used ones, as well as repairs). Especially if you want to feel and try an older model, they could be the right place. e.g. in Central Festival, Airport Plaza, not so much Maya. Also Icon Plaza worth a look.
  8. I have to disagree, by experience, with those who think that our accounts are somewhere in a kind of Bangkok Bank cloud. They are accessible indeed from any branch for most operations, but the actual paper records (eg photocopies of passport, residence certificates, and so on) are physically in one location - in the specific case if they were at KSK branch, they are now at the branch discussed in this thread and already mentioned in previous threads. E.g., for those of us on retirement extension with 800k deposit, we need a letter from the bank before going to immigration at each renewal. My 800k fixed deposit was at KSK, they issued the orange passbook and the yearly letter. I went to the new location, they said they will issue said letter next time.
  9. As others have posted, yearly extension and 90d report are not linked. If they happen to be within the same 30d/15d window, Immigration can well do both on the same day. Also note that the 90d is valid for 90 days from the day it is approved. The extension starts from the day the current one expires, regardless of which day it is approved. If you can do online 90d, I believe they remind you anyway for the next one.
  10. What you describe is extremely tedious, if you have been doing for years I don't envy you. But more importantly, it is also NOT going to be straightforward in some supermarkets, where the price on the label on the shelf is the official one, but then there are promotions such as 3x2 and membership discounts and you cannot really know until check-out. Or viceversa, the label price includes membership discount and if you don't have it you pay the higher small print price. The mistake the OP was so enormous that it was obvious without any detailed personal notes. I am a bit surprised though that the check-out girl did not apologize (or whoever went to check the real price), but I have noticed that customer attitude might depend on the city. Places like Bangkok and Phuket are bad in that sense.
  11. So if we catch Covid, AND are unvaccinated AND have previous conditions AND don't seek treatment in time, we might end up with serious problems on a ventilator, and the statistics are about 20 fatalities per day. Interestingly, they never tell us vaccination and pre-conditions. So what should we do more than get vaccinated and take precautions, like almost all of us already do? Stay home glued to the fear-mongering bulletin that tells us how bad Covid is? FATIGUE is the right word. By the same token, I expect you never venture on a public road since the fatalities there are of order 60/day, and there's no vaccine for that.
  12. As in my previous post, your concept of "immigrant" seems very confused. If a person has the local passport, than he/she is not an immigrant, especially if he/she was born here. You confuse being an immigrant with having foreign ancestors. About your mention of Western immigrants from the last 50 years, how are they living in Thailand? I have been here many years, my visa and extensions are non-Imm meaning that I am not an immigrant, just a long-term guest. People who really want to have the option to become permanent residents and citizens, in this latter case they obtain a Thai passport and can buy land of course. Anyone who has been here for 50 years and is not a citizen, it's their choice. My last reply to you.
  13. Thaksin is not an immigrant. By your same token, the majority of current USA, Australian, Canadian, S. Americans, and and and, should be considered not citizens but immigrants. If you want to imply that he is loyal to the land of his ancestors, then I remind you that the law to block foreigners from owning land is there also for the Chinese (perhaps, especially for them).
  14. I don't know if 40M will be a reality again, but they never were people with 60d or METV. The majority of the 40M were Malaysians on short weekend hops in the South, and Chinese on group tours which got their visas sorted out by agenices in China or on arrival. Frankly, the list of 11 "documents" seems easy peasy, considering that some are just copies of pages in your passport or flight bookings. When you consider that you actually do not need to travel to a consulate in person, I'd say it's not a big hassle at all.
  15. I am sure that every time you enter Thailand you have the full Act (in Thai language) under your arm and when you stand in front of an Immigration Officer you show them the relevant sections, tell them in their face that they have no authority, and you demand the presence of the Minister.
  16. Your opinion. Personally, I totally dislike silicon and I don't believe for one second that you can succeed in competitive body building with "hard work and right food" only. As for being an air hostess, if they mean a flight attendant I have never seen one below 155cm. She wouldn't even reach the overhead luggage bins. I also do not quite understand how she could be 2nd overall, but 4th in her age category, defies logic.
  17. Amazing the number of people commenting here, who think that porn is seeing a woman in underwear or naked.
  18. Hope the folks in England can survive one afternoon at 40C, I see highs predicted to drop by more than 10C from tomorrow.
  19. You are right, the persons that found the body should be blamed for not checking his age first with a quick visit to his home and looking at his passport, then consult you on the correct adjective to use, then finally inform the police.
  20. Agree about obesity - it's punches you in the eye the moment you set foot in the USA. About "many Europeans... for surgery" I don't know, do you have numbers to prove it? Because I have the impression that on average other countries are equally good or, dollar for dollar, better; e.g. Thailand. One thing about getting the best in the US, is that you pay through your nose. Now, if you have that kind of money, I assure you that you don't need to wait over a year in the public health system in Europe.
  21. Sorry if I have no idea of who CY is, and why we should listen to his opinion in matters of Covid. So I looked him up, found that he is a journalist not a virologist, and that his "opinion piece" is a sorry attempt to get some attention by mixing apples and oranges. Sad that you fall for that. As for the OP, if you mean the Nikkei journalist, she has said absolutely nothing except repeating the rather obvious notion that there is a very large number of unreported infections that do not need to be treated.
  22. Far from me to enter the debate about masks, I do what I think is right for me and I am happy with whatever others choose to do. But to imagine that companies that manufacture masks would/would not fund research to influence sales, I find that hard to believe. I buy masks for a pittance, when you deduct costs of packaging and shipping and retail commission I doubt that even by selling a few millions masks a company makes enough money to fund researchers... maybe they pay them with masks?
  23. "Create"... what does it mean? Microsoft did not become what it is today (btw, its CEO is an indian-born person) in one day, by one individual. Hats off to Bill Gates, who certainly never shied away from employing the best regardless of nationality. Google was co-founded by Sergey Brin, again a russian-born person. If I had enough patience to look up the others, I am sure I would find foreign-born individuals in key posisitons. In my experience of a few years working at a major science institution in the US, I would say that a lot of the work in research and development was carried out by foreigners, often from India and China and Russia as well as from Europe. Kudos to the USA for an excellent policy of attracting such people with proper work visas and good salaries, unlike some countries in the EU where science is still considerd a low priority. Some of them would stay on and become american citizens, good for them and good for USA. To think that Microsoft, e.g., is the product of "american innovation" only is ridiculous. As for being loyal to the home country, it is natural at least in the first generation to feel close ties of language, culture, food. The same happens on this forum, where Brits and Americans and everybody else are constantly bitching about their host country Thailand. A lot of native english speakers, primarily US and UK, earn their bread in China as language teachers, do you think they love China more than home?
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