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Posts posted by marcusd

  1. Good for the military

    IMO opinion they were pretty prepared for the meet5ings being a waste of time and they seemed to have things pretty well planned and organized for the coup. Seems pretty smooth so far.

    the meetings have gone no,where for months so why would they improve now?.

    The General has been warning everyone for many months now and all ignored him

    Marcusd. Via tapatalk

  2. This is sad, so many Thai's make there livings after 10:00. Bartenders, Bands, Food service, Tuk-Tuk drivers and a lot more. No TV or internet, no groups of 5 or more outside, what are they suppose to do? Soon those people will not be buying things from people that work in the daytime, all we'll be hurt in the end. So Sad!

    it might waken some of the people up that keep jacking up,prices too.

    Marcusd. Via tapatalk

  3. How many coups?!

    Early nights in Thailand?!

    No World Cup?!

    Or Is the bar owner now going to have to pay the army to open until late!

    Coups will always happen in Thailand for the obvious reasons but totally agree with governments warning people, as they are responsible..

    Now would be a good time to address human rights, because do humans actually have any in Thailand, really?

    Apart from the generals...?

    If anyone thinks bombs and fighting is in the capital, just go to the Deep South and see blood spilt daily, but this is ok?

    No protesters there?

    Caused by accepting Malaysian land after world war 2?

    Did Thaksin really cause all 12 coups? Did Sudtep?

    Anyway all foreigners need to voice opinions, their perspective especially when living in a controlled environment, but voicing it in public is not recommended!

    So tourists you have been warned!

    only Muslims in the south so,ho REALLY CARES????? and as for the warnings to,tourists... You too are warned

    Marcusd. Via tapatalk

  4. Farang Toorist Chklist for the duration of coup (or what to do while couped up like a chicken)

    1. Girl friendly hotel or guest house

    2. Stock up on various brands of alcohol and mixers

    3. Stock up on snacks

    4. Stock up on noodles, pizza, and entrees from Raan Ahaan before curfew

    5. Between 6 to 9 pm scout for your LT girlfriend for the evening.

    6. Being duly stock up on all provisions, enjoy a nice evening of eating, watching movies, drinking, texting each other, and making whoopie

    Rinse and repeat until money is gone or curfew is over.

    ooo. I am screwed. Girl friendly hotels rule me out...lol

    Marcusd. Via tapatalk

    • Like 1
  5. They will all mouth similar platitudes - but as long as business interests are safe and there's not mass bloodshed it will be business as usual. The international community is much more worried about Ukraine and the international ramifications than meddlesome domestics of Thailand. Baht seems solid as a rock at the moment as far as Sterling is concerned.

    " it will be business as usual "


    I have no idea how you could possibly reach that conclusion without knowing exactly how the millions who voted for the previous government are going to react to all this?blink.png

    they DO NOT GIVE A DAMN. No money for votes no care. Only you are.

    They are sick of all the corruption and hurt yingluck and her despotic nepotism created

    Marcusd. Via tapatalk

    • Like 1
  6. Ted Danson 65

    Terry Bradshaw 65

    Jose Carreras 67

    Steve Martin 68

    Charlie Rose 71

    Martin Sheen 73

    Morgan Freeman 76

    None of these float anyone's boat? wink.png

    Martin Sheen - looks great but too left wing for me 8/10

    You're supposed to shagging them not discussing politics laugh.png

    OMG! No amount of money would get me under their sheets

    Marcusd. Via tapatalk

  7. All my posts in this thread are based on the assumption that I'm unattached. If the BF of 21 years heard that I'm fancying other blokes he wouldn't be happy w00t.gif

    rascal... Lol I have 2 boyfriends. One only 26 and one 52. We are a happy 3some now 3 years living together.

    Always room for one more. But all of us prefer 30,s.

    Marcusd. Via tapatalk

  8. There is a lot more to come. A LOT MORE. No one knows why this General who has shown restraint thus far and had the country already under his control with the Military Martial Law needed to do this. Why now capture all ministers and politicians? I have been doing a little research and the last coup did not have a full lock down of the country. It did not cut TV stations. Movement was not restricted.There is more to come folks... watch this space!

    • Like 1
  9. Please enlighten me but I have a friend here who was here during the last coup. He says


    NEWS and media was still running

    TV Stations were not closed.

    Is his wrong?

    Or is this to prepare for some more serious news? To aviod panic and mayhem or is it because the army had news of some bad things about to happen?

    The general has been very patient and moderate and this seems totally out of place for what he has been trying to achieve for so many months showing leadership and guidance which has been ignored until now.

    this is not a coup, yet, martial law is for civil order, the government has not changed, stay calm

    HELLO... This is all about the coup. I run a business and and only asking. I am no afraid nor worried but if Internet goes down I will need to take measures business wise. Life goes on....

  10. There is more to this than meets the eye. Prayuth wants talks for months all of a sudden he suspends talks when he is due to retire to have a BIGGER mess?

    I smell something else bigger here

    One last heist?

    When one of the 90'a coup maker generals died he left 4 billion behind it only came out because their was a family fight over the estate!

    All saved up from his salary of course!

    Sorry you missed my innuendo... my hidden points.....

  11. A quote from "game of thrones"

    In time of war, majority ot the areas in any country seem peaceful...

    Stop the drama on TV lol....

    Bangkok is curfew to avoid any bombs or gunners... This aint bad news...

    Might save some children....

    Why is the curdfew NATIONWIDE as I have seen it first hand in Chiang Mai ... Not seen before.

  12. A quote from "game of thrones"

    In time of war, majority ot the areas in any country seem peaceful...

    Stop the drama on TV lol....

    Bangkok is curfew to avoid any bombs or gunners... This aint bad news...

    Might save some children....

    Why is the curdfew NATIONWIDE as I have seen it first hand in Chiang Mai ... Not seen before.

  13. Please enlighten me but I have a friend here who was here during the last coup. He says


    NEWS and media was still running

    TV Stations were not closed.

    Is his wrong?

    Or is this to prepare for some more serious news? To aviod panic and mayhem or is it because the army had news of some bad things about to happen?

    The general has been very patient and moderate and this seems totally out of place for what he has been trying to achieve for so many months showing leadership and guidance which has been ignored until now.

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